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9 preparing for two events

After a wonderful trip to Maine, the Nevadas are back at home. in their house packing for San Diego, Reno and Kari are upstairs. " how many breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to take. He rubs her stomach, " we been there for the whole event, so total week, I going to have to bring out the hot bag, said. Reno, they kissed each other, Vincent brings his mother his traveling bag for the events, " someone going to have done a store run, this is all your wrestling gear son. Asked, Kari, " you going to start the meal? she looked at him, " of course dear, when you are going to get us a room reserve, boys make sure all of your clothes are in the laundry room to be wash and your room clean, " yeah which ones I should take, Asked. Vincent. she started on the meal, " the one with the vest son, that has the letter N on the side, take the rest back and bring me your case and clothes, she hand him the meals she plane, " I going to the store and when I get back I make both calls, boys take care of your mother until I get back. Said, Reno. He walked downstairs and left. Meanwhile, at the studio, the man that shuffled her, find the number and called, " (Nevada fitness studio world of the fit, how many I help you?) Asked, Adam. " (I would like to talk to who is in charge, ) he said. " (she is off today, I am one of her Mod, how may I help you.) they arrived at the gates, " no way this is their house, Uncle Jeremiah? Asked. Tom, " yeah, he had it be for them actually for her as a wedding present, listen, Tom, Viktor, and the boys are severely sensitive about her, so do not look at her and lucky way, save those only for your wife, yes the boys are good looking but they will know when they ready to date and leave the nest, you are married, Nikki stayed in your place, they are your cousins. he told them both, he got out of the car and ring the buzzer, " hey grandpa, come on in. He opens the gates for him, and they drive in the gates as they closed behind him, " Vincent your bags are down take them down put them at the door, so your father can load up the car when he gets back to the store. Vinny, you are next, Vito are your clothes downstairs? They got out of the car and knock on the door. Vincent sat his bags at the door and open it, " what you think mom? She looks at him. " well son you don't have to try to be sexy because you are, and you are a powerhouse, the red with the matching vest, and bring me your bag and clothes, And take your clothes downstairs." Mom, I got our clothes, relax and thank you. He kissed her on the head, and walked out of the room. " is mom and dad here, asked. Jeremiah, "dad is at the store. And mom is upstairs, said. Vincent, is he okay? Asked. Nikki, " yeah, you three can go up but you have to wait until dad gets back to the store, mom grandma and grandpa and company is here, you want them to come up or you want us to bring you to your chair? Asked. Vincent. " what do you want me to do? " they can come up, the company is a man he has to wait until your father comes, could you clean the living room for me. Asked, Kari, " anything for you mom all you have to do you have grown, any day now, said. Savannah, she cover-up, " yeah. we are getting closer to the day, we going to leave tonight for San Diego, instead of on Sunday. Vito comes and gets your bags to take them down, and tells Reno to bring his next, he walked into the room. " the bathroom and my room is clean mom. Thank you, he grabs his bags walk and out. " so we leaving tonight? Asked, Nikki. She calls a call coming in on the phone. Reno walked into the room, do not want to keep her in the car too long, we leave tonight. He can check her out and we can get ready for the arrival of Victorious, what you want for dinner. He brings her his bag and gear, picks something for me, babe, no offense but she is in her birthday suit, and no man sizes dad or our sons is allowed in our room, the same for me too. Said, Reno. "(Bosswomen how are you and the baby?) Asked. Adam, " ( good, what's wrong Adam?) that right, the green one with the matching vest, she starts to fold his clothes and his bag. He calls the hotel in San Diego, "(hey I like to reserve four rooms for a couple of days,)-(" you know that man that put you in the hospital in Maine?) Asked. Adam pulls out what she is wearing tonight. He shows her. " that right you have not met my wife and sons yet. Babe what's wrong? " she met the boys. Said, Savannah. " Nikki this is your cousin-in-law, Kari, Kari this is Nikki. They shake hands, " nice to meet you, somehow the guy from the restaurant got the studio number, It is a good business scent to add cross-training, said. Kari, " no, he shuffles my wife and baby hard against the table and didn't apologize to you. " because you rush us to the hospital, (heard him out Adam.) "(Turn him down Adam, ) since when do we turn down clients? When you are going to get the meals and shakes ready?" Madison, this is your husband talking. Did you hear me? After I get you dressed, I'm afraid to ask you all to go down." Viktor this is your wife talking, we do not turn him down, this is what they like to see us do go cross the world taking on clients. Vito hit the shower son, said. Kari, " why I always have to be the one that goes first. Asked, Vito. " because you are the youngest boy. How is your back? Answered. Kari, " better thanks mom for your help. When Vic gets here that is going to change right? Asked. Vito, " no, you both going to be the babies in the family, they went downstairs so he can help her to get dressed. " that is not fair, he walked into the bathroom. " you ready to go downstairs my wife, said. Reno, after they got their meals to pack up and everything into the car, and everyone is dressed and at the house, " we leave tonight hit the intersection before getting busy, we stop at our first gas stop to fuel up and eat dinner, and so she can stretch and go to the bathroom, then back on the road around 5:30 getting of the turning pipe heading to San Diego, on the way there we stop at a rest area to go to the bathroom and have breakfast, by 6:22 am we are in San Diego at the hotel, any questions before we leave? no one says anything, so they walked out of the house. He helps her in the car and puts the seat belt losing on her, and he went to locked the door, they left out of Cottonwood, he cut the walkie on, " (this baby walkie, and plan N, we are right on schedule.) Said, Reno. " ( that goods, how is Kari?) Asked. Suzanne. "(she is fast asleep, and a gas station is coming up in a few minutes,) Vin get the bag for me. Said, Reno. Vincent got the bag, and they pulled up at the gas station, Kari moans a little, " babe you ready for dinner? " we at the station? Answered, Kari. " yeah, he unbuckled her, and they got out of the cars. "for dinner since she has to eat healthily so do We, so he hand out the plates to every. And they start to eat. Except for Tom, " this is a really good babe. I thought you well, said. Kari, they kissed each other, " yes you did Mrs. Nevada. " yeah, dad this really good. Said, Vincent, so after a while they finished eating dinner and fueling up the cars, " bathroom runs before we go, let's go. Said, Reno. They walked into the store to used the bathroom, " Easy babe. " you do know this is the women's bathroom, " and? I not going to let you go in alone. They walked inside of the bathroom, so she can go. she used the toilet, " babe are you okay? Nikki and Suzanna walked in, " yeah don't you have to go? Asked. Kari, " I will you once I get you safely back into the car. she finished using the toilet he walked in and help pulled up her underwear, and they walked out of the store, he helped her back into the car, " we are back dad, said. Vinny, " great I have to go, stay with your mother, I will be back. he went to the bathroom as they walked out of the store, " Tom come on, said. Nikki, " I got a pizza you want a slice, " no, we had dinner which you should eat instead of toss away. Said, Nikki. " I didn't throw away I ate it, I'm still hungry. why should we have to eat like just because she can, said? Tom, " the whole family is, it is time to be fit not fat. size it wouldn't be fair to her if we eat what we want and she can't, we are on the time clock, you don't have time get anything. "(Kari,)-("yes.) Answered, Kari. " (please tell me Viktor is not a headache like Tom is,) said. Nikki, " (sometimes when I want him to do something around the house, what's wrong?) Asked. Kari, Reno walked out of the store, " Team N let's hit the road, does everyone got gas in their cars? " how do you get him to do what you asked?) They got in the car, Tom walked out with a bag of food, and they got on the road. "( it is not easy, I have to get there attention,) I thinking of doing across training fitness, that guy in Maine is going to be the first client, " no, I told you Madison we are not helping him, he put you in the hospital. Said, Reno. " anyone in Maine mom but him, I am not training him. Said, Vincent, " how this fitness work anyway mom? Asked. Vinny, "I am with dad, he doesn't need to train he needs his tail kicked. Said, Vito. In the rare are Tom and Nikki,It is morning, they made in San Diego turn pipe. They pulled into the rest area to rest and stretch their legs." We are here, I need food and to rest, we talk about in the hotel Kari, you okay? Asked. Reno, "you know they probably have breakfast for everyone, this is going to hurt him, you need to stop being a jack *ss and only thinking about you, Viktor is a better husband than you because he put his family first and himself second, go on eating what you brought, but I going to eat what he fix for us. She got out of the car, he helped her out of the car. "


ask, said. Vincent, " she doesn't even have to do that. said, Vinny, they walked up the steps in the room. Reno, s back from the store, with everything, he walked through the door. " vincent, Vinny and Vito could you help me bring the bags in boys. who the h*ll are you. Asked, Reno. " I am your cousin-in-law Tom I am Nikki's husband, " don't worry dad I told him to stay down here until you got back, they walked out to get the rest of the bags from the car. " now is okay to go up and say hi? Asked. Tom, " no my wife doesn't know you, she is not dressed. keep your tail down here, they closed the door behind them and walked into the kitchen, upstairs in their bedroom. " you have grown, any day now, said. Savannah, she cover-up, " yeah. we are getting closer to the day, we going to leave tonight for San Diego, instead of on Sunday. Vito comes and gets your bags to take them down, and tells Reno to bring his next, he walked in the room. "