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10 Rest area in San Diego

So they finally made it to San Diego, and they pulled up to the rest area, to stretch out and eat breakfast and drink a smooth, Kari is still asleep in the front seat, " babe, baby wake up. Time for brings, what you want first the smooth or the plate? Asked. Reno, " we at the hotel? " can we have both dads? no mom at the rest area said. Vincent, she put the seat up and yawn. " sure son, help me to help your mother out of the car, they help her out of the car, " easy you okay? " yes, just tired. which hotel we are at? Asked. Kari, " the San Diego villa, these are blueberry and bananas smoothes, they hold you longer, and for breakfast egg whites and turkey bacon, those that think this is stupid, it is my wife fitness plan meal and this family health plan, all three of my sons survive and depends on it, because of healthy planing look how muscular and fit they are, just like me and their mother, and son number four is going to be the same way, he passes out the cups and plates, " put that way now Tom, Nikki told him and did what he wants, " see you got what you want, guess you don't need my food then, and stayed away from my family why you are here, they eat and drink their breakfast, Kari run her hands through her hair. " was that nice Viktor he is not hurting me if he wants to eat what he wants, can we go over the cross-training, now, in fact, I want them on the phone to, said. Kari, " I know there was a reason why I didn't like him, he kissed her and continued to say, " at the hotel babe, like your breakfast?" yes, baby that was delicious, what reason is that Reno, isn't t, he, our in-law? Asked, Kari. " He is a dog, I bet he already had an affair on, if you don't have a match stay with your mother, do not let him in our room boys, no, Kari not this time. Baby the ramp is going to be too much for you, and you are the only woman who will walk us down the ramp, " take one of the boys with you please you shouldn't walk down by yourself. Vincent go with your father tonight, said. Kari, " she is the wife? Asked. Tom, " yes and the mother to his sons, excuse me. She walked up to them, she looked at her. " I got your back dad, said. Vincent, Kari drinks some of her smooth, " how you doing Kari? Asked. Nikki, " good, and tired, mm that was a delicious babe. Said, Kari. " yeah Viktor how you came up with this? Asked. Nikki, " why not be good to have a health plan to help the those that having a hard time working out, so I came up with a way to help them out, by sending them to talk with our nutrients to get them on the health plan, to get them to eat right and drink right, answered. Kati, Tom walked up to them, " time to get on the road. Have you done babe? Asked. Reno, she finished up the last of her smooth and hand him the cup. They helped her into the car, he put her back a little and fasten her in. " boys get it, you okay Kari? Team N let's roll. They got into the cars, " maybe I can watch the match tonight in the Arena, " what if he comes while you are there Kari. I rather you be with the doctor in case, it is the magic hour, I promise you, my queen, you be in your boy's arms in no time. He got in the car, and they left, heading down to the hotel. The doctor called them, "( where you at? and how is she?) asked. doctor Bob, " ( we on the way to the hotel and she is doing good doc,) said. Reno, " I am a married man too, I do not want his wife, so what he so afraid of!? Said, Tom. They pulled up at the hotel, and they got their bags and walked into their rooms in the hotel. and the doctor check on her and the baby, " she is very closed could be now, tonight, or tomorrow. it is very important for Reno that she stay in position and not move, I going to plug her up to a monitor and Gps scanner. Said, Doctor Bob. " She is that close huh? oh wow, oh man. " deep breath Reno, your attack is starting did you got your inhaler with you. Asked, Kari. " he has asthma? Asked. Tom, " no. panic attacks when I am close to giving birth, or when he get excited, said. Kari and Kari run their hands through her hair. " I am Tom, nice to meet you, Reno grabs him take him out of the room. " my wife is getting closed to having our fourth son, she can't be around drama, chaos, stress, or dogs that are not satisfied at home, you not going to be around my wife, you not going to meet my wife. Is that understood, is that clear. Said, Reno. He plugged her up. " you are all set, I and my nurse are here for you Kari, said. Doctor Bob, " I do not want your wife I have one of my own, and I am not a dog man, you have no reason not to like me, is this about what happened at the rest area? I was still hungry man, okay no one can survive that way no one, said. Tom, " you may have a wife but you don't love her, in fact, you wait until she went to do your dirt, me I love my wife, I am crazy about my wife, she is my world, my best friend, and my better half, she is this family good luck charm trainer, and backbone, we eat this way and have survived off it, this is team N something you never understand or be apart of, why are you here? stay the f*ck out my room, and away from my wife, go your own way. He walks back into his room, " Hey, you okay? Asked. Reno, " yeah I am good. they kissed each other, " you very much getting closed, today or tonight, thank you for carrying our sons. " the pleasure is all mines Mr. Nevada, what time is your match? " tonight, don't worry like the first three. Vincent will company me, Vinny and Vito will be with you, he will tape American Bash, and I will tape them in the ring, can she like move around? Asked. Reno, " some but not a lot, said. Doctor Bob, " okay, baby shopping boys go with them, and they are remodeling our house, so mom we are having a son, " I know our colors gold and red, with his name on the wall, maybe there is a customing studio shop that I can get the boys new vest and our made to, tell me now how do you want your vest, so I can design it. said, Kari. " can we have two pairs mom, Asked. Vincent, " here is the deal you four get rid of your old pair and I get brand new gear made, the same red with black trim on the sides and small V on the front, and an N on the back? Asked. Kari, " as you said, mom we what to looked stylish how about tuxedos shirt red, with black tights? Asked. Vinny, so she designs what they said on the computer, it was getting late and Reno and Vincent are heading to the Rena, in the hotel room Kari is asleep in the bed, Tom knocked on the door and Jeremiah open the door. " no, you can not come in, either go out or go to your room. Jeremiah, meanwhile at the stadium, packs with crowds, pulls up at the stadium, and everyone is in the locker rooms getting ready. the announcer got inside of the ring, " (Ladies, and gentleman boys and girls of all ages, welcome to San Diego American Bash, now for the even a single match. ) Reno's Music played, " (the international champion of the world who only weighs four hundred pounds Reno Nevada company by his son Vincent Nevada,) They walked down the ramp, and the crowd went wild, they hi-fi each fan as they walked down the ramp to the ring, " he is on the cloud now, about to have another son, still has his title, and in a paper, view match up, said. Ryan, and rubs her face and moans a little. he takes off his vest and hands it to his son, " get the hold match for her, said, Reno. " I will dad go get him, when this for mom and us, he hugged his son and got in the ring. his opponent music started to play and walk out, making his way down to the ring. Vincent cut the recorder on, she rubs her face and asked. " what time is it? Asked. Kari, " seven mom. And the match is on, you okay, asked. Vinny, " yeah, can you get me my plate from the bag please Vinny. The doctor is examining her and the baby, all of sudden her water just broken, " it is time, her water broke, we got to get her to the hospital. said, Doctor Bob. they unplugged her and help her up, and carried her out to the ambulance. Vito called his brother and father, at the stadium, Reno power slam him on the mat, the crowd was cheering for him. As Vincent was getting it on tape. He answered the phone, " (it's time!?) said. Vincent, " (yeah, tell we all heading to the hospital now, we see you there,) he got his father attention and point to his watch, Reno shake his head, they arrived at the hospital and they roll her into a room, " is they on the way? Asked. Jeremiah, " yes grandpa. He did his finisher on him and pin him, the referee runged the bell. " The winner is Reno! the crowd chants his name, He rolled out of the ring and they ran out of the stadium, and they head down to the hospital. " he says any day now, tonight or tomorrow. Said, Vincent, " Victorious is right on time as you and your brothers were, they pulled in a parking spot and ran into the hospital. he put on the muck and ran into the delivery room. "Reno won is a match, and now in San Diego, CA, his fourth son Victorious Siren Nevada was just born this night in the hospital in San Diego, CA, USA, Reno walked out in the waiting room with his son in the blank. They walked to him, "