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11 San Diego

at night at this time, Reno's fourth son Victorious Siren Nevada is morn at the hospital in San Diego. he introduced him to the family. " Victorious these are your big brothers Vincent, Vinny, and Vito, Kari did wonderful dad, she is okay. said, Reno. " hey baby bro welcome to the family. said, Vincent. " we got your back bro, you just come to us if you have a problem, said. Vinny, " and we will take care of it, said. Vito, they walked into the delivery room, she looked at them. " he is beautiful Kari, hi grandson number four, you got a lot of shoes to fill, haven't you. Mom is a trainer and dad is a wrestler, said. Henry, " like the other three we support him whatever he wants to do. Reno please no more, I think I can't handle another pounder ripping my body apart. They kissed each other, " thing you need to know about our parents Vic they're horny as crap. Said, Vincent, " Hey, hey, the language around your brother Vincent, said. Reno, " and we not horny, there is a difference son, how was the match? Asked. Kari, " your husband won, my wife. Got here just in time to see and deliver our son into the world, in the morning it is our oldest boy match. Said, Reno. " I want to be at ringside, " Kari sweetheart you just give birth, you need to rest. I will tape it so you can watch it later, and so he knows where he comes from. " really he knows, the last couple of days he did a power slam several times in my stomach, it is not the same Reno, said. Kari, " it will have to do for now Mrs. Nevada. He kissed her, Doctor Bob walked into the room. " Okay, they need to get some rest now, everyone. " See you in the morning, my wife and son said. Reno. " see you later, Vic, we love you, mom. Said, The boys. " I love you to boys, Vincent good luck tomorrow, Vito. Said, Vincent. " I don't need luck when you are my luck. " My back is good as a new mom, you are a miracle worker. Said, Vito, they kissed their mother by, " you made me the luckiness man in the world, Mrs. Nevada, I love you so much. They kissed each other, she strokes his face. And they head out back to the hotel, and the nurse put Victorious in the nursery. They walked into the hotel when Tom walked. " hey where have you been, I been looking for you? " where are you? Tom, you missed the baby being born, she had him last night we all were at the hospital, why are your clothes mess up? Asked. Nikki, " oh, good, I just came back from the hot tub. " my wife just give birth last night to my son, the only you managed to say is oh good, why are you even here? go home, this is a family event, if you are not on Team N you should leave go back where you came from. I have to see how the house doing, they walked in the room, " wait a freaking second, you wouldn't let me in the room, I have a right to meet her much as my wife did, I'm sorry that your way of life sucks, Vincent got in his face. " my mother wasn't decent and when my father wasn't there no one but us is allowed in their room. my mother does not need you to drawl all over her, she is devoted to my father, if your marriage sucks so bad that you have to look for a tail, you should stay single, said. Vincent, " our way of life doesn't suck we eat healthily, we workout and training every day, look at you, fat, probably with health problems that go along with it, this is pure muscles not fat, we are well breeder fit and pro wrestler man, you wouldn't last a day in this world. Said, Vinny. " go home, you are not a Nevada or in Team N but you are nothing but a lone wolf, you never get far, leave my mother alone before I spear your *ss against the wall, Reno pulls his sons in the room and said. " safe it for the ring sons, but yeah leave my wife alone and stayed away from my wife, he closed the door. that hit him hard, " let me talk with Reno, but this what you are doing to our lives you need to stop or just end our marriage, said. Nikki, Reno called them on the phone. " (hey everything will be done when you return Reno,) said. The guy, " ( that is great man, thank you for this. he came last night,) they went into their rooms. And Nikki knocked on the door, Vincent opens the door. He looked at, " I need to talk with Viktor, said. Nikki, " the only ones that are calling him that is grandpa and grandma, and mom, and my little brother was born last night, why you want to take that from him, why wouldn't you want to ruin that for yourself? Asked. Vincent, " leave mom out your marriage problems, she needs to rest. and dad is on cloud nine right now, said. Vinny. " no offense, but it is your marriage and your problem, he closed the door on her, Vincent went to get ready for his match this morning they head down to the stadium, and their family went back to the hospital. " you got the recorder dad? Asked. Vincent, they walked into the hospital," hey mom how are you doing? Asked. Suzanne, " good, didn't you just left from her? Asked. Kari, the music played and Vincent and Reno walked down the ramp. " yes, Vincent had his match this morning mom, so dad went with him him him, hey VIC what are you doing baby Can I hold him, mom? Asked. Vinny, she hands him to him, he holds his brother in his arms, " mom. CalledVito, " you okay? do you need anything? Asked, Vito. " I am good, just sore and tired, the bell ring and they lock up, the crowd went wild. Reno is getting it on camera, " are they always this rude to someone, all I want is to talk to Viktor, said. Nikki, " my mother doesn't need to hear this. please leave, said, Vinny," they are family, I meet your husband. " mom, dad does not want him around you, he is a dog, said. Vito, she turns around and looks at him, " dad does not want him in here or around you, as his stand-in his word stand, mother. You need to rest, she needs to leave she, not a Nevada she is not a N, said. Vito. " I calling dad now, he picks up the hospital line and call him, " can you all excuse us I need a talk with my children, they walked out of the room, " Vinny James Nevada and Vito William Nevada, you both seem to forget who is the parent here, doesn't matter what their last name is, they still family do you get me! "(yeah bud? hows mom?)-("the tyrant is showing her colors, she telling that women to bring her dog in here,) Said. Vinny. " what is with all three, it does to us they are not apart of the Team N, why are they even here!? " ( put Madison on the speakerphone now Vinny, ) he pushes the speaker button. " (Madison this is your husband, and I do not want him in your room or around you, he cheats on her he nothing but a dog, you not meeting him, and he is not entering the room. If Nikki got a problem with what I said, she takes him and her *ss back to Maine, stay the F*ck out of our lives, I will make that clear to her *ss when I get back! Do what they say, Madison. Rest and we see you soon,) said. Reno, "( they are family that all I am saying, but okay my word doesn't matter. somewhere down the point Reno you have to start to trust that your wife is not like your ex and she not going to leave you for another man. she runs her hands down her hair, " (what make you think I don't trust the women I pick as my wife and mother to my sons, I fully trust you. Dogs like him I don't trust and like, I don't want him in the room with you Madison, I do not want him to meet you Madison, stand next to your husband and sons side Madison, You are an N, let me heard it.) Said, Reno. " (he won't be in the room, I am on your side. ) said, Kari. " (I love you, Mrs. Nevada, we see you soon,) said, Reno. " (I love you too Mr. Nevada,) they hang up the phone. " you win, I sorry. boys I am your mother, yes I do realize you four is more like your father than me, I wouldn't change that at all, be what you are who you are, you come from a wrestler, you are four Vincent, Vinny, Vito, and Victorious are Viktor Reno Nevada legacy. But you are both legacy a trainer and a wrestler. That all I wanted to tell you, I go to sleep, let me know when your father and brother return, she lay back and went to sleep, Vincent dive bomb him and pin him. the referee count to three and ring the bell. Vincent won his match. He rolls under the ropes he put his vest back on and they left. they pulled up at the hospital and walked inside, " why are you going to my wife knowing that she just give birth, I do not want your doggish husband around my wife or my newborn baby. if you got a problem with that you both can your tails straight back to Maine! Do I make myself clear Nikki, leave my wife alone. Never again get her to come on your side or agree with you, do I make myself clear to you!? snapped, Reno. " yes, I am sorry. we are family Viktor, or did you forget that. " I think he did Nikki, no one wants to meet or want you freaking wife! Vincent was about to get in his face, He holds him back, " go back where you two came from, that is where I came from and going, you both stay away from my family. They walked inside of the room, " uncle Jeremiah? said. Nikki, " just come home Nikki and Tom, Kari just had their son, probably out of it, you played on it, thank the boys and Reno to make see that you two is not good company. He shut the door, " hey son and sons, good job boys. Reno pick him up from the room the crib and . she wake up and stretch, " mom they back, said. Vinny, " had a nice nap babe? Asked. Reno, kissed her on the head, " hey. I guess so. how was the match, Vincent, said. Kari, " great I won it, we get what you saying, mom. She disobeys what dad told her which is that he doesn't want her husband around her, and she played on that you were tired to get you on her side, Said. " I agree with your mother, Nikki and Tom are a part of the family, our family boys, and Viktor. spike what Tom did, say, or do, they still family. said, Savannah, "just like Kari is a part of the family, he is married to Nikki spike how many times he had an affair had on her. he is still family, said. Jeremiah, " mom and dad. " Viktor enough is enough, they are coming in. He put Victorious back in the crib, and storm out of the room, followed by his sons, " Reno! she called to him, he didn't answer back. Savannah let them in the room, "