Life Of A Marine (Part 4)

[1462 words]


One Week Later- Marineford


" Tokikake"

" Mouse"

" Rick"


I heard Lance yell towards the three who were falling behind everyone else. We were running around the training field for a while now. Dragon was behind me a couple of feet away and Gion was in third place. Saul was in fourth place and John was right behind him. It's surprising as I thought Tokikake would be behind Gion but I suppose not everyone is a monster right from the start.

" Hey, Drake on your left." I heard Dragon say to me as his lower body turned into wind itself overtaking me.

" SON OF A BITCH." I yelled at Dragon as he just laughed at me. Dragon told me and Gion he found a devil fruit on a random island Garp stopped at in the grandline while sailing for Marineford. I guess some of the theories about him eating a wind logia fruit was right.

" Hey, Drake how long have we been running for?" Gion asked as she caught up to me. She was sweating pretty hard and looked like she was barely able to run.

" I think around 50 minutes now? 10 more minutes and we will be done with this for today."

" Why, Gion-chan are you already giving up now?"

I said to her as I joked around with her, making her pout a little.

" I was just asking a question. I can still run for hours, besides didn't you say you were the fastest here? So how come Dragon is in front of you right now."

Gion said back to me as we continued running.

" How was I supposed to know he ate a devil fruit and the wind logia at that? You can't expect me to outrun the wind itself?" I replied to her as we could hear Saul right behind us.


Lance shouted at Dragon after he noticed Dragon cheating using his devil power powers. It stopped Dragon from using his powers and gave us the chance to catch up to him. Unfortunately, I couldn't even while using soru, due to the fact he was so ahead of me.

10 Minutes Later

We were standing in the middle of the field trying to recover some stamina. While waiting for further instructions from Lance. I was arguing with Dragon about him using his devil fruit powers.

" So what if I used it? It's now part of who I am. I don't even get why that instructor won't let me use it."

"It's so your body"


Before I could finish my sentence, Lance shouted at everyone. We quickly got in line in a few seconds compared to before where it took us around a few minutes.

" For the past few days, the training you went through was to build up your body and to make it prepared for what you will be learning today."

" What I will be showing right now is called Rokushiki. It is a martial arts style that allows one to exceed the limitations of the human body. This fighting style is composed of six techniques."

" Now it depends on the person on how many techniques they can master. Some of you may not even master one of the techniques, even after trying to learn them for years."

"Now one of you has already learned three of the techniques due to their godlike talent. Some of you may even learn all of the Rokushiki within those two months but it all depends on your talent and luck."

Lance said while looking at me, bringing unwanted attention towards myself, he then went on to explain the history of the Rokushiki.

How the World Government created it for its soldiers and the marines. Not going into the fact it was initially created purely for assassination. Although that was my guess from the history of the World Government.

" Now let me show you a demonstration of the Rokushiki," Lance said after noticing how excited everyone was after how much he was hyping it to be. I myself was a little excited since I got to learn the rest of the Rokushiki.

" Drake, come here," Lance asked me as I walked up to him.

" Now Drake punch me with everything you got," Lance said to me as I saw him hardening his body to the level of iron.

" Understood," I said back to him as I threw my right arm back and punched him in the face with all of my strength without using haki. I only pushed him back a couple of feet away due to the force of my punch.

" This technique is called Tekkai. As you can see it is a defensive move that can guard against all attacks. It achieves this by hardening your muscles to the level of iron. It took me a whole year to learn this."

" Next is the technique called Soru which is my favorite out of the six." Lance said as he appeared behind everyone, surprising them. I think I was the only one who noticed him kicking off the ground 15 times until I saw Gion looking where Lance kicked the ground.

Our eyes made contact as I tried to send a message through them telling her I'll explain later. Dragon noticed our interactions and asked Gion about what's happening.

" What Soru allows is superhuman speed."


(3rd's Pov)

As Lance was explaining Soru, three people were watching the training from Sengoku's office balcony. The three being Vice Admiral Garp, Vice Admiral Tsuru, and Admiral Sengoku.

" So Lance is the instructor for all three of them," Garp said to the others with annoyance in his voice.

" I tried changing it to another instructor but the WG directly canceled it and assigned Lance to the class with the most potential. Damn these bastards, do they think us marines are idiots."

Sengoku replied to Garp with anger in his voice causing the sky over Marineford to darken. Black clouds started to form from Sengoku releasing his conqueror's haki without him realizing it.

" Sengoku, calm yourself. There's nothing we can do about it. It's clear that WG wants these three to follow their orders. They don't want another Garp within the marines. Not to mention Sengoku, you started to disobey some orders of the Celestial Dragons."

" What the World Government wants, is a trio with similar potential to us which they received. Drake, Dragon, and Gion all have the talents to reach our levels. In fact, I say they can even surpass us if they are given enough time."

" We have to remove some of the influences of the World Government in the marines starting from the instructors. They heavily influence the next generation of marines. And as such should be the first ones we eliminate."

Tsuru explained her plans to the other two as they watched Lance show the rest of the Rokushiki. They were using observation haki to hear everything Lance was saying to the recruits.

[Note: This is an au thing as Kiado was able to hear what Luffy was saying from pretty far. So this is something that can be something else, but I figured it takes absolute mastery in observation haki to pull it off.]

" By the way Sengoku, I heard you want the Drake kid to be under your command for a while after he graduates?"

Tsuru asked Sengoku as, Garp watched Dragon try to do Soru but fell to the ground before Drake helped him get back on the ground.

" Hmm, I feel a special connection between him and me. And this way I can protect him from the influences of the World Government." Sengoku said to Garp and Tsuru while telling them to do the same for Dragon and Gion. Something which they easily agreed to.

As the three powerful Admirals discussed their future plans, Lance finished his demonstration of the Rokushiki. Also ordering the recruits to copy what he showed them. Drake was helping some of his classmates with regards to the Rokushiki. He was helping Gion, Dragon, and Saul on how to do some of the techniques. While Lance was helping out the rest of the recruits.


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This is the only chapter for this week. The rest of the chapters will be on patr-eon.

patre nonamemarco123

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Have a good day.