Life Of A Marine (Part 5)

[1653 words]


Marineford- Training Area 1


(3rd's Pov)




Everyone was shouting out different things towards Gion and Drake as those two were about to fight. As for why Gion felt like she had gotten stronger, she wanted to challenge Drake to see her improvement.

She got a handle on some of the Rokushiki techniques and got a new sword. So she wanted to test them against Drake, the second strongest in the class. And Drake had no reason to refuse the challenge.

" Dragon, who do you think will win?" Saul, a 45-year giant asked Dragon as everyone stood about 50 feet away from Gion and Dragon. Saul sat down on the ground creating some cracks on where he sat.

" Drake most likely but Gion has a chance if Drake doesn't go all out. Gion may lack the power to defeat Drake, but she makes it up with her monstrous speed. And now that she has learned soru, she's a force to be reckoned with."

" She can probably give you a run for your money since she's the worst kind of opponent for you. In terms of where she ranks in the class, it would be fourth after me."

Drake fought with Saul yesterday and lost the fight although he put up a good fight. Dragon then fought with Drake and lost even with his logia devil fruit. John Giant spared against Gion and lost the fight but it was extremely close. And that's the class ranking.

Dragon answered Saul as everyone watched Gion disappear and appear in front of Drake in a few seconds. She tried to slash Drake with her sword, but Drake blocked it quite easily as he took Morgan from his back.


(Drake's Pov)

' Well damn, she improved a lot after learning soru. Yeah, I can see how she becomes an Admiral candidate in the future. I wonder how strong she would be if she ate an op devil fruit.' I thought whilst blocking her sword. I sent a thrust towards her which she parried.

" Clank"

As we kept clashing, Gion started using soru making it quite hard for me to block. She kept spinning around myself, trying to confuse me but I sent a small black slash everywhere making her stop using soru. I dashed at her as I sent a thrust attack with my sword which she avoided. She then tried to slash my face off, forcing me to dodge using soru.

" Gion-chan you nearly ruined my face," I said to her as I stood 20 feet away from her.

" Argh, that was the point. What are you doing holding back against me? Use all of your strength. I can take it, after all I'm going to become the future Fleet Admiral." Gion said to me with anger in her voice.

" Sorry about that, it's a bad habit of mine."

" But from now on, I will go all out so prepare yourself," I said back to her after noticing the determination in her eyes. And taking note of her goal since it's the first time she talked about it. She nodded at me as she took her sword stance again.

I soru-ed towards her bringing down Morgan at Gion with all my strength which she barely blocked with her sword. I quickly overpowered her, forcing her to get away from me. I chased after her sending multiple small black slashes towards her.

" Boom"

The slashes created multiple cracks on the ground as our swords clashed once more as vibrations from the clash went through our arms.


As Drake and Gion continued their fight, Lance was watching the fight from his office reporting about the two giants and the other recruits to his superior.

" Yes, the two giants are fitting right in with the rest of the recruits. I believe those two will become fine marines in the future." Lance said to an agent of the World Government through a den mushi. There was a white den mushi attached to the normal den mushi Lance was talking through.

" Good, we were worried about the giant from Elbaf having issues with the marines. Remember he's extremely valuable to us. For the first time, we have a giant within our ranks. We can use him to make other giants join us. So whatever you do make sure it doesn't piss off the giant, and doesn't ruin the mission of the Giant Division."

The agent said to Lance making sure he understood not to fuck up decades of effort put into the mission.

" Now try to see if it's possible to recruit Dragon, Drake, and Gion into our ranks. We currently are low in manpower especially cp-9 and cp-0 after several of them died. Do whatever it takes, understand?" The agent ordered Lance.

" Yes sir, it will be done," Lance replied to the agent.

[ Note: The World Government can't force marines to join their ranks for example cp-0 or cp-9 since that's taking away talents from the Marines. And I'm pretty sure they don't want to piss off that shield that protects them. The Marines don't also exactly like the World Government in this story or the cannon. This is why they are using underhanded tactics to make talents join them.

Hell, I feel like Akainu was about to magma punch one of the five stars like he did with Ace after the shit they did. I hope this made sense if not you can ask questions here and I try to answer them without spoiling the story. Which I did quite a lot at the start of this story.]


(Back To The Fight)

" Gion, prepare yourself." I said to her as I coated Morgan in armament haki turning the blade even darker. A black aura was pulsing from Morgan as the red circles on the blade became even brighter.

Gion, noticing what's going on, understood that I wasn't joking like before. Although she didn't understand what happened to my sword, her instinct was to tell her to avoid this one strike at all cost. But she decided to ignore this feeling as she soru-ed towards me.


Gion shouted as our blades clashed once more. But unlike our other clashes, my sword sliced apart Gion's sword in half. She fell to the ground from the impact.

" You alright there, Gion?" I asked her after I resheathed Morgan back into its scabbard. I wasn't worried about hurting her since she won't get any stronger if she doesn't go through this kind of pain. And it would hurt her pride even more if I held back just because I was scared to hurt her in a battle.

" Yeah I'm fine but Tsuru-chan is gonna berate me. This is the second time I broke a sword." Gion said back to me as I helped her get back on the ground again.

" HEY YOU BASTARD, COULDN'T YOU HAVE GOTTEN EASIER ON HER." Tokikake yelled at me after seeing the bruises Gion had.

" Alright knock it off idiot, Gion isn't some kind of flower that needs to be protected at all cost," I said since I was getting pretty annoyed at hearing Tokikake scream the same shit every day. Gion agreed with me as she told him to stop worrying about her so much for no reason.

" Hey, Saul, you wanna go another round with me." I asked the giant.

" Dereshishi... how about another time? All we have been doing for the last couple of weeks is train and spar against each other. I wanna take a break from all that."

Saul replied back to me. I really couldn't change his mind as Saul is different from most giants. He doesn't like fighting due to his timid, and kind nature. Even then he's stronger than me. I really can't fault him for that and I appreciate him for that as we became good friends.

" Hey, what about you dra"

" No, I wanna master my devil fruit powers before I fight you again. I had enough of getting smacked by you and my old man." Dragon said to me as his body transformed into wind and scattered creating a gust around us.

" Sigh"

I took a sigh at everyone rejecting me. But suddenly I felt someone pulling my ear.

" Hey, Drake, since you're not doing anything, come with me to the town. You're gonna buy me a new sword. And don't lie, I know you have millions of berries." Gion said to me as she dragged me to the town.

" Hahahaha"

I could hear everyone laughing at my misery.

" Damn I'm about to lose all my money"

" Oh well, losing money isn't that big of a deal to me"

I thought as I knew Gion was going to buy more than just a sword. And getting the trust of a future Admiral candidate is worth more than any money. I haven't fully trusted Gion yet but her morals and sense of justice line up with my own. So I don't mind Gion becoming Fleet Admiral but until I know her exact reason, I can't trust her fully. But It's better than having Akainu as the Fleet Admiral in my book.


Let me know what you thought about the chapter. Leave a comment.

This is the only chapter for the next 2 weeks. I post more chapters on Pat-reon, if you are interested check it out.

patre nonamemarco123

The link is in the story's bio as well. I started posting chapter images on the server as well. If you wanna ask any questions about the story or just wanna talk you can ask me there. As I stopped checking most of the comments due to the stupid shit I see sometimes.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Leave a review if you want to.

Have a good day.