Chapter 1-Death and Love?

On a bed covered with white sheet, an old man was lying connected to IV drops in world's largest hospital, which in turn was owned and established by the old man himself.

'haish, so this is it, i spent my entire lifetime to become the best doctor and one of the most famous scientist renowned to brought numerous cures for diseases'

'Although i was able to find cure of blood cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer but i don't have enough energy now to find cure of pancreatic cancer tch'

The old man renowned in the whole world was bachelor who never got in any relationship, first his family started worrying about his sexual orientation but old man just brushed them off by saying that, "I don't have time for this nonsense"

The old man has a secret which also fears himself but he was not able to do anything about it.

The man in his youth by chance watched the movie, 'I Want to Eat Your Pancreas' and the first appearance of a girl in spring, running happily without the touch of any deception, sent turmoils in his heart.

His heart started beating fast, her appearance started coming in his mind, her smile brought a smile on his usual cold, indifferent face.

As a doctor cum scientist, he was very aware of these emotions which only happens when a person is in love.

But, the man in his 20s became afraid that how can he fall for a fictional character, he tried to the movie's manga, novel, live-action movie to find more about his emotions but although the appearance was different in each of them but the beating of heart was the same.

He also tried to date other girls to forget or erase these emotions but he never felt like this for any of them. Atlast he decided to embrace these feelings, fortnightly he watched the movie and started working to find a cure of pancreatic cancer.

When he saw the ending of movie he always becomes jealous and envious that she had such strong feelings for a person but also a confidence in him as if he ever get the chance he will try his best to make her fall in love with him.

Seeing her character that despite knowing that she will die early, she decided to enjoy her remaining life happily by doing all the things she dreamed off.

He was greatly attracted to her perseverance, confidence and unyielding character.

But still at last he was not able to find the cure of pancreatic cancer, although he was very close but he was body was unable to support him.

On his bed he was surrounded by many doctors, specialists, surgeons from all over the world and were the best among best in their respective fields.

In his hand was the photo of love of his life whom he never was able to see and she does not even exist in his world. In the photo was a beautiful girl whose hair was tied in a ponytail, exuding an aura of caring, loving, gentleness like a fairy devoid of any human's greed.

The old man was lying peacefully with a touch of longing and melancholy, 'Heh, love may i pray that i will be able to meet you.'

Thinking about her a puddle of water drop from his right eye through his cheek and his breathing stopped and all the people bowed to him in respect and admiration.

After sometime the old man opened his eyes to find himself in a dark room and he was not able to fell his senses. He was like watching a movie but was able to move by thinking.

He started moving and after sometime he saw a spark of light and moving closer it started growing and growing.

When he passed the light, the dimension changed and he felt like doctor strange when ancient one made him gather dimensional energy.

When he opened his eyes he find himself in a complete white room whose space was endless, all the floor, ceiling, walls had same color.

He felt like he was in a ever expanding sphere with no end or start.

He started moving forward (or in his sense), he didn't know how much time had passed because he was not able to feel any tiredness or mental strain.

After god knows how much time he appeared inside a room with ancient touch, sculptures of dragons, beasts, mythical creatures, etc. were there

Large pilars was supporting the structure which were as huge as a building.

He was observing the room, as he found the cravings of name of many god and goddesses as he was wondering, 'What the hell is going on, where are other souls, heaven, hell.'

'Don't tell me that i came in a residence of a god, no sh*t, i don't wanna torture for eternity, i should sip from here as fast as possible.'

He started going back but was not able to find the path and was just moving and moving without much changing the surrounding.

He was getting afraid and fear started crawling to him.

'Goddammit where is exit, if the god came he will surely kill no-no i am already dead, yeah he will definitely torture my souls.'

As he was moving forward he came across a board as large as a bus and i read the title as 'WAIFU LIST'

1) zero two

2)erza scarlet

3)shinobu kocho




The man gulped his saliva when he read another note-'TOP SECRET BEWARE'

He started running forward in fear and anxiety. Suddenly the scene changed and he came in front of a throne on which a figure like man was sitting whose face was blurred.

He spoke in a heavy tone sending shivers to the man, "Hmm, so my secret is out kekekek...."


{A/N: hohoho..}