Chapter 2-Reincarnation/chance

When the man heard the figure's laughing he was in fear, thinking that 'its over, its over, please atleast let me see sakura at the last time'

The figure looked towards the man and stopped laughing as he said trembling the entire room, "Hmm, you have gotta some interesting things mortal, highest amount of karma huh.., in love with an anime character hohoho..., the love that strong to spend entire life in searching for cure of a fatal disease...interesting...interesting"

The figure then said in a serious manner, "Mortal, although you have found my secret but it does not matter as you will not be able to tell anyone or even if you tell, who would believe you."

The man thought, 'why i am feeling that his confidence is not that great but whatever.'

*Ahem* The figure gathered his attention and said, "So, mortal do you wanna reincarnate in i want to eat your pancreas?"

The man became stunned, although he was anticipating something like this but still hearing it directly is another matter.

He would finally have the one in a billion chance to pursue his love of the life.

He became emotional and said while stuttering, "Y-Yes s-sir please"

The figure straightened his back and although his face was blurred but the man thought that he smiled as he said, "Your wish will be granted mortal, go and pursue your love."

The man bowed and said, "Thank You Sir, I am very grateful to you."

The figure just shaked his hand saying that it is nothing special and then a huge pain assaulted the man's soul and after sometime of his soul destroying and creating he opened his eyes, but was not able to see clearly.

(In the room with throne)

"That mortal was definitely something, doing things to such a length for his love despiite knowing that she doesn't exist in his world"

"Well i will go to my love hehehe...."

"My dear medusa, wh-e-re a-re yo-uuuuuu..." he said in sing song voice

A gentle feminine voice came , "my dear husband come here"

He gulped his saliva hearing her gentle voice as when she said something in gentle voice that means torture for years depending on fault.

He walked towards one and only wife while shivering in fear as cold sweats came to his head.

He stopped in track seeing her in front of 'WAIFU LIST' which was opened by the man.

His grinning face came into his mind and he shivered thinking, 'demon, he was a demon, no mortal is that ruthless'

Medusa said gently, "Hubby another millennia in tort*ahem* basement chamber."

He fell on his knees hearing that

(To the man)

Just as he opened his eyes slightly he sneezed *achoo* huh the figure is thinking about me, don't worry sir i will definitely make her fall in love wtih me.

Then he looked upwards seeing 4-5 ladies in their 50s wearing nun uniforms looking at him caringly with affection and love.

One of them said, "Oh my what a cute child, why did his parents left him"

"hmm, no problem we will take him in our church."

"Yeah sure"

"Ok first...oh look at the paper attached to his hand"

On of them took the paper and said, "Oh his name is Asher-new beginning, what a nice name."

The now-child thought, 'Oh, so basically i am an orphan and would live in church, and my name is asher, ok good'

'Firstly, if possible then i have to be adopted by a rather rich family to ease the things, for that i have to live properly here.'

'Well, all of them are looking kind old ladies.'

Then one of them took him in her hands and looked into his emerald-green eyes, sucking souls in the green vortex.

"What a beautiful eyes, he will definitely become a handsome young man."

Hearing it the child smiled and thought, 'well, even in my previous life, i had good looks.'

After that the old ladies took him one by one and started saying things to him, singing lullabies.

After sometime he felt hungry as he tried to convey it, but eventually ended up crying.

"Oh asher is hungry, here take him and feed him"


Then he was fed by one of the lady.

After the days went by as hell as he had to do everything in his pants, but after 1 year he was able to walk properly which greatly surprised all the people in church, he was also easily able to talk fluently at end of 2 years.

After 3 years he said to the father, "father, i want to learn about medicines that can cure diseases."

The father was shocked internally but then composed himself thinking that that this boy has already done many things which are very unlikely for his age then looking towards him he smiled lightly and asked, "Why?"

Then asher gave a cliche respone, "I want to save people father."

This was not entirely wrong as he becomes happy by curing diseases but his main goal is to make cure of pancreatic cancer at all costs.

The father laughed loudly and rubbed his head as he said, "Hmm, okay i will arrange books for you. And yes, president of michell industries which is one of the most influential cogloremerate in japan will be coming to church for looking to adopt you. He is one of my best friend and his wife was not able conceive children so i recommend him to you."

Hearing it asher started having mixed feelings as he was happy at his luck for giving rich parents and if he was friend with father which means he would be a nice person. But, in these 3 years he was emotionally attached to the sisters and father.

They had taken great care of him without making him feel lonely and have showered with their love unconditionally.

As if sensing his emotions father said, "Don't worry asher, he is a good person, and we will visit you time to time. So don't worry."

Hearing this asher became emotional and hugged father while muttering, "Thank you father."

Father wrapped his hands around him and lifted him while kissing on his cheeks.

After some days, the day of arrival of kageyama michuki(president of michell industries) and his wife shizuni michuki came.

Asher was slightly nervous waiting for them to arrive at the entrance door.


{A/N: I just made up the industry and name of the president and wife}