Chapter 4-New home and Unexpected encounter

Kageyama and Shizune came from their black BMW and moved towards the church while praying.

They opened the door to watch their adopted child bathed in sunlight and his emerald eyes shining in determination with a serious face.

They were in daze and then asher looked towards them while saying, "Good morning mom and dad, hope your ride towards here was in peace."

Hearing the words of their child they came out of their stupor and looked each other and smiled.

Kageyama lifted asher in his strong arms and kissed his cheeks as he said, "Good morning asher, are you ready to go?"

Shizune also kissed his cheeks and said, "Morning asher, lets go"

Asher lips curved upwards as he said, "Yes, lets go mom and dad" he said as he wriggled to come out of their embrace.

Then kageyama took one of his hand while shizune took his other hand and they started walking towards the parked BMW, asher looked towards the people of church who took care of him for 3 years.

He shouted towards them, "BYE SISTERS AND FATHER, SEE YOU SOON" he waved his small hands.

They all smiled towards him and said, "BYE ASHER, SEE YOU SOON"

His parents just smiled and his father started the car and they started their journey towards the 'home'.

After a ride of 1 hour in which he came across many tall buildings, expensive cars, etc.

They arrived a large mansion on front of which 2 bodyguards dressed in black were standing with poker faces.

Then an old man came and opened the doors while smiling gently he said, "All the things are master, madam and young master."

Kageyama nodded towards the old man and parked his car in the parking lot. Then he opened the doors and took asher in his arms and held shizune with other hand.

Then they went towards the house.

Asher was surprised to see such a grand mansion with many rooms and filled with maids and bodyguards.

Then they arrived in front of asher's room and kageyama opened the door, the room was filled with toys, a large bed, a wardrobe filled with children's clothes, a bathroom was attached, wall was painted and decorated according to child.

Shizune looked towards asher and nervously asked, "How is it asher? if there is anything lacking or something you don't like, please tell us and we will change it."

Seeing his mother's nervousness, he chuckled and shook his head saying, "It is very good mother, i never even dreamed of room of this caliber."

Yeah although in his previous life he was rich but that was late in his life, at starting his family was poor. So, it is very suprising to see this room for a child.

Also due to being a child, his thoughts were influenced by child's psychology, although he retains the knowledge but he was being influenced by the child as the brain is not developed fully and it will be hard to try to remember everything.

Then Shizune sighed satisfactorily and said while patting his head, "Its good that you like it."

Then kageyama said, "Asher change your clothes quickly and come downstairs, there is a banquet arranged for your arrival"

Hearing this asher just shook his head while smiling and said, "You don't needed to this dad."

Kageyama said while shrugging his shoulders, "Why? I will definitely do this for my child, it is his first day at his new home."

Asher smiled and said, "Okay dad"

Kageyama nodded and took shizune to supervise everything at the banquet.

Asher then went inside bathroom and cleaned his face and then changed into the clothes, after wearing them he was looking like a little prince. He laughed seeing himself in this attire in front of the mirror.

Then he opened the door of his room and went towards the venue of banquet.

As he was walking all the maids were muttering among themselves,

"Wow, look at our young master, he is surely cute."

"Look at his emerald eyes. Very beautiful."

"Don't know how our master and madam brought out any boy from church. Don't they care about their faces and reputation"

"Hey shut up, if master heard you, you will be fired."

"Whatever, but looking at him, he is producing noble aura and coldness"

"Just a facade! humph!"

Asher ignored their comments and continued towards the banquet, then he looked and thought, ''Woah, so many people and all looking from upper class"

Then his gaze went towards his parents and he happily strode towards them.

While walking he bumped into someone who was slightly taller than himself, he rubbed his nose while the latter rubbed his chin.

Asher looked towards him and narrowed his gaze towards him, he was a child with pale dark mustard yellow hair and greyish brown pupils. After narrowing for a few seconds he became shocked and shouted in his head, 'WTF, HOW ISSEI MIYATA IS HERE.'

Then he recomposed himself and said, "hmm, sorry mister.."

The boy looked at his emerald eyes and thought, 'hoho, pretty boy' and said while waving his hands as like saying it was nothing "hmm, this is issei miyata, who are you?"

Asher smiled while stretching his hands towards him while saying, "Hello, issei-kun, my name is asher. And i am the person for whom this banquet is being held."

Issei's eyes widened at the revelation as he thought, 'So, he is the adopted child of uncle kageyama and aunt shizune'

Issei said, "hmm, okay. Well you wanna eat baby gum?" he said while taking out baby gum from his pocket.

Asher's lips twitched and he thought, 'How can i forget about his obsession with gum.'

Asher nodded and took the gum from issei's hand and politely said, "Hmm, Thank You"

Issei just waved his hands and said, "Okay, see you later asher-kun."

Asher nodded and smiled lightly and said, "See you later issei-kun"

After saying goodbye asher continued his journey towards his parents who were talking with guests.

He arrived in front of them and waved as he said, "Hello mom, dad, I am here."

Kageyama and Shizune shifted their eyes towards asher and smiled affectionately.

The guests were surprised with their smiles as they knew that they wore fake smiles towards the guests and seeing their affectionately smile towards the child, they were shocked inwardly.

Kageyama took asher in his arms and shizune was beside him.

Kageyama took the mic and said, "I would like to get your attention for a moment."

he looked towards asher and then towards the crowd and said in his usual cold tone but with a tinge of warmth, "This is the best day of my and my wife life as we are welcoming 'Asher' in our family as our child. Thank You for joining this wonderful occassion."

All their gazes went towards the child in his arms, asher just looked at them indifferently.

They were surprised by the child's calm demeanor, emerald eyes shining in lights.

The banquet went on and all of them ate, and talked with each other while guests saying congratulations to the couple.

Like that the banquet came to an end and kageyama and shizune said towards asher while kissing on his cheeks, "Good night asher and welcome once again"

Asher smiled and said, "Good night mom and dad, and thank you for the banquet."

Then asher went towards his room, throw away his clothes and shoes, then jumped on the bed and moaned in satisfaction.

Then he drifted to his sleeps....


{A/N: hehehh..I decided to introduce issei so that atleast one character will be from time to time}