Chapter 5-Timeskip

In a room a young boy of 10 years old with emerald eyes, standing at 170 cm, lean and slender body with slight compact muscles, and with exotic handsome looks was sitting on a stool with a guitar in his hands and was striking the cords to produce beautiful melody accompanied by his beautiful voice to set people in trance. With all his feeling pouring in his voice and hands.

This song 'believer' was one of his favourite songs in his previous life and hence, he remembers the lyrics of the song.

He was an expert level guitarist in his previous life and whenever he was unable to think of a solution, he would play guitar to calm himself and pour all the emotions.

So, he asked his parents to hire him a guitar tutor and the tutor was shocked at his talent as he even surpassed himself in just 6 months.

He also wrote some other songs which he had remembered. His parents were shocked at their child's talent in music and asked him to pursue in music field which he declined in a single breath saying that he will become a researcher to find cure of various cancers and other diseases.

{First things first

I'mma say all the words inside my head

I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh ooh

The way that things have been, oh ooh

Second things second

Don't you tell me what you think that I could be

I'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea, oh ooh

The master of my sea, oh ooh

I was broken from a young age

Taking my sulking to the masses

Writing my poems for the few

That look at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me

Singing from heartache from the pain

Taking my message from the veins

Speaking my lesson from the brain

Seeing the beauty through the...


You made me a, you made me a believer, believer


You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer


Oh let the bullets fly, oh let them rain

My life, my love, my drive, it came from...


You made me a, you made me a believer, believer . . .


As the song ended his parents stand up and started clapping furiously, listening to the song they felt a adrenaline rush in themselves and were refreshed.

Asher bowed towards his parents and said towards kageyama, "Dad, all books till post graduation in medical is completed, please provide with indepth study books for all the organs, body parts and their functions, capillaries, neurons, DNA, etc."

Asher knew that making cure of pancreatic cancer is not going to be easy even though he came really close in previous life but still was not able to make the cure. So, he knew he needs to study all the things again and in details.

Kasgeyama and shizune were shocked after hearing his words as kageyama said, "Hey brat what's with you, a 10 year old child starts researching, are you old monster in child's body"

Hearing it shizune chopped his head and said angrily, "What nonsense are you spouting about my dear child"

Asher chuckled nervously and thought, 'Only if you knew...'

He then just said, "I am Genius." yeah pretty much that's it, he wrapped up entire thing in 3 words.

Kageyama then shook his head said, "Okay, ashy i will arrange."

Yeah, his father and mother gave him the nickname as 'ashy' poor boy couldn't even refute them.

Asher nodded his head and said, "Okay, now i am going back to my room." he then sprinted from there to his room. Leaving his parents in dust.

In these seven years, he just slowly recovered his previous knowledge and revised things.

He spent time in studying the 3-D models of human body especially pancreas, he made sketches, tried different scenarios.

He also spent time studying same knowledge about ancient medical practices.

Also in freetime, he made paintings which were each completed in approx 6 months.

As he had made numerous diagrams and sketches, his painting skills were quite proficient.

His first painting was of 3 people, a handsome middle-aged man, beside him was a beautiful lady and a handsome boy was standing between them.

This was a family painting which was framed and hanged in front hall i.e. drawing room.

He also trained his body by doing running, squating, push-ups, etc.

He also learned hand-to-hand combat with trainer for self defense.

His father has said that once he is 14, he will train him to use guns.

As all the learnings were by sitting home, he didn't needed to go to school but he had said to his parents to go to school once he is 13, the same schools as issei. Hearing me, they were shocked at first but then i just started spouting bullshit like we need to go to school to make friends, be a better person blah blah.....

Yes, issei and asher became friends. As issei was a person who can become friends with anyone and his obsession with gums have only increased although i said that they are harmful for the body but how can he be issei if he stopped eating gums.

So, i just decided to ignore it. His parents are the owner of largest gum selling corporate in japan.

We meets up at weekends as he goes to a middle school.

Like this another 1 year passed away and i reached a height of 175 cm, still lower than my father as he is 190 cm.

Asher made great progresses in researching and he was finally able to make cure of 'diabetes'.

He published his research through his father's connections to WHO and they did numerous tests and after 3 months the cure of diabetes was proven right and it shook the entire world.

The identity of researcher was kept confidential as asher asked his father to keep his identity secret nor it will bring great dangers to him although they were confident in counter-attack but still it is better to do things this way.

Only a moniker was provided to public as 'Dr. Ash' who was deemed to produce the cure of diabetes. All the researchers wanted to ask the person who produced the cure but were unable to.

On computer asher was hacking into government agencies to find about news of cure and find if illegal things are happening or not.

Then he leaned on his chair and closed his eyes with a slight smile on his face....


{A/N: I am not a doctor nor i study biology so plz refrain from criticization huhuhhuh...}