Chapter 6-Going to school

At morning, a young boy of 13 years old with emerald eyes, lean and slender body and handsome looks was running while panting, he was drenched in sweat, sleeveless clothes, standing at 178 cm.

"Hah..Atlast 8km completed" he wiped his sweat with clothes, drank water and went to two bodyguards and said provokingly, "Come you two at the same time."

The two bodyguards looked each other and ran towards their young master.

the first bodyguard came and flew a fist towards asher which he deflected and the second tried to kick the feet of asher, he jumped and gave a kick on his left face and thus landing him flatly on ground, the first bodyguard tried to sneak attack but asher caught the fist and flew him making 180 degree turn to make him lie on down.

Then asher bowed and slapped the back of their heads and ran away while laughing.

The first bodyguard said, "Young master is strong."

Second one said, "Hmm, he sure is"

"After arrival of young master this mansion has become lively. And he doesn't treat us as mere servants which many young masters think."

"Yep, he is truly a great person."

"Our master and madam are very happy and has also increased our salary."


While the two bodyguards were happily talking, asher went towards his mother's room.

He slowly opened the door without making a voice and found his mother sitting on sofa while reading a book titled, 'Changes in children during Adolescence.'

Seeing this asher chuckled lightly, then he stealthily approached his mother and then he jumped and said, "boom"

Shizune jumped out of her sofa with a yelp *kyaa* and then looked at asher and placed her hand on her chest while panting heavily and then grabbed his ears and twisted it mercilessly and said, "Playing pranks on your mom? huh? looks like some spanking is left?"

Asher just laughed and said, "Ayee...sorry mo...ayee...sorry sorry" shizune left his ear only when it was as red as tomato.

Asher rubbed his ear as a stinging pain was in his ear.

Then he looked towards his mother and said, "mom heheh~ tomorrow onwards i will be going to school"

Shizune looked towards him and tiptoed and rubbed his jet-black hair. Well he had crossed his mother's height as she was 172 cm.

Then she chuckled and said, "Yeah my little boy ashy is going to school now haha~~"

Asher became irritated and said, "I am standing here 178 cm mom and you are saying me small. Really?"

{A/N: All the readers are to be refrained to start commenting about big or small heheh~~~~}

Shizune said, "Really"

Asher became deadpanned and gave a blank look to his mother who was not able to hold and started laughing at him with tears in her eyes.

"Haha~ you were very cute haha~"

Asher just stomped his feet and walked away from the room with a irritated expression, leaving a laughing mother inside the room.

Then he went towards his room and opened the door, he was greeted with 2 paintings-, a sunrise painting and a painting of a boy under moonlight. They were hanged on his wall with his signature at left bottom.

He had found the the cure of diabetes, asthma and arthritis till now.

He had created a sensation in medical field of the entire world, but he published only one sentence in the name of dr. ash 'YOU WILL KNOW ME WHEN THE TIME COMES'

After browsing for any important news in government severs, he closed the computer and went towards his bed. He took out the sheets and covered himself.

He was feeling excited as no. of questions were coming into his mind, 'Will sakura will be there? If she will be then how will i proceed?'

Thinking about tomorrow he dozed off.

He woke at 4 am, did his regular exercise and then took the bath and went inside the room to change clothes.

He wore the white shirt and above it the cream coloured coat, with brown linings at collar and a blue tie was knotted. He then wore the black pant with shoes.

He used hairgel to set his hair and cleaned up his face, then went for breakfast.

At the dining table, his father was reading newspaper while sipping tea while his mother was reading a book.

He said while looking towards them, "Good morning mom, dad"

They looked towards him and became surprised as they thought, 'What the, how is he so well dressed for school, he never took care of his appearance even in parties or banquets and here he used all the things to look better.'

Seeing their surprised looks he waved his hand and asked, "What happened? Why you two are silent?"

They just shook their heads and said, "Its nothing"

Kageyama said, "So? Excited huh?"

Asher looked towards him and said, "Yeah very excited"

Kageyama just nodded silently, then shizune said with a smile, "Eat the breakfast and go to school or you will be late."

Asher nodded and ate the sandwiches quickly and then bid his farewell to his mom and dad, left for the school on his bicycle. He was able to defend himself so he refused his father and mother to follow him with bodyguards.

But still kageyama secretely told two of his top-notch bodyguards to protect his son only in life-threatening danger. And not involve themselves in other of his businesses.

(At home)

Shizune was leaning against the chest of kageyama who had wrapped his hands around her waist.

Shizune said while tilting her head towards her husband, "Why did ashy was so concerned about his appearance dear? he even looked two times in the mirror of his bicycle" she chuckled remembering him to look at his appearance.

Kageyama thought and said, "hmm maybe to impress girls?"

Shizune hit his forehead and said, "He never cared about any girl in parties or banquets and even denied to dance with them and here you are saying to impress girls?"

Kageyama just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't know dear, well whatever its time for me to go to company our genius child had shaken the entire world through his cures of incurable diseases. I need to settle it out." he said and kissed her gently.

Shizune said, "hmm our child is really a genius among genius a prodigy."

(At bicycle)

Asher was riding his bicycle while humming a song from his previous world, he knew that his parents must have sent bodyguards to protect him secretely.

But he couldn't care less about them as, as long as they don't interfere him in his personal life then all is good.

He rode his bicycle and came across beautiful lakes, sceneries and then he came at a place filled with rows of sakura trees but they were not blossomed now.

He just took in deep breath, feeling refreshed he reached the school with 30 minutes of riding.

He parked his bicycle and took his bag and went towards the school gate where a guard was sitting...


{A/N: Now now lets see when sakura will make her entry heheh~~~}