Chapter 7-First Day

As asher parked his bicycle and walked towards the building where the guard was sitting, he went towards guard and said indifferently in cold tone, "Here is my ID card, new student."

Guard took the card and read 'hmm asher michuki, huh michuki? why is it familiar somehow? well whatever, hmm with his looks and body he will be a dangerous lady killer, including his cold and indifferent aura.'

Then the guard said, "Okay, you may enter."

Asher nodded politely with a poker face and went inside. He sized up the building and looked at his card which was saying class 1A, 'hm? let's go'

Then he started moving towards the class with a indifferent gaze and straight back producing a cold aura putting people into thought before deciding to approach him.

Meanwhile the surrounding students were murmuring themselves

"Hey, look what a handsome man"

"Hmm, his looks are even superior to senior Takahiro."

"Tch, a lady killer."

"Looking at him, i think this is going to be interesting."

Takahiro is the son of president of 'gylph industries' which rivals with 'michell industries' but in recent years, gylph industries have been falling behind michell industries.

Asher just calmly went towards his class and found that teacher was already there, he became late in finding the class well in reality he was finding sakura but nevertheless he reached the class.

He looked upwards the name plate written '1A', then he knocked the door and a male voice came,

"Come in"

Asher opened the door and looked towards the man in 40s and then bowed slightly while saying, "Sir new student, Asher Michuki"

The teacher nodded and said, "Hmm, Introduce yourself"

Asher nodded and said, "My name is Asher Michuki, I will be looking forward to spend my time here in learning and making friends."

All the students screamed, "THAT'S IT?"

"No hobbies?"



"favourite movie/game/song?"


Teacher shouted, "SILENCE!"

Then he looked towards asher and said, "Asher you have to tell about your hobbies, dream/goal, likes, dislikes also, not just name."

Asher nodded and thought, 'Well how do i know, I never went to school, even in my previous life i had to self study at home.'

Asher then said, "My hobbies are playing guitar while singing, painting and for likes and dislikes, well i couldn't care any less for things to be liking or disliking, for my goal-i want to make cure for various diseases."

All the class became silent and looked towards him as if seeing an alien while murmuring among themselves,

"In likings, we have to say about which girl you like"

"No hobby like karaoke, gaming?"

"Is this guy for real?"

"Well in looks and body, i don't think any student could beat him."

Asher just ignored them and looked towards the teacher who helplessly shook his head and said pointing to a empty table and second last seat besides window, "You may go sit there."

Asher nodded and stroded towards the seat, where a boy with spiky hair, opened buttons, looking like a hooligan stretched out his leg to make him stumble.

Asher evilly smirked and placed his feet on his ankle and made his weight towards it and a crackle *crackle* sound was resounded with the painful cry of the boy, " my an-kle...."

Asher moved backwards and looked towards the boy and said, "Oh sorry brother, i didn't looked downwards so i mistakingly stepped on your ankle. I am sorry."

All the students knew this boy and thought, 'That was definitely intentional.' they all gulped their saliva and looked towards his indifferent and cold gaze, 'oh my ruthless'

Then his lackeys came and took him to the medical ward.

The teacher sighed and said, "Now lets continue the class."

Then asher sat down comfortably and swept his gaze towards the people only to find new faces but his gaze stopped a particular boy of average height and build, medium-short black hair and a set of dead fish-eyes. whose chin was on his arms and was looking forward without any expression.

Asher recognized him as 'HACHIMAN HIKIGAYA' from oregairu.

{A/N: Well i wanted to add a friend and who is better than hachiman in this case. Most probably he will be the first and last character from other anime.}

Then he again focused his gaze on teacher and the class ended, then 2 more classes ended and now was the time of recess.

Asher was leaning against the bench while twirling the pen on his hands, after some time most of the class got empty and asher saw hachiman quietly eating his lunch with his same blank expression.

He decided to go and talk to him as he found him a very interesting character, he went towards him and said, "Hello brother may i sit here."

Hachiman looked at asher widening his eyes slightly and then just nodded with, "hm"

Asher knew his personality so he didn't mind lack of words and just sat in front of him and brought out his lunch specially prepared by his mother. He was having omeletes with ketchup.

Hachiman just silently sat by and ate his food with same blank expression and sometimes looked towards asher with a tinge of curiosity in his eyes.

Asher narrowed his eyes and his lips curved upwards slightly, he said looking towards hachiman, "What's your name brother?"

A monotonous voice came, "Hachiman hikigaya"

Asher then said with curiosity, "So, hachiman-kun aren't you curious why i came to you."

Hachiman matched his emerald eyes and said with a hint emotion, "curiosity kills cat."

Hearing this asher started laughing loudly and said, "We will become good friends hachiman-kun."

Hearing the word friend from asher, hachiman's mouth went agape and he became shocked and asked, "Why do you want to become friend with a loner like me. You should find those tall, handsome and cheerful guys types."

Asher grinned looking towards him and said, "Are you perhaps talking about arrogant young masters?"

Hearing it a smile tugged on hachiman's face and asher stretched out his hands towards him while saying, "So, hachiman-kun are we perhaps friends now?"

Hachiman shook the hands but said, "Well it all depends on how you describe a 'friend' as."

Asher just shook his head and smiled, 'Huh typical hachiman.'

Then they continued eating their lunches while time to time asher would try to talk to the lazy bum.

After eating the lunch, he stood up and said to hachiman, "I am going to library. You wanna come?"

Hachiman looked into his eyes with his dead fish eyes and said, "Nah, i will be here, no need to accompany you."

Asher just nodded, "Ok" and he left the classroom.

He reached the library and found an old lady as librarian then he thought, 'Hmm, so i think that in 2-3 years sakura will come as i am only 13 now, so main plot has not started yet. Also there is no haruki as of now.' he rubbed his chin in contemplation.

Then he went to library and greeted the old lady, and then went to search for books, he found two books in which he was interested, so he borrowed them and went back to his classroom.

After two more classes, the school bell rang signalling the end of school. Asher took his bag and went towards the parking lot, where he found another bicycle leaning on his bicycle.

Then hachiman came from behind and bluntly said while picking the leaning bicycle, "My bicycle" and then he went while paddling.

Asher just smiled and shouted, "Bye, See you tomorrow"

Hachiman just waved his hands in response, 'Huh, waving a hand will consume less energy than shouting. yeah'

Then Asher went back to his home while riding the bicycle....


{A/N: Some more wait for our fl hehehe~~~}