Chapter 9-First meeting

At 5 am, Asher has just completed his exercises and was going to his room to take a bath, he was feeling anxious and anticipation from morning, but he just thought that might be due to overwork.

He took the bath, changed into the uniform and went towards the dining hall for breakfast.

As soon as he entered, he greeted his parents, "Good Morning mom, dad" he was now 184 cm tall.

They both smiled at their son and said, "Good morning ashy."

After drinking his tea kageyama groaned in satisfaction and said, "Hah, I think something good will happen today."

Shizune also nodded her head and said, "Yeah, I am also feeling like this, don't know why."

kageyama chuckled and said, "Hmm, well it happens sometimes like this. Last time i felt like this before meeting ashy." he said in a melancholy tone.

Shizune also turned into dreamy look and said with satisfied sigh, "Yeah, that was the best day."

Asher hearing his mom and dad felt that he is extremely lucky to get this kind of parents, he said emotionally looking into the eyes of his parents, "Mom, Dad I love you."

Shizune and Kageyama were both shocked internally because it was the first time asher had said that he loves, tears started to fall from shizune's eyes and they both said in a heartfelt emotion, "We love you too ashy." then they respectively hugged him.

After the heartfelt confession, asher was feeling very light, like a burden was lifted up from his chest and he bid his farewell to parents.

He rode his bicycle to school and parked the bicycle.

He found hachiman parking his bicycle, so he went and patted his shoulders while grinning and said, "Good morning hachiman"

Hachiman grumbled in irritation, 'Ah, not in morning man' and said, "Yeah, morning"

Then they went towards the class while asher poking fun at hachiman and hachiman just ignored him, the people who saw them thought, 'What happens to the cold prince with his friends??'

Then they went inside the classroom and sat down, and then he heard whispers from people,

"Hey, you know two girls have transferred to our school."

"Yeah, one of them is said to be very pretty though other is pretty but another is on a different level."

"Yeah, i heard from my friend who knows a guy from takahiro's group that takahiro is intersted in the girl."

Hearing the whispers, Asher's heart started beating quickly and his breathing became haggard, 'Don't tell me sakura has come? What should i do? That b****d will make a move on sakura, with his damn gentlemanly facade. Is she really Sakura?'

Seeing the condition of asher, hachiman became dumbfounded and thought, 'This is my first time seeing him like this, is he really nervous? anxious? afraid? Asher is nervous? How?'

Then Hachiman asked with concern in his voice, "Asher what happened, you are looking pale."

Hearing hachiman, asher came out of his thoughts and began taking deep breaths to calm himself, after calming himself, he thought, 'Pale? rejoice that i didn't got fainted. Dammit i have spent around 40 years in one-sided love with sakura who didn't even existed in my previous world.'

He then said with a tinge of anxiousness in his voice, "Its nothing. I am fine."

Hachiman looked at him suspiciously and was about to say something but he heard a voice,

"SILENCE CLASS, class is starting, bring your books."

Then time for recess came and asher stood up to go somewhere, hachiman looked at him and asked, "Where are you going?"

Asher inwardly was very nervous but still said to him, "Library"

Hachiman thought for a second and said, "Should i also go with you?" although he do not want to waste energy but it does not mean that he doesn't care about asher as he is his first true friend.

Asher didn't had the mind of being surprised so he quickly shook his head and said, "No need, you don't need to worry about me."

Hachiman gave up and nodded his head and thought, 'What happened to this guy today?'

After that asher left the classroom and started taking steps towards library, with each step his heart was beating faster and faster, 'Goddammit this love is sickness, there is not even a cure. f**k'

He nervously reached at the door of library and stood there, took deep breaths as he calmed down himself upto an extent.

[POV Asher]

I opened the door of library and found the same old lady, then i slowly turned my head while gulping my saliva in anxiousness with fast heartbeats.

I looked towards the noise of a girl sending shivers down my spine as she was laughing and talking non-stop with another female.

I closed my eyes, i need to turn, i need to see her, i need to have the courage.

I moved my head towards the two figure, and after looking at a certain familiar figure for around 40 years, time stopped, my eyes widened, surroundings became blank, only one person was standing.

A teenage girl with a slim build, medium height. She had soft, chestnut brown hair with feathery bangs blocking the sides of her face and between her eyes, with straight strands running past her shoulders and curls slightly at the tips. Her eyes were medium-large, a bright amber-brown with dark pupils. She had fair and glowing skin and a bright smile laced upon her face.

My heart stopped, seeing her bright smile was like a light in my dark world, her pearly white teeth melted my heart, seeing her energetically talking, frowning, smiling, laughing.

I thought that this is it, i finally saw her, unconciously a trail of water passed from my eyes through my cheeks.

Then i closed my eyes savouring the moment. I told my heart that this is my chance, all the hardships will be worth it for that smile, all the waiting would be worth it, all the pain would be worth it.

After sometime i felt a pat on my shoulder and opened my eyes slightly, i was not able to see properly as my vision was blurred and once my vision cleared, my eyes widened and heartbeat quickened.

Sakura was standing with a worried expression as she looked into my emerald eyes with her amber-brown eyes, i felt my entire soul sucked into those pair of amber-brown eyes.

Suddenly i heard a feminine voice which was like a melody to me, calming my entire body, and passing through my entire body calming both mind and body,

"Hey, mister are you okay?"

[POV Asher End]


{A/N: Yeah, damn our poor soul cried in front of his love on first meeting lol muhahah~~}

{A/N: Praise me for such a heart wrenching romantic writing or cringy? well whatever i just wrote heheh~~}