Chapter 10-Interactions

[POV Sakura]

I was chatting with my best friend kyoko, on my second day at this school. We are discussing about miscellaneous topic like music trends, famous celebrities, and also about this school.

I was enjoying her company as i had decided to live each and every second of my life happily.

Kyoko said looking towards me while winking, "Hey, I heard a handsome senior is interested in you."

I just rolled my eyes and laughed saying, "Looks like my charm hasn't reduced huh?"

Kyoko laughed and said, "Hai hai, it is rumored that he is a son of some rich guy with a gentlemanly personality."

I scoffed at her words and said, "Hah boring" while waving my hands.

I thought with contemplation, 'Well, i think it will not be too bad to experience some love huh?'

While i was thinking, i sensed someone's gaze at me, sensing it i turned my head towards and was surprised to see a boy of my age, well-built body, exotic handsome looks and those emerald green eyes staring at me as if sucking my entire soul within it.

I was in a trance but after some time i recovered and was startled to see that person crying?

'Eh? WTF? why tears is falling from his eyes, well i think i am pretty enough which should make him happy no? well he is handsome, yeah very handsome probably the most handsome guy i have seen till now. But what happened to him.'

'He is looking at me like he knows me? Although i feel happy by staring by such a handsome dude and i am letting him because there is no lust in his eyes and also no appreciation? its just a blank look, but still it should be in a limit. Appreciate not take!'

I saw that he closed his eyes but the tears were falling without stopping, i became worried and thought, 'What is happening to him? I should go to him and take him to infirmary, maybe he has some sort of sickness.'

Thinking about sickness i just smiled wryly 'who am i to talk about weird sickness heheh~~'

Noticing my gaze kyoko shook my shoulder and said, "Hey, i think something is wrong with that guy, but he is too handsome. Do you think he is the senior?"

I gave a blank expression to her last sentences and said, "Its not time for that, lets go and ask him about what is happening to him."

Kyoko spat out her tongue and teased me but i ignored her and started walking to him.

After arriving i shook his shoulder as he opened his emerald eyes to gaze into my amber-brown eyes. We both looked into each other eyes and i felt my heart sped a bit, then i avoided his gaze and said getting him out of his stance

"Hey mister are you okay?"

[POV Sakura End]

[POV Asher]

I just blankly stared at her and thought, 'Wow asher you are good!, brilliant!, all the first impression gone to waste, i made a fool of myself in front of her!, you are sh*t man, If i have the chance i will surely sue the god who made heart, damn my heart wouldn't even pick this speed even if a naked model is placed in front me'

'I am a goddamm doctor, who had done surgery and here my heart stopped just by looking at her face and listening her' then smiled wryly

'Well maybe love really does not follow any logic' i let out a mental sigh and prepared myself to save some of my face in front of her.

I then looked at her and said gently, "Its nothing, looks like some dirt entered into my eyes."

As i said it i facepalmed inwardly, 'Well excuse of the year, as if she would believe me, where is the genius among geniuses, why i am becoming a fool in front of her.'

She blankly looked at him with a expression saying, 'Really? Do you think i am a fool? You want to believe me that?'

I just awkwardly laughed while scratching my back of head and changed the topic, "Well leaving it aside, my name is Asher, what's yours" i deserve oscar 'I mean i know about her for more than 4 decades and here i am asking her name'

She chuckled sending ripples in my calm ocean, "Okay, I am Sakura Yamauchi, nice to meet you" she brought her hands towards me.

I gulped my saliva as sweat was covering my palms but i still bravely brought my hand and took it 'Aah so soft' he was in daze shaking her hand and just as a bit of reasoning came back, i parted my hands and said, "Oh nice to meet you too, which year sakura-san?"

Sakura smiled and said, "1st year, you asher-san?"

I smiled and said gently with a tinge of satisfaction, "Me too 1st year."

[POV Asher End]

As the two people were chatting a certain young girl with slim, build slightly rougher than Sakura, has short, brown hair that reaches until the bottom of her neck, with an uneven bang swept upward that covers part of her forehead and a thick, short lock of hair that frames the sides of her face and thin eyes with reddish-brown pupils and a small mole underneath her left eye.

She was getting irritated as her best friend started talking ignoring her completely as if she was dust. She was also surprised by such handsome looks and thought he might be the senior but contrary to it he said that he is 1st year?

'How there is no news about him, i might have to search for him.' She mentally noted to look for this pretty boy.

After some time, their conversation came to an end, even though asher wanted to continue but he knew that he should not overdo it so he skillfully said, "Okay sakura-san it was very nice meeting you, its time for class now, see you later" then he waved his hand towards her and bid farewell.

Sakura also said, "Yeah, you are very interesting and nice person, it was nice meeting you too, see you later asher-san."

Hearing her say him as a interesting and nice person, he felt warmth in his heart and smiled brightly showing his pearl white teeth to her as his face was under sunlight radiating radiance from his eyes and giving a etheral look to his face.

Seeing his smile Sakura went into a daze and thought, 'What a beautiful smile, dangerous man!'

Then she recomposed herself and looked to her side seeing a pouting ryoko in anger.

Ryoko said intimadatingly to sakura, "You forgot about her best friend for a pretty guy huh?"

Sakura unconciously corrected her, "Handsome not pretty" then realizing her words she blushed and shook her head as she thought, 'I really forgot about her.'

Then she said with puppy dog eyes her greatest weapon, "How can i forget about my best friend for a guy whom i first time met. You know me ryoko."

Seeing her look ryoko's anger crumbled and said, "Yeah yeah whatever."

Then they continued bickering each other.

(A boy riding a bicycle on road.)

"YEAH!!, I finally met her although first impression was not good but then my silver tongue saved the day."


"So, this was the happy feeling from morning. Aah, I feel so light like floating. Just you wait Sakura heheh~~"

(Two young women bickering each other)

"Achoo..." why i am feeling cold in summer?

"Sakura, looks like someone is thinking about you."



{A/N: I tried my best to potray sakura and ryoko's character well lets see....}

{A/N: Well dao of romance is very difficult to comprehend haish...~~}