Chapter 11-Talking with parents

He went home and ran straight to the music room to play some songs, he took the guitar from his room, adjusted the cords, cleared his throats and started singing while playing guitar in a melodious voice, filled with emotions to set anyone into trance.

{I used to believe

We were burning on the edge of something beautiful

Something beautiful

Selling a dream

Smoke and mirrors keep us waiting on a miracle

On a miracle

Say, go through the darkest of days

Heaven's a heartbreak away

Never let you go, never let me down

Oh, it's been a hell of a ride

Driving the edge of a knife

Never let you go, never let me down

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

Let me love you

Let me love you

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

Let me love you

Let me love you

Don't fall asleep

At the wheel, we've got a million miles ahead of us

Miles ahead of us

All that we need

Is a rude awakening to know we're good enough

Know we're good enough





As the heartfelt song ended, the entire mansion roared in clapping, all the maids and bodyguards were remembering their loves.

"Aah, what a song, i remembered the day my husband proposed to me for the first time"

"My first love, where are you?"

"Although, i haven't fallen in love with anyone but after just listening our young master's song, i feel like it would be a beautiful journey."

Asher in the room thought, 'Its good mom and dad are away for work, if not then they would surely have realized, well even if they realize its not a problem.'

He was feeling refreshed after completing the song, all those emotions were poured in the song. He stretched his body and went to his room.

Starting from today, he will create his fourth master piece secretely, its been few years since he last paint with full frevor. But now its back with more than ever. He headed straight to his room.

He took the canvas, brought the paint, brushes, sculptures, etc. And then imagined a photo of beautiful young woman smiling under the shades of moonlight, while hair fluttering in the wind, wearing a white sleeveless one piece, just like a fairy from heaven.

He painted some parts and then went to his study for further advancement in finding the cures of cancers.

'Hmm?, i think i am close to find cure of lung cancer and thyroid cancer.'

'In two to three weeks it should be completed'

He continued his research till dinnertime. At dinner all 3 of the family were sitting on the table eating their dinner.

Shizune and Kageyama were intrigued seeing their child as he somehow felt glowing with happiness.

Kageyama couldn't control it anymore and asked, "Ashy, you seems to be more happy than usual. Is something the matter?"

Asher looked into his father's eyes with amusement and then nodded, "uh-huh"

Shizune chimed in between before kageyama, "What is it ashy, tell your parents"

Asher said with a straight face, "I met my love of life today, so obviously i am happy."

Hearing it, Kageyama choked the food *cough**cough*, 'What the hell boy, who tells his parents directly about his love life' while kageyama was having his conflicting thoughts.

Shizune had stars in her eyes and said while tears gathering in her eyes, "I am so happy today, when my son was not interested in any woman then i was feeling afraid about my son but now all is good. So, ashy when will you meet us with future daughter-in-law"

Asher smiled gently and held his mother's hand saying, "Mom, I have to first pursue her, currently she doesn't have any feelings for me but rest assured i will definitely make her my wife, but first i have to start with friends."

Shizune said while laughing, "Seeing how handsome is son, will there be any girl to resist his charms, well atleast tell her name to mom."

Asher, 'Mom you don't know at first meeting your son cried in front of her.' he helplessly shook his head and said to his mom, "Her name is Sakura Yamauchi"

After hearing her name shizune's eyes brightened like a child and she said happily, "What a nice name."

Kageyama said while raising an eyebrow, "Oh Yamauchi?, I think i have heard of them. Yeah, one of the most influential family but after the death of family head, their family declined and is now at a level of upper middle class."

Hearing his father's explanation, asher's eyes brightened, 'Oh, in movie this was not known, well in it there was nothing shown about the world, just heartbreaking moments of sakura in which the love of her life did not reciprocated entire time and she was killed for no f****g reason'

His parents saw his sad expression and kageyama thought that it was his fault as his son might be thinking that we would be against it.

Kageyama hurriedly said while patting his son's shoulder, "Son, whichever girl you choose, we will fully support you."

Asher thought that his father has misunderstood but he did not correct it just said while smiling slightly, "Thanks dad."

Then the family happily ate their dinner and went their rooms, asher went into his room and laid down on his bed with a sheepish smile.

"Hah, lets see how tomorrow will fare."

Thinking about tomorrow he dozed off with hid corner of lips slightly turned upwards.

Next morning, he was taking his morning shower while singing happily

{They say oh my God I see the way you shine

Take your hand, my dear, and place them both in mine

You know you stopped me dead while I was passing by

And now I beg to see you dance just one more time

Ooh I see you, see you, see you every time

And oh my I, I, I like your style

You, you make me, make me, make me wanna cry

And now I beg to see you dance just one more time

So they say

Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh, oh, oh

I've never seen anybody do the things you do before

They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay

And when you're done I'll make you do it all again





After the shower, he changed into his uniform and shoot out of his room, he slid on railings of the stair and went to towards the dining table as he took two slices of bread in his mouth and said in a muffled voice,

"I ahm ghoing bhye" he kissed his mom's cheeks and strode out of the house.

Shizune muttered feeling happy, "He sure is happy, which girl was able to melt my son's heart. She sure will be great."

On his bicycle, asher was mumbling 'Let me love you' song while riding the bicycle.

He reached the school and parked his bicycle where he was met by hachiman who had the same dead expression.

Hachiman looked at him and creeped out thinking, 'What's wrong with him, why is he producing such happy vibes?'

He asked warily, "Hey asher what happened to you?"

Asher wrapped his arms around his shoulder while he whispered, "I will tell you but promise to keep it a secret."

Hachiman looked at him a question mark expression and said, "Surely something is wrong with you, who the hell could i even say to?"

Asher then nodded in enlightenment, "Oh, yeah i am your only friend"

3 imaginary arrows shot through hachiman who heard the statement from his friend which should be the last one he could've dream of hearing.

"I Fell in Love" Hearing these four words a dumbfounded expression etched on his face and he shouted, "Y-you w-w-what?"

Asher looked at him while thinking, 'What's with this overreaction dude' but still said it, "I fell in love with a girl"

Hachiman started mumbling, "How the great cold prince fell in love, at some point i was maintaining my distance from you thinking that you are into men and now you come and said you fell in love. Ah, truly a person becomes a fool when in love."

Hearing this asher's face twitched in irritation, 'f**k man it means if i ignore the girls it means i am gay?'

He did not bother more talking with him as he said with an irritated face, "Save your goddamm energy now? why not saving now? b*st*rd"

He then went towards his classroom leaving a staggered, low energy hachiman behind....


{A/N: Well guys things will change as if i move acc. to movie it will end quickly that's why things will change as antagonists will appear also. More oc's will come also in future.}