Chapter 12- Saving Damsel?

He entered the classroom with his same stoic expression but a bit of anticipation were leaking out of it. He sat in his same second last seat besides window showing trees and a garden outside.

He put his chin on his arms and leaned on the desk as he gazed outside, 'haish, will i meet her today?'

(In Sakura's home)

Sakura said to her mom, "Mom, I am going byee"

Her mother came and kissed on her forehead and said, "Go child or you will be late."

Sakura nodded happily and went outside while leaving her mother in her thoughts

Her mother said, "Why this girl seems a bit different today? She is looking more happy?"

'I know behind her happy face, is a face filled with fear of death, fear of never seeing tomorrow, fear of never talking to her friends, fear of never opening her eyes, fear of not witnessing nature.'

Then droplets of tear start coming from her eyes, 'Why god? Why it happened to our family? You took away my husband, my family declined, and my last support-my daughter has been diagnosed with a fatal disease. When will you be satisfied? How much pain will you give us.'

(A person locked in a prison)

*Achoo* "Who is thinking about me? That lovestruck child? I hope he is doing good."

"Wifey, I am sorry, i will remove the list"

Her wife was looking at a board titled 'HUSBANDO LIST' she got startled hearing her husband's voice and said, "You rot there alone b*st*rd" then again started looking at the list with photos and names with a giddy expression.

1)Levi ackerman

2)Sebastian Michaelis

3)Ken Kaneki



(In Sakura's classroom)

Sakura entered the classroom and saw her best friend kyoko, she walked quickly towards her while waving her hands, 'Ah, why i was hoping to see asher-san here? well whatever'

Ryoko stroded towards her and grabbed her saying with a o-expression, "Sakura, yesterday the cold prince talked to you. You know?"

Sakura fell into thought, 'Huh? Who cold prince? For prince asher-san can be capable but cold? nope how can anyone see him as a cold person.'

"Its not possible how can asher-san be a cold person?"

Ryoko squinted her eyes and said, "Are you doubting my connections sakura? hmm?"

Sakura shaked her head and said, "No, its not like that but he doesn't seem to be a cold person."

Ryoko said with half-closed eyes, "He doesn't talk or entertain any girl, everyone thinks twice before approaching him, on first day he broke ankles of a bully student, which was said to take 6 months in recovery, he only has two friends both males, a classmate and a childhood friend. He declined all the proposals from girls without a second thought and remains low-key. Now, miss sakura you tell me is he cold or not."

Sakura was speechless hearing her explanation about asher, 'Thinks twice before approaching? does not talk? bullsh*t'

Sakura just shook her head and said, "Well just leave it and lets talk about other things."

Ryoko looked at her suspiciously and then said, "hmm okay"

(In Asher's classroom)

Today hachiman was not hachiman, he kept saying to asher, "You really fell for a girl? Really? huh? you? girl? who is the unfortunate one? does she exists? or is imaginary?"

Asher became angered and grabbed his head and bonked on the desk, "Shut the f**k up man. Save energy, save earth okay?"

Hachiman just nodded and chuckled {A/N: yeah hachiman chuckled, thank you thank you}, "Okay"

Asher pointed his finger at him which was shaking and he asked while stuttering, "Y-You just c-chuckled? W-who are y-you? Hachiman never chuckles."

Hachiman's face twisted in ugly and looked at him angered, "B*st*rd"

Asher couldn't control any longer and started laughing loudly, "hahah~~"

Hearing his laughter hachiman became more irritated but then a small smile also crept on his face which got unnoticed by asher.

After that 2 classes went and time of recess came.

Asher quickly completed his lunch and started walking towards library, hachiman knew for what he was going so he just mumbled to him, "Good luck"

A bright smile appeared on asher's face as he said patting his shoulder, "Thanks, i need it."

Then he walked to gate, calmed his breath and heartbeat and opened the gate, he quickly looked but was unable to find anyone, he started walking towards table.

Suddenly he saw a silhouette of a beautiful girl falling from the ladders, all his reflex picked up, he took his weight backwards and jumped forward at a inhumane speed and reaction all the things became slowed down.

Books were falling, the girl had her eyes opened widely, as fear crept onto her face as she knew it can escalate her illness that would be end of her.

But then saw a shadow a young man jumping towards her, she just closed her eyes.

Asher slide down and caught the girl as he slided down, wrapping his arms around her, protecting from falling books, then he looked towards and became surprised as seeing those familiar amber-brown eyes, beautiful hair, fair and soft skin.

Unconciously a smile filled with warmth appeared on his face as he tucked few strands of hair behind her ear.

As sakura was ready for impact, but then someone caught her and she was against a sturdy thing, she was feeling warm and was feeling secure then she opened her blurry eyes and saw familiar pair of emerald green eyes.

The emerald eyes gazed into amber-brown eyes sucking the souls of each other as they both became silent and enjoying the silence and intimacy.

Then a shout was heard from behind, "SAKURA ARE YOU OKAY? I saw you falling and i-i thought..." then tears started appearing as her voice became muffled and she started sobbing.

Coming out of daze, asher gently stood her up and grabbed her as she doesn't fall and asked with voice filled with worry and gentleness, "Are you okay sakura-san?"

Sakura was feeling giddy and happy hearing someone's worry for her as she said with a bright smile, "I am fine asher-san thank you."

Asher shook his head as he said, "No need to thank me."

Then sakura's gaze went towards the crying kyoko as she walked towards her and embraced her as she said, "I am okay kyoko, nothing happened alright? now stop crying."

Kyoko nodded and wiped her tears, "uh-huh"

Asher said with a tone filled with warmth, "Sakura-san should i take you to infirmary?"

Sakura went into daze hearing his gentle voice filled warmth and then shook her head, "No need asher-san, i will take kyoko with me. We will meet tomorrow. Once again thank you for today."

Asher first became disappointed hearing her refusing him but then his expression brightened hearing that she will meet him again tomorrow as he nodded happily again and again, "Yeah, we will meet again."

Sakura smiled and unknown warmth swarmed in her heart and her heart started beating erratically as she saw his anticipation and happiness hoping to meet her tomorrow.

Then she went away feeling giddy and smiling brightly with her cheeks became slightly pink.

Kyoko seeing it smiled knowingly.

Asher was over the moon as he said, 'Okay, bro one step at a time, now she atleast wants to meet tomorrow, nice development asher. But that was frightening sight, thank god i was here at correct time, if not then' he started feeling fear and anxiousness but then calmed him down, 'Nothing will happen to her'

(A person locked in prison)

*Achoo*"What's happening today? Why everyone is remembering me? Is today my birthday?"

"Wifey is today my birthday?"

A woman was staring at a picture, "How handsome...."


{A/N: Well that was some development muhahah~~}