Chapter 13-Mysteries about Yamauchi Family

With mixed emotions asher reached his home and ran into his room, he took a quick shower and laid down the bed listlessly.

He lazily opened his computer and started browsing, he searched for Yamauchi family in government databases, police databases, etc. and found out a article and information about the death of head of Yamauchi family, i.e father of sakura.

"Hmm, lets see what we have here" then he read the article and went into deep contemplation.

'Hmm, family head died in a car accident?, he was drunk after the party and his car slid off the hill resulting in the blast, oh? something is wrong here, hospital A showed that there was alcohol traces but hospital B showed that there was no alcohol traces? and the report of hospital B was subdued and on same day, the head doctor was charged for corruption? this hospital A is a subsidiary of 'Gylph industries', but it does not seems that only gylph industries is involved because charging a head doctor in one day is in above leagues of gylph industries'

'The mystery is deepening, there are some large matters involved in it, well we will see in future how it goes as i have some future plans because the enemy is not easy and weak.'

Thinking about things asher went into slumber after waking up he freshened up and went for dinner

"Hi mom, dad"

Kageyama nodded and shizune asked teasingly , "Hi ashy, so how was the school? some development with your girl"

Asher ignored his mother teasings and bluntly said, "It was good, reached the level of acquaintances"

Shizune dumbly looked at her son and muttered, "You are bold"

Asher said, "Thanks for the compliment mom"

Shizune became speechless and just shook her head helplessly, Kageyama was laughing at side seeing the mom-son's antics.

Shizune angrily looked at him and said, "You seem to be laughing, huh? today you will sleep on sofa after arranging the bed."

Kageyama started asking for mercy, "My dear wife, spare this poor soul, this humble one was just laughing a little bit"

Shizune raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, so you admit laughing then, you will sleep on sofa for this entire week."

Kageyama became panicked, "No wifey what about 'that'"

Shizune said mercilessly, "Use your hands. Your lifelong partners. 'In this life you two will be forever with me and we will comfort each other for eternity' remember something?"

Kageyama became shocked and asked while stuttering, "Y-you when d-do you r-read that f-from my hand."

Shizune bluntly said, "I have my connections, you don't need to worry."

Asher chimed in for fun as he asked with an innocent smile, "Mom, is dad cheating?" he then winked towards his mother.

Shizune understood and laughed inwardly and then with a crying expression ran to asher and said, "Yes, ashy your dad is cheating on me. What should i do?"

Asher patted his mom's head and asked, "With how many?"

Shizune said while sobbing, "Two"

Asher then looked at his dad with a cold expression sending shivers down his spine, "Dad, you are cheating mom with two? Looks like you don't want to live dad? huh?"

Even shizune was shocked seeing his acting, 'Well my son is the best.'

Kageyama was sweating nervously as he didn't know what to say and seeing his son's indifferent expression he was afraid, he said while stuttering, "I-I-I..."

Seeing such reaction on his father, asher couldn't control anymore and started laughing with tears in his eyes, " y-your look was...haha...very funny hahah...."

Shizune also laughing loudly, seeing them kageyama understood what was going on and he said gritting his teeth, "You TWO..." he then pounced on both of them as all the 3 members of family were laughing and chatting as usual.

(In Sakura's home)

Sakura was eating dinner with her mother while thinking about a certain someone, his smile, his care, his nervousness which brought a smile on her face.

Sakura's mother looked at her and smiled knowingly as she asked teasingly, "*ahem* saku who is the lucky one?"

Sakura came out of her thoughts as she heard her mother's words, she started blushing like a tomato, while she shouted towards her mom "What you are saying mom? hmph" she pouted.

Sakura's mother inwardly thought 'cute' then she smiled and shook her head as she said in sing-song voice, "Its-nothing-nothing."

Hearing her teasing tone sakura just blushed and quickly ate dinner, as she ran to her room like a rabbit, while her mother had a sad smile, 'Only if she was well' she pursed her lips and determined herself to not cry.

While inside the room she opened her diary titled, 'Living with Dying' she carassed the cover page as she opens the notebook and starts writing,

'Yeah today, i f****g slipped from ladder and was about to fall down and i knew if i had been fell down then definitely i would have admitted which may be resulted into a worse situation'

'But suddenly the same weird handsome boy came as a knight and saved the princess-me, i don't know what happened but his embrace was very warm and secure? Looks like he doesn't even know how dangerous his smile is'

'And he just kept giving me brighter and brighter smile cutting off reasoning, i don't know why but his voice carried a very worried tone as it was his life that was in danger. I don't know but whenever he smiles, talkes, laughs, jokes an unknown warmth is spread into my spread,

'What is it admiration? lust? like? or love? whatever it is, it is very soothing and calming, the look on his face was worth to watch when i said to meet him tomorrow, seeing his attention, excitement and anticipation towards me i feel very good.'

'But should i try getting close to him? should i try to be happy? should i try to love? well why not as i have already decided that i will live my life to fullest'

After writing sakura closed her diary as tears started coming out of her eyes as she kept saying, "why? why? why?"

After an unknown period of time she was sitting on chair as she gazed at moon as a bright smile appeared on her face, 'Will you meet me tomorrow asher?' then she closed her eyes and went into slumber.

(At Asher's home)

Asher was lying on his bed as he was sideways while keeping his cheek on his palm gazing at the moon, "How things will go tomorrow with sakura? huh?" then he dozed off.

Next morning

Asher woke up and did his regular exercises and then rode off to school and parked his bicycle where he saw the gum-boy.

Asher said while waving to him, "Oyee, issei here."

Issei looked at him and came while chewing the gum as he said, "Good morning asher."

He then took out a gum and said, "Do you want gum?"

Asher deadpanned and said without any emotion, "No thanks"

Then a friend of issei came as he started talking with him, asher shook his head and went towards his classroom.

As soon as asher went inside his room with small smile for anticipation of the recess, the scene in front of him made him frown as he became angry.....


{A/N: How is it going guys?}