Chapter 14-Angry Asher

As he entered, he saw a bantered and bloodied Hachiman lying on the floor, blood was coming from his mouth as he was surrounded by 5 men looking like hooligans equipped with hockey sticks, rods, bats, etc. and they were grinning evilly.

Asher felt so much angered that his eyes turned red and he shouted sending shivers down everyone's spine as they took a step back, "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"

He walked towards hachiman when he saw one of the men saying, "Hey, we have not allowed to go to him."

Asher looked towards him with his icily cold expression, devoid of any warmth or mercy, the man felt that he was just an ant in front of him as his back was covered in sweat.

Asher swiftly punched him in his guts as he spat out the blood and was thrown towards the wall, as he lost his conciousness.

Seeing the punch, the other men gulped in fear as they imagined if they were at that man's place but they reassured themselves that he cannot be able to win against 4 of us together.

Asher paid no heed to them as he moved towards hachiman while spreading coldness as the temperature of room was dropped by several degrees. He reached towards hachiman and straightened his back while supporting him.

He checked his condition and was relieved to know that there was no permanent injury, he sprayed cold water on him to wake him up and as hachiman opened his eyes he was shocked to see asher staring at him worryingly.

Asher asked in cold voice, "Tell me what happened right now."

This was the first time hachiman has seen him using such cold and indifferent voice although he had heard rumors about him but when he was with him there was no such coldness.

He then composed himself and started telling what happened to him.

"I was just sitting on my desk, ignoring everything as usual but then these five men came and started asking everyone about you, he kept shouting, "where is that gay b****d" then one of them turned towards me and said, "Oh, he is the boy toy of him" "Oh i think their fathers are also same f**k buddies" "Yeah, why don't you give your mothers to us and we will take care of them" "Your p*ssies fathers cannot satisfy your sl*tty b*tches" if they would have insulted me only then there was no problem but these f****s insulted and our parents also so, i lost my control over myself and attcked them and then you know the end result"

Hearing the explanation, Asher felt so much anger that he might kill them so he closed his eyes as to calm down his emotions and then he opened his bloodshot eyes and turned towards them.

All the men became stiffed, their mind and body was screaming to run as far as possible only run and run there is no second option. But they refused to believe that a single young boy of 16 can beat them together.

Asher calmly walked towards them with an emotionless face, they all got into position.

Then 2 of them ran forward to him and tried to hit him on his face with hockey stick, asher dodges the attack swiftly and knocks him out by hitting at the back of his head, the other person aims for his legs as asher jumps and gives him a roundabout kick on his face as teeth flew out of his mouth.

The other two also ran towards him at the same time as one of them tries to hit him with rod but asher uses the other guy as a shield and the meat shield was hit at his shoulder destroying the joints.

Then he catches the rod with his bare hand and pulls it from attacker's hand and he swiftly give a clear strike on his leg, earning a painfull cry, "Arghhhh...." the other man tried to sneak on him from the back but asher give him a backward kick on his crotch area as another heartwrenching cry was resounded, "Arghhhhh...."

Then he picks all four of them and brings them out of the classroom, and take them to an abandoned shelter and places them on the floor, tying them.

Then he brings out cold water and splashes all over them, they all opens their eyes to see a man with a cold smile and a expression saying, 'Now lets begin the fun' they all shouted in their minds, 'DEMON!! he is a demon.' 'Merciless, cold, ruthless demon.'

Then Asher claps his hands and said, "So, guys lets start the tort*cough* i mean interrogation."

*There might be some Gore, so read at your own risk heheh~~*

Asher wents towards them and says, "The first one to tell me who send you, then i will let him go from here."

All four of them looks at each other and keeps their mouth shut, seeing this, Asher move towards one of them and picks up a pointed rusted nail from the ground and he with a cold and evil smile on his face, he pokes the man's eyes and left the nail in his eyes.

The man can just shout with all of his might, "Argghhhhh.....arghhhh....."

The man's companions started shivering and tears started flowing their eyes seeing the rusted nail in the eyes of their companion.

Then a cold voice resounded in their ears, "I never go to find problem and if you have come to beat me thein i would have left you but you b****ds dare harm my best friend, insult my parents, you can forget to die as i will torture you until you beg death from me."

He has done these tortures thousands of time and also has been tortured in his previous life.

Then one of them said sprawling on the ground grinding his dead, "Please mercy mercy..."

Asher just laughed which was like demon's laughter to them and said, "Oh, if i was weaker than you and was begging you then would you have left me? NO! you won't but rather you will keep torturing me. Do i look fool or stupid to you that i have will take pity on you?"

The man decided to told him everything, 'F**k friends, i will tell him everything' "Sir, i will tell you everything, please mercy."

Asher said without looking at him as he found another rusted nail, "I don't go back on my word, even if i go then what can you do about it?"

Seeing him pick up another nail he shivered and without a second thought he started telling him, "Sir, we were send by our boss, we belong to Terror Gang and we were following the order sir."

*Gore end*

Asher lifted his eyes and asked, "Oh, underworld?"

Seeing him speaking so casual about underworld, cold sweat started appearing on man's forehead as he just nodded his head, "Y-yes s-sir"

Asher went into his thoughts, 'Looks like even in this life, i have to enter the underworld huh? Looks like i have to start my future plans now. I will talk to my dad today at night. Who wants me dead this much? I didn't even do anything, is it my dad's enemy or..?'

Then his eyes widened as who can tell them about his location, 'Looks like the enemy is from the school and although he knows i am from michuki family but i think he don't know that i am son of head of family. Few people have the influence to contact people of underworld, me, issei, sakura?, ryoko?, but all of them are my friends so only one person remains.'

'Huh, Takahiro?, yeah he should be. But why? I know that all his gentlemanly appearance is a facade to hide his true b*tchy self. Well, boy Takahiro looks like you underestimated me very much by only sending 5 people huh? OK LETS START THE GAME THEN' A vicious smile laced on asher's face.

Then he as he had promised let him go from here, 'Hehe~don't worry i will personally execute you in future.'

Then asher looked at other 3 guys in which one of them has pissed his pants, asher was disgusted by them, he said, looking towards them, "You all 3 go to your boss and tell him if he have the confidence then come to me directly. Don't need to be so b*tchy." Then he took out a ball pen and wrote the same words that he said on their faces.

While writing he pressed the point with might as they kept wailing but it was of no use.

Then he removed their ties and let them go.

All four of them crawled out of the room from the room, 'We will never come to this guy, NEVER EVER'

Asher also walked out and directly rode towards the home as he have to talk about future plans with his father, he also needs to have foothold in underworld as he knows that his father must have but he still needs to make up his name.

He went into his house and he found that his father was already inside his room while sipping out tea then his dad looked towards him and smiled as he patted a chair next to him gesturing to him sit as he said, "I presume you have discuss things?"

Asher smiled as he looked at his father eye-to-eye, "Yeah..."


{A/N: Heheh~~Plot is becoming bigger.}