Chapter 24-Date(end)

After 2 hours of ride, both Asher and Sakura arrived at a magnificient building, it was like a palace supported by pillars, a water fountain in middle and a beautiful garden.

The restaurant was named as 'The Rose Palace', it was the best restaurant in the whole country where only upper-class people could afford to eat.

Sakura was in awe seeing the place, although their family has declined but they still were one of the most prominient family before so she naturally have heard about the restaurant, she was nervous that Asher is spending so much money on just a restaurant, somewhat she was slightly disliking it.

Asher looked at her and said in a mused tone, "I know what you are thinking Sakura, but the money i am spending is mine and if i don't spend it to pursue my love of life then to whom i am to spend it on? Moreover i wanted to have dinner with you at a quiet place, so this place is better."

Sakura's heart skipped a few beats when he mentioned to pursue love of his life as her cheeks started heating up, but she still managed to say, "Okay"

Asher smiled and grabbed her hand as he started leading her to the restaurant.

Both of them were walking side-by-side now, all the onlookers were in awe, admiration and jealous with two of them as they were looking a perfect couple, they were walking like a king and queen. They started whispering among themselves.

One of the old lady said, "Oh my look at those two, a pair made in heaven."

One of the jealous young girl said, "Hmph, a sl*t who seduced a big fish by climbing the bed."

One of the jealous young boy said, "She will soon leave him after using him."

Both of them completely ignored their comments and proceeded towards table, they walked towards the last table at corner beside the window hand-in-hand.

Sakura was looking at her boyfriend with a warm gaze as she was overwhelmed by emotions today, she was praising him as he was able to calm her aggrieved emotions very easily with just few words or with a kiss hehe~, he was always able to sense if something was wrong with her.

As she was in her thoughts, she bumped with someone, she stumbled a little but Asher managed to stable her by holding her waist, she instinctively said, "Sorry" by bowing a little with a sincere apology.

Asher also looked forward and found a beautiful girl, although nowhere near Sakura but still she was quite a seductress as she was wearing light clothes exposing her skin, due to the bumping the wine was spread on her dress.

She had crimson hair that was tied up in a ponytail with chest-length hair strands hanging on either side, emerald-green eyes, a pretty cute and youthful facial features.

Behind her was another girl who was standing quietly, with primrose coloured hair and eyes and a lot of freckles.

The crimson haired girl looked at Sakura with anger as she yelled, "You b*tch, don't you have eyes, tch all these sl*ts only know to seduce people on bed-"

Asher's anger was boiling as he said in a icily cold voice as a monarch, "You shut the f*ck up, if one more word will come out of your garbage mouth then the consequences will be dire."

The crimson-haired girl was frozen on the place hearing him as she was not insulted and reprimanded in her entire life but even if she wanted to say something, she was unable to as she was not able to look directly into his eyes.

She originally had planned to confront him and entice him with her beauty, she had not seen a man like Asher his looks, charisma with a mysterious aura was top-notch, she thought that she will corner Sakura as she thought that the girl must have nice skills on bed and she was very much confident in those abilities.

Sakura squeezed his hand as she reassured him that it does not bother her and she will handle her.

Sakura then squinted her amber-brown eyes towards the crimson-haired girl, she knew that she was trying to seduce her boyfriend who did not even notice it because of anger towards her, she was now feeling sympathy for her 'heh~, trying to snatch my man'

Then she said in cold voice without an ounce of fear, "Miss, I have already apologised and if you are so poor that you need money for your clothes, then i could give the money to you but now please let us enjoy our date."

The crimson-haired girl was about to snap at Sakura but she stopped when a primrose-haired girl held her shoulders as she said by bowing her head a little, "I am apologizing in behalf of my friend for her toxic words."

She looked at her friend and told her with her eyes to not speak more, Sakura was startled by sudden apology from her friend but she decided to drop the matter and just enjoy her evening with her boyfriend.

Sakura said looking at primrose-haired girl, "Its okay."

Primrose-haired girl beamed a smile and said in a friendly voice, "Thanks and I am Michel Light(Rachel) and she is Malty Melromarc."

Sakura also smiled lightly and said, "Oh and I am Sakura and this is my boyfriend Asher." while introducing Asher, her voice became gentle as she sub-conciously gazed at him.

Asher smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders to announce that she was taken, Sakura also snaked her arm around his waist.

Asher also said with somewhat distant voice, "Oh Light and Melromarc families, cunning and wicked haha~"

There was a moment where Rachel's eyes became darkened but at the next second she again wore her friendly and warm expression as she said, "Haha, I wonder from which family you two are?"

Asher smiled at her and said, "Please wonder, and excuse us" then he grabbed Sakura's waist and took her to the table.

Rachel turned to see the young man and muttered, "He is dangerous.." after that Malty looked at her and said while gritting her teeth, "Tch, I wanted him, you did not let me teach that b*tch a lesson."

Rachel grabbed her so-called friend's arm and dragged her out of the restaurant.

Near the table.

Asher and Sakura sat opposite after Asher pulled her chair to let her sit down, then Sakura pouted and said cutely, "Why did you have to be that rude to Rachel, she was good girl."

Asher raised his eyebrows and said while musing, "So, my Sakura you want me to be good at other girls? What if they fall for me? I don't know about you but i will definitely beat the shit out of any man if he try to become close to you hehe~"

Sakura muttered, "Your looks alone can make them fall for you and the coldness and mysteriousness only increase your charms, stupid."

Asher said in a confused voice, "You said something?"

Sakura shook her head and continued, "Okay okay, so do you think that i will let any girl close to you huh? sorry to say mr. boyfriend but i don't share anything that is mine"

Asher laughed at her and hearing the contagious laughter she also started laughing, they both laughed and looked at each other with a gentle expression, Asher's heart skipped a few beats looking at her happy face.

He leaned closer to Sakura, Sakura understood it and also leaned forward as her eyes were closed, this time both of their hearts were calm and under the dim light with candles surrounded, Asher captured her rosy lips and gave a gentle kiss full of love for her.

Sakura also recuperated and nibbled his lower lip as she slid her soft and slimy tongue in his mouth, she french kissed him slopily by trying to do the same as he did.

They both kissed for good few minutes, after that they touched their foreheads with each other and smiled lovingly at each other.

After that Asher called the waiter and ordered Offal and Yakiniku, Sakura was surprised as he ordered her favourite foods,

Sakura asked him, "How did you know my favourite food."

Asher smiled mysteriously and said, "Coincidence?"

Sakura pouted her lips and turned her head as she said, "hmph, as i would believe it"

Asher laughed and pinched her cheeks as he said while smiling, "So cute"

Sakura blushed red at the compliment and smack him on the chest as she said, "I am not a baby"

Asher winked at her and said in a teasing voice, "You are my darling baby hehe~"

Sakura blushed and said in a annoyed voice, "You just wait, I will take my revenge on you hmph~"

Asher smiled teasingly further irritating her, "hehe~ I will be waiting for that day"

After that they both eat the dinner, Asher was in awe at Sakura as she was eating like a glutton, he then commented, "Oh my Sakura, where all the food go? Your figure is above perfect even after eating so much."

Sakura said while eating, "Don't worry i do not become fat no matter how much i eat hehe~. So, be ready to spend a fortune to feed your girlfriend"

Asher smiled and said, "It would not matter as i would also love to see chubby Sakura and don't worry i can feed you entire life." asher said with a double meaning as no matter what he will love her, as originally he was in love with Sakura herself not with her appearance, after coming in the world he found that Sakura was many time more beautiful than in anime.

As if understanding him, Sakura blushed lightly and said, "Well, I have to maintain myself to be worthy of you"

Asher smiled and said, "There is no need to show anyone, because i know that no one other than you can be worthy,"

Sakura just smiled at him and continued eating, 'I will definitely become worthy of you Asher'


{A/N: hehe~}