Chapter 25-'I am free'

After completing the dinner, Asher drove her back to home, Sakura got down from the bike and fidgeted a little thinking what to do.

Finally she came closer to Asher and pecked him on the cheeks as she blushed and said, "Thank you so much for today Asher, it was my best day till now."

Asher was startled a little because it was the first time she had taken the initiative to kiss although it was only a peck on cheeks but it was enough to send him on seven heavens, he was feeling happy and content, he said lightly, "It was my pleasure Sakura."

He grabbed her by waist making her yelp by surprise and met her lips with his, he gently kissed her and backed out, he struck few strands of hair behind her ear to see her beautiful face, she slowly opened her blurry eyes.

Asher gave her a last peck on lips and said, "Good night Sakura, dream of me and be ready to go on date every now on then hehe~"

Without waiting for her reply he solemnly said, "Please contact me if you have any problem and also my men might have came here and talked with auntie, so you can talk it out with her. You don't need to worry about your illness thing, you can now start pursuing your dreams."

"If you need any help or advice please contact me, we should not keep secrets with each other, if any thing will bother you, then we can talk it out okay?"

"For stable relationship we will not hide things and will trust each other."

After that Asher smiled gently, 'Proper communication is very important if not then misunderstandings are very dangerous things.'

Sakura seriously listened to him and nodded her head seriously because she knew that for a healthy and happy relationship communication is very important, majority of happy relationships breaks due to misunderstandings and lack of communication.

Asher smiled seeing that she understood him and then Asher remembered about underworld thing and contemplated to tell her or not, then he decided to atleast give her some knowledge about it or not it will only eat him up from inside.

He took a deep breath and asked Sakura, "Sakura, umm actually i am in underworld also. I don't do any inhuman things or like that, it is important to keep underworld in control or not it will threaten our lives. I promise that i will not do any thing which is against our morale. So, can you forgive me-"

Sakura cut him off in middle and said resolutely, "I don't care Asher if you are in underworld or not, I know you and trust you that you will never do such things and i also know that it is important to have standing underworld, although my family has declined but i have knowledge about it."

Asher felt that a heavy weight has lifted from his chest and he hugged Sakura tightly as he said, "Oh, I was afraid that you might start hating me that's why i was not having the courage to talk to you about it."

Sakura patted his back and smiled as she said, "I can never hate you, I might be angry with you for sometime but i know i will never be able to hate you Asher." she hugged him back.

After that Asher bid his farewell and drove his bike back to the mansion.

[POV Sakura]

I watched the back of Asher disappear in dark as he returned his room as a feeling of loss fluttered in my heart.

I took a deep breath to calm my emotions, I was feeling my heart pound rapidly as if it would come out of my chest, butterflies were fluttering in my stomach as soon as i remembered his confession,

'I love you Sakura' i could feel my cheeks burning as i blushed deep and covered my cheeks with hands.

Then i remembered him being the infamous Dr. Ash, although i was shocked but i don't know why i was able to digest the fact easily, then i remembered that i my illness will be cured, a indescribable feeling aroused within me.

All the shackles was broken, I could feel that i was flying without any restrictions, I could feel the hope, the light in my dark world, Asher was the light in my dark world.

I really like him but love? I don't know as i never tried to love and why would i, if ay person knew that they are going to die in 1-2 years then why would they try to love but just feeling of losing Asher or going him to another woman breaks my heart.

I could feel that if i take Asher out of my life then i don't know how will i fare in future, well i will not waste my time in thinking that what if i lose Asher but rather I will open all the shackles of my heart and will love him, cherish him, and be with him.

I know that right now i might not be in love with him but i am more than 100% sure that i will definitely fall for him and only him, I can't even think of any other man.

Although I am young but i know that i have matured faster although i have bubbly personality so I know about myself and have enough EQ.

Just the feeling of being with Asher fills all the voids in my heart.

I started walking towards my home as i greeted the guards with a nod as they were giving me weird looks, 'What the heck, i was not close with any boy so it does not mean that you will treat me as a different person after looking me with a boy.' I then hear them whisper,

Guard 1 said, "Hey, wasn't that person in morning, well in looks he can top the list. I have first time saw our young madam close to opposite gender."

Guard 2 said, "Well young madam is looking very happy and content so i think that he is good moreover he must be good as he was chosen by young madam although nowadays people change their partners like changing clothes."

Guard 3 said, "Tch, he only had looks, nothing more-"

Guard 1 said, "Oyee stop there, we know that you like young madam but have you seen yourself in front of mirror?"

My eyes twitch hearing them as she said inwardly, 'You better keep your feelings upto yourselves, I ain't any polite or kind madam that i will feel any guilt or bad if you try to pursue me without any consent. If you ever try bad-mouthing Asher, you can leave from here.'

(Asher on bike)

"*Achoo* hehe~ looks like Sakura is thinking about me"

(Back to POV Sakura)

I opened the door and just as i said, "I am home mom-" my mother ran towards me and hugged tightly as she started saying,

"There is hope Saku, A.S.H hospital has decided to transfer you to them and they will develop the cure, we have hope finally, you will be cured Saku, you will live Saku-" she kept saying as tears of joy were flooding out of her eyes.

I hugged my mom as i could feel my vision turning blur and tears started coming out of my eyes, 'Yes mom, we have hope, all the pain, sufferings and fear will end mom,'

'I am afraid of death goddammit, i show being strong in front of others it does not mean i am not afraid of death but rather it is the opposite as I fear death, I sleep every night thinking that will i be able to wake up tomorrow? will i be able to see my mom?'

'In almost entire 17 years, I have lived knowing my that i will die once i am 17 or 18, I had dreams but all were destroyed, but now this is my rebirth as i will chase after my dreams, chase after Asher, chase after a happy life. I am free.'

We both hugged each other and cried our hearts out and then we separated, I looked at my mom who was glowing now as if a heavy weight have lifted from her shoulders.

Then i heard my mom teasingly said, "Well now let's wash our faces and then come and sit on sofa and talk about my daughter's first boyfriend."

As soon as i heard my mother my ears turned red as my cheeks started blushing and i lowered my head as i bit my lower lip as to avoid her gaze.

My mom was surprised and said, "Oh my, which young man made my daughter like this, I must meet him and find who can capture my daughter's heart."

I ran towards the washroom and shouted, "Mom! I am not talking to you."

My mom just laughed, I washed my face and looked at mirror to find a beautiful young woman who was glowing, 'You are free Sakura, Asher made you free to make you fly.'

Then i dried my face with towel and walked to the room only to find my mother sitting on the sofa, she turned around and smiled warmly at me.

I also smiled and sat down on floor as my mother was applying oil on my hair, I heard my mom,

"So, his name is Asher right? Well i have heard from guards that his looks are top-notch, what about other things? where did he take you for date? did he forced you to do anything? is he sincere?" my mom kept bombarding questions at me.

I said, "Slow down mom, so yeah he is handsome and caring. No, he had not forced me to do anything, he first brought me to a natural landscape, i will show you photos later, then he took me to 'The Rose Palace' and we had a dinner."

My mother was surprised and said, "Oh new idea nice and 'The Rose Palace'? hmph another rich child spending his parent's money."

I was annoyed but i knew that she will feel like this but still i need to retort, "Mom, it was his own money and he said if he do not spend money to pursue his love then on whom would he spend?"

My mother raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh love? huh? interesting, you have to make him meet me"

I said, "Please wait for a while mom, I had my first date today, wait for a while and i will make him meet you."

Then she showed her mom the photos, which were selfies and some singles.

My mom said, "Well he is definitely handsome and you seem to be happy too, but Saku please remember that these rich children are mostly playboys and they play with feelings so please be aware."

Sakura thought, 'If only you knew mom that he is the one who had changed my life.' I pursed my lips and said, "Don't worry mom i will be careful."

My mom nodded and said after a while, "Take me to that place with you next time, it is very beautiful."

I started laughing at my mother who pouted and said, "What? Am i not allowed to go to your love nest?"

I shook my head and said, "I will tell Asher mom, don't worry haha~"

My mom also started laughing and we both smiled at each other and then I said to my mom while yawning, "I am going to sleep now mom."

Just as i entered room a message popped in my phone.

ASHER: Good night love, sweet dreams(like we were tasting each other lips)*grinning face*

I blushed at the message and replied

SAKURA: Good night baby, *winking face* have wet dreams with me

I closed my phone not to look at the phone then i went to my table and opened my diary 'Living with Dying'

I wrote, 'Thanks for being with me till now but now a new chapter has unlocked in my life.'

Then I jumped on the bed and slumped to sleep with a silly smile on my face

[POV Sakura end]


{A/N: oops! i crossed 2k words in this chapter}