Chapter 27-"I want to become a novelist"

After taking the tests, Asher kissed on forehead of Sakura and said gently, "I am going to discuss with other experts, meanwhile you can do whatever you like, I can also make your mother come in if you want."

Sakura looked at him while lying on the bed while he was sitting beside her holding her hand with his one hand while the other was brushing her hair, she was feeling blissful and peace at his caring nature.

Then she calmly said while carrassing his soft cheeks with her other hand, "Hmm, you can send my mother in while you do your work."

Asher smiled and nodded, he kissed her hand which incited a blush on Sakura and stood up, he exited from the back door with his reports.

Sakura sighed in satisfaction and curled up with a smile on her beautiful face waiting for her mother.

(In a high tech room)

Asher was sitting at the president seat with a mask on his face while all the other experts were sitting around him of which the major team which will do the operation are all female and he is the only male.

His basic excuse for himself was that, 'Firstly like hell i would let any other man to see touch her even if for operation and basically if you have better ladies surgeon then why bother with male surgeon hehe~'

He knew that he was childish but still, he was willing to be silly or stupid for his Sakura. If he have other option then why would he will not choose it? Yeah he was not overly possessive, definitely not.

The other members were also confused at their boss's order but were afraid to voice any complaint or whatsoever.

He gazed at them with his emerald eyes at them and said, "I think operation can be done day after tomorrow?"

All of them stiffed for a moment and one of them bravely asked, "Sir, but you didn't announce that you have created the cure of pancreatic cancer."

Asher moved his gaze to him, the person was having cold sweats, then Asher said, "I will announce after the success of this operation, first tell me WILL THE OPERATION CAN BE DONE DAY AFTER TOMORROW?"

They also sucked in cold air when their boss raised his voice, all of them said in unison, "It will prepared sir."

Asher nodded and said, "Good, be ready, you will see your boss's skill in upcoming operation."

All of them had stars in their eyes, they all were people who wanted to improve in medical field and they knew that their boss was super genius but they have never seen him in any operation, so they were very excited.

Then Asher said firmly and threateningly, "There should be no problem to patient, if any discomfort will happen to her then forget to live."

All of them could feel their bodies shiver and all of them thought, 'Who that person is? Our boss would care less if even the president died at our hospital but seeing this level of care to the person, just who she is?'

Although they were somewhat envious of her but they were not jealous or rather they can't afford or are brave enough to be jealous.

Asher looked at them and thought if he should tell them or not that she could be their future lady boss? he thought, 'these people are trusted and also they can never open their mouths due to contracts.' He decided to tell them as they deserve to know due to which they will also be able to guess my age.

Asher then said with warmth in his voice, "I am chasing her to become your lady boss, so boys and girls be serious in operation. Meeting adjourned" with that said he stood up and exited the room leaving dumbfounded people.

One of the lady jumped and shouted, "W-WHAT? l-lady boss? isn't she around just 17?"

The other lady with equally shocked expression said, "That means our boss could max be be in twenties."

Another one said, "Woah, our boss is so young, although looking at his physique and skin, I also thought that he atleast be in late thirties but sh*t he is in twenties goddammit or even less."

Another one said, "Yeah, now we have to be extra careful during operation or else we all are gonna die."

They all nodded while sweating buckets of water.

(In Sakura's room)

Hinata was looking at her daughter and was holding her hand as she said, "Saku, day after tomorrow is your operation and you will be free of the disease all for once." she was smiling without any restraints as tears were pooling in her eyes.

Sakura smiled and rubbed her mother's hand, "Yeah mother."

Then they talked about mundane things while her mother asked,

"Saku did you tell your boyfriend about your illness?"

Sakura contemplated whether to tell truth but decided to tell the truth, "Yeah mom i told him about it but he said that he already knew it."

Hinata's eyes widen as she was shocked as she thought, 'Yeah maybe he can find about her illness using his resources but even then why be in relationship with her, is he using her? is he only after her body? I will hunt down if he ever tries to harm my daughter.'

Sakura knew what she was thinking, so she looked at her and smiled reassuringly as she said, "Mom, don't worry, you know that i will never judge people wrong."

Hinata looked at her and felt relieved slightly as she knew that her daughter was very mature for her age due to lingering fear of death and other burdens but still she was a mother and she was her only daughter-her life.

Soon sun was settled as night came, Sakura urged her mother to go home but her mother was reluctant. After sometime she finally convinced her mother to go home.

After her mother went home, she brought out some novels and started reading novel.

Meanwhile, the backdoor opened and a handsome figure came without making a noise, Asher looked at her who was lying on her stomach as she was swinging her legs and her chin was on her palms and she was reading a novel.

He marvelled at how beautiful his girlfriend was, her few strands of hair were falling on her face as she was looking like a beautiful fairy, he was in daze for good few minutes, after coming out of the daze, he moved slightly.

If he was any normal person then till now he might be beaten to plump by now but how can a student would beat his teacher, so Asher stealthily went to her and then pecked her cheeks as he bit her cheeks resulting in creating a reddish mark at her cheek.

Sakura jumped in fright and shouted, "Kyaa~" then she looked at the person and pouted cutely as she said grumpily, "Hmph! always frightens me."

Asher looked at her and thought, 'She looks so cute when she is angry hehe~' then he said as he pulled her to him, he sat down on bed leaning his back at the wall, he put sakura in between his legs and wrapped her with his arms around her waist as he put his face into her neck and inhaled her scent.

Feeling warm breath on her neck, Sakura's heart skipped a few beats as an unknown feeling spread into her body, she felt ticklish and hot.

Sakura inquired, "Hmm~ Asher umm what you are doing?" she asked when he started kissing her neck lightly which sent shivers into her body, she unconciously tilted her head to give him a better access.

She started feeling hot as her breathing hitched, a small moan came out of her mouth, "Aah~ Ashe-umm~i am feeling~aah~hot~"

Listening her moans and and troubled speaking, Asher started losing himself as he greedily kissing her neck, he started licked her skin all the way to her jaw, he nibbled her earlobe, he put his tongue into her ear and again began licking her neck towards her shoulders.

Sakura also started to lose herself as she could feel something in her lower abdomen, she was letting out soft moans, "umm~ahnn~"

While Asher hands started roaming on her waist to her stomach, he carrassed her arms and waist.

Then a bit of rationality came into his mind and he quickly pulled himself from Sakura, Sakura frowned when warmth faded away and she looked at Asher with her misty eyes who was taking deep breaths to calm himself down as his eyes was darkened.

Asher then looked at her apologetically and said, "I am coming to take a shower." with that said he quickly went to washroom and started taking a cold shower.

Sakura was confused at why suddenly he needed to take shower then a idea popped in her head and she blushed hard as she buried her face into the pillow feeling shy and embarrassed.

After some time Asher came out and laughed awkwardly while Sakura gulped mouthful of saliva looking at his dampened her with beads of water on his face.

Asher did not notice her gaze as he sat down and asked her gently, "So, Sakura have you though what you want to do in future?"

Sakura came out of her reverie and thought for a few seconds and then said with determination, Asher could see burning fire in her eyes, "I want to become a novelist."

Asher was taken back as he thought, 'Oh? novelist? interesting.' then he asked curiously, "Why?"

Sakura looked at him and said, "I always wanted to write novels especially romance, action detective novels including crime and mystery."

Asher asked, "Did you have written anything?"

Sakura nodded and said, "Yep a romance and a detective novel."

Asher asked her curiously, "What's the title?"

Sakura said with a smile, "'Trial Marriage Husband: Need to Work Hard' and 'Sherlock Holmes'"

Asher nodded and said, "I can help you in publication."

Sakura smiled and said, "Yeah~"

Then Asher made her lie down and said, "Ok now sleep."

Sakura obediently laid down and Asher kissed her forehead as he said, "Good night love"

Sakura said meekly, "Good night" then she curled up and slumbered to sleep peacefully.

Asher went towards the sofa and slept there.....


{A/N: ~__~}