Chapter 28-'Its payback time muhaha~'

Sakura opened her eyes groggily early in the morning, she rubbed her eyes, she glanced at the watch and looked that it is only 4:30 in morning, she lifted her up and sat down, her gaze moved around the room and found a very familiar man sleeping on the couch.

She was shocked as she thought, 'What he is doing here, did he slept here? why?'

She then sighed as a helpless smile graced her face and mumbled, "He must have been here for men, hah~ what to do with him, if he keeps on caring so much for me then how my poor heart will handle him."

Then she stood up and strutted towards him who was lying on the couch with a bedsheet on his legs, he was looking peaceful.

She came to him and crouched and glanced at his godly face, 'God really has been unfair, just look at his face goddammit, how can a young maiden handle him, but he is looking adorable and cute rather than handsome and manly right now hehe~'

(In a prison)

*Achoo*"Again that child is thinking about me huh? don't worry you have my blessings hehe~"

*sigh*"another 998 years left, I wonder what my wife is doing right now."

A woman in front of TV, "OH my naked body of RIN MATSUOKA, ah~ how manly!~"

(In hospital)

Sakura touched his cheeks as she pouted, "How can his skin be so soft."

She then started carrassing his face, she traced her fingers along his forehead then on his eyebrows, then she moved to his lips and traced them.

She was having conflicted thoughts in her mind, 'argh~i want to kiss him, would he notice? if he noticed then what will he think? argh whatever i will just kiss him, hmph! he also kiss me like there is no tomorrow and devours my poor lips making them numb and swollen.'

She grinned evilly as she thought, 'Its payback time muhaha~'

Unknown to her, Asher was awake from the moment she stood up as he was alert and was ready if anything happened to her, but he did not expect her to carrass his face while mumbling, he was feeling giddy and was on cloud nine but controlled himself to know what will his love will do.

Then Sakura lifted her head and looked at him as her gaze fixed on his sexy lips which always ravages her lips, she leaned down, Asher could feel her hot breath on his lips, he grabbed the sofa to control himself from pinning her down, she looks at him with her misty eyes as her lips captures his lips.

She nibbles his lower lip as she sucks his lower lip and then move to his upper lip and sucks it also, after that she slids her tongue inside his mouth and wraps his tongue with her, she tries to explore every corner of his mouth and then sucks on his tongue.

Asher could not control anymore, so he grabs her head and deepened the kiss, Sakura widened her eyes but she didn't get anytime to think about it as she was immersed in their fiery kiss.

Asher separates from her and he said with a devilish grin, "My naughty Sakura, you are playing with wire babe." saying this he sits up and pulled her like a soft toy and placed her on his laps as he grabbed her waist with one hand and her head with another.

Sakura produced a cute yelp when he pulled her and then buried her face on his chest as she was embarrassed and ashamed, her face was red and her ears turned red, Asher laughed seeing her like this, he patted her head and teasingly said,

"Where is my bold Sakura now? how can she be shy now? its too late now my dear hehe~" he was evilly laughing.

Sakura gulped her saliva as she peeked at his like a little afraid kitten and his devilish smile sent jolts of electricity through her as she thought, 'devil, how can a smile be this dangerous, oh mom what have i done'

Asher lifted her face showing his pearly white teeth to her, he looked at her and said with a smirk, "Its my turn now love."

Saying this he held her head and smacked his lips against her, she clutched his hair as he was kissing her roughly, he bit her lower lip as she whimpered and moaned at the pain, "Aaah~" asher slid his tongue and started ravishing her mouth, he sucked her tongue and bit occassionally, Sakura lost all her rationality.

She tried to cope up with him and respond to kiss, after being satisfied Asher broke the kiss leaving a breathless Sakura with flushed face and blurred eyes, his gaze was darkened with desire, his gaze moved to her pearly white and smooth neck.

He was sending shivers and jolts of electricity through her body as she was feeling something in her lower abdomen, after sometime Asher left her because he knew that he would not be able to stop himself.

He then just hugged her and buried his face in her neck and inhaled her scent and calmed himself down, Sakura was panting and clutched on his body as her body was limped, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck inhaling his manly scent.

She then heard Asher murmur, "You will be the death of me Sakura."

Sakura tilted her head to look at him confused not knowing what he was saying, Asher laughed seeing her and pecked her lips as he placed her on the sofa and told her, "I am going to take a shower."

Sakura nodded without thinking much but after sometime her cheeks burned as she realised the double meaning behind his words, she just sat down there.

After sometime, Asher came drying his hair with a towel and looked at her as he smiled and said, "You wait here, i will be bringing breakfast."

Sakura looked at him with a sheepish smile and shook her head, she patted the place beside her and gestured him to sit down, Asher happily sat down and then Sakura laid down on his lap and wrapped her arms around his waist as she said, "Lets stay like this and order the breakfast from the phone."

Asher smiled and was his heart skipped a few beats looking her more clingy, he carrassed her soft hair and nodded his head before taking out phone and ordering the breakfast. Sakura closed her eyes feeling relax and safe in his care.

They both enjoyed the silence with a gentle smile on their face, after a while the order came and Asher took it and went towards her, he made her sit and opened the breakfast.

The breakfast contained oats and cereals as she needed liquid things more before the operation, he took the spoon and blew air to cold it and brought it towards her mouth, Sakura was stunned as she blurted feeling flustered, "Hey, I can eat my own, you don't need to-"

Asher cut her down and said firmly, "Be good and let me feed you"

Sakura still hesistant and said, "But-"

Asher said, "No buts, I enjoy feeding you, i enjoy to help you Sakura, please let me feed you for my own happiness."

Sakura sighed and smiled helplessly as she thought, 'Ah~ my cute creature why you have to be so good, tch you are making me feel bad'

Then she surrendered and opened her mouth as he fed her be saying "aaaah~"

Sakura said amusingly, "Hey i opened without you saying 'aaah~' then why are you saying?"

Asher said it as a matter-of-fact, "Well, couples feed like that so i thought to try it."

Sakura started laughing at him as she blurted, "Haha~you are cute Asher."

Asher was surprised as he pouted and grumpily said while his ears turned red due to compliment, "Hey, I am not cute, I am the most handsome man."

Sakura couldn't resist and pecked on his lips and said while laughing, "Yeah yeah my mot handsome man"

Asher smiled and said softly, "Yeah your man...and you are my woman"

Now it was Sakura's to blush as she said softly like whisper, "Yeah yours..."

After sometime, Asher got a message saying Hinata Yamauchi has come, so Asher got up and said, "I am going Sakura now, your mom has come."

Sakura felt slightly disappoint but soon she smiled and said, "Okay, bye, see you soon"

Asher kissed her on her forehead and said, "Bye, see you soon Sakura."

Asher exited the room but them abruptly turned and gave her a cream from drawers and said, "Apply this on your neck to remove umm..hickeys..hehe~ after i confirms my relationship with your mom then i would not allow to remove them haha~~"

Saying that he ran from the room, Sakura fastily got up and looked her in mirror and was shocked to see numerous reddish and blue-black marks on her neck, she shouted internally, 'Argh, that beast' she then applied cream quickly.

Then her mother came and they spend the whole say, after that her mother decided to be with her tonight and Sakura was not able to decline her again so she sent sorry to Asher who understandingly said, "We will have many nights together in future hehe~~~"

Making Sakura blush at his shamelessness. After the night, it was the day of operation.

Sakura looked at herself in mirror and said, "All the shackles are going to break today, you are going to be free Sakura."

She then waited for the operation as her mother started praying.

After sometime, a team of 5 members came, one male and four female wearing operation clothes with mask and other accessories, the male doctor went to her and kissed on her forehead before saying, "Leave it on me Sakura..."

Sakura smiled and held his hand as she squeezed it and gave him a reassuring smile saying that as long as she is with him nothing can happen to her.

Then the operation began...


{A/N: hoho~~}