Chapter 29-Operation and Confession

The lights were dimmed in the operation room, Asher and the team were adjusting the equipments.

Asher ordered, "Firstly, use anesthesia"

They gave the syringe to Sakura as her conciousness faded away, the surrounding was solemn and serious and it gave the heaviness of responsibility and situation.

It was one of the rarest operation in which Asher was slightly nervous, doing operation on the person he loves most was not an easy task moreover her life depended on it, not even a single mistake could be afforded.

Then they opened her lower abdomen, applied various disinfectants and other liquids, Asher carefully marked the spot where the cut will be done.

Although Asher knew that she cannot feel pain but it does not mean that his heart was not twisting in pain but he had tempered himself mentally for years, so he was able to keep himself sober and focused.

All the important conditions of body was being taken into account, he took out a scalpel and started the operation, he cut down the spot, removed the dead cells, used the cure and then the cut was closed.

All these process took 2 hours of intense focus and coordination, the team members were astounded by their boss's skills, he was perfect, the way he handled things was like he had been doing these things for years.

After that they carefully cleaned the body and brought the condition of body to optimal, after the operation was done, all of them started congratulating each other,

"Sir, operation was done without any implications, congratulations."

They all shook their hands with each other.

Asher heaved a sigh of relief as he felt, 'Hah, finally its over, atlast all the skills i learnt throughout the years and the knowledge i gained was finally all worth it.'

He then closed his eyes for a moment and then opened as he deeply inhaled the air feeling refreshed, he said to the team members,

"Okay one of you go and inform patient's mother that operation was successful without any problem."

Saying this he last time looked at the peaceful beautiful face of Sakura and a gentle smile tugged his face. He then left the room to clean up.

One of them, opened the door as the light was turned from red to green, she can see a middle-aged woman closing her eyes while joining her hands, the doctor smiled and went to her.

Hinata sensed someone coming to her and she looked and found that a doctor was coming from the operating room, she panicked and quickly ran to her as she started bombarding question hurriedly,

"Was operation successful? Does my Saku is well? Were there any problems? Can i meet her-"

The doctor held her hand and calmly said, "Calm down miss, the operation was successful without any problems, you can meet her in 2-3 hours when she wakes up."

Hinata couldn't hold back the tears and she started shedding tears of joy as she mumbled while sniffling, "Atlast it is over, my Saku can live, Thank you so much doctor, thanks"

The doctor only smiled and said, "Be strong miss, how will you see your daughter like this."

Hinata wiped the tears with her hand and bowed towards the doctor and gratefully said, "I am very grateful to your president and doctors."

The doctor smiled and patted her shoulders and then walked from there.

Hinata then thought while smiling widely, 'I need to clean my face and i will personally make food for her.' she then stood up and went to make preparations.

Sakura was then shifted to the previous room and was laid down on the bed, Asher has cleaned up and had wore the casual clothes, looking handsome and elegant.

He sat beside Sakura and crossed his legs while he was reading a document regarding the health of Sakura.

After around half an hour, Sakura's eyes began trembling and she slowly opened her amber-brown eyes, she blinked her eyes few times to adjust to light, then she heard deep, husky voice which sent her heart trembling,

"You are awake?"

Sakura turned around to see her handsome boyfriend sitting elegantly and looking at her with tender eyes, he spoke again

"Congratulations love, you are now fully healthy." saying so he bent down and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead.

Sakura sat down and hugged him tightly as tears of joy coming rolled down her cheeks she kept mumbling, "Thank you dear, thanks for coming into my desolate life, I love you Asher."

Asher froze as his heart started pounding crazily, he immediately cupped her face and asked with a trembling voice, "W-what did y-you say?"

Sakura's face was tear-stained but the smile she showed made his heart skip few beats, she showed her pearly white teeth and then cupped his face and kissed him fiercely, she devoured both of his lips and kept kissing until both of them were breathless.

She looked at him and said with a loving smile on her beautiful face, "I love you Asher"

Asher's eyes became reddened, he who never cried, he who can face even death with a smile was now feeling so emotional that two streaks of tear rolled down his cheek without blinking his eyes, he was startled that he cried.

He felt embarrassed to cry in front of Sakura but Sakura only gently smile and hooked her arms around his neck as she said, "Asher you can show me your weakened side sometimes, I will feel happy as i would be the only girl who can see you like that or maybe only person." she brushed her nose against his nose.

He hugged her soft body tightly forgetting that her operation has only took place now, he mumbled, "Thanks love~" he kissed the tip of her nose which made Sakura giggle.

Hearing her giggles were like music in his ears, he cannot imagine that finally Sakura confessed to him, 'Hah, all those years wait have finally paid off.'

Asher looked at her and said tenderly out of no where, "I love you Sakura." he carrassed her face.

She held his hand with her hand and said, "I love you too Asher."

They both looked each other full of love and affection, if anyone could see them right now, then they would see pink hearts flying here and there while they would have blinded by their gaze towards each other.

Just as they were both about to kiss, Asher received a message halting in his steps, he read the message and pursed his lips but still stood up understandingly, he looked at the confused Sakura and said smiling,

"Your mother has come, you should meet with her while i will go to attend some matters." he bent down and gave a peck on her cheeks and walked out of the room.

Sakura sat down and then she felt her chest light and brimming with feelings, she could feel all the restraints broken down as soon as she confessed to Asher.

All the hidden and deep feelings that she had buried deep down came to her as she smiled beautifully, 'Atlast, I managed to confess to him, hehe~ he even cried and i can bet that he is a person who does not cry even at the most hectic situations but he cried when she confessed to him, I am the only person who can see the mysterious Dr. Ash and CEO of A.S.H cry haha~, I f****g love him very much.'

'Now i understood how beautiful is love, although our journey has just started but i am sure that it will be full of joy and happiness, it feels good to be able to love and to be loved.'

'All those skipping of heartbeats, feeling jolts of electricity even at the slightest touch of his, fluttering of butterflies in stomach, the longing when he is not around, feeling of safety and security in his arms, etc. all these now made sense, although there is no way to define love but i know that what i feel for him is definitely love.'

'If not then there is no other term to describe these feelings, even though many men had tried to pursue me, they don't even managed to make me smile genuinely, that's why i never interacted with them.'

'I wanted to feel love before my death but now all of this has changed and the person who changed is the one and only man who i love.'

As Sakura was in her thoughts, her mother arrived and entered the room, she looked at her daughter looking beautiful and in thoughts, she was unable to know what her daughter was thinking.

She put down the food and hugged her, Sakura was startled but then looked at her mother and smiled gently as she hugged back, her mother said while smiling

"Its over now Saku."

Sakura smiled at her mother and nodded as she said dreamingly, "Yeah its over mother."

Then a person knocked at the door an then Sakura said, "Come in"

A lady assisstant came and said, "Miss you will be discharged in tomorrow."

Sakura nodded solemnly and the assisstant left, then her mother brought the food and said, "Here Sakura eat it."

Sakura smiled and said, "Thanks mom"

Hinata smiled and carrassed her hair.

After that she ate the food and talked with her mother, at night her mother left and then Asher appeared, but he saw that Sakura was already slept, he gently kissed her forehead and covered her properly.

He then moved to his sofa and slept while reading a document.

Next Morning

Sakura opened her eyes and smiled at the handsome figure who was doing push-ups, he was covered in sweat and he was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt showing his biceps and triceps, Sakura licked her lips and said,

"Good morning"

Asher stopped and said while panting slightly, "Good morning dear."

Sakura nudged him to get closer, but Asher said, "I am covered in sweat dear, wait a while i will take a show-"

Sakura cut him off and said fiercely, "I am saying you to come closer so you will come closer that's it."

Asher gulped his saliva and went to her obediently, sakura smiled and then pecked on his lips while saying seductively, "I like your manly smell."

Asher refrained himself from eating her up and quickly went to take shower, Sakura laughed seeing it. After that he ordered the breakfast.

They eat the breakfast together while occasionally feeding each other, After a while her mother came to pick up Sakura.

Asher bid his farewell to her and said, "Tomorrow at the same time."

Sakura smiled and thumbs up as she said, "Okay"

Then her mother came and before going back to home, Sakura gratefully thanked the doctors, then she returned home.


{A/N: i made her abruptly confess hehe~}