Chapter 30-Meeting and Trouble

Two days has past since operation and now Sakura was more than ever healthy and was glowing even more than before.

Today, Asher has decided to take leave from school and visit Sakura's mother in secret to talk about the birthday surprise, both Asher and Sakura as usual completed their exercises in morning and Sakura bid her farewell.

[POV Asher]

So, I decided to visit my future mother-in-law today, gotta make first impression good. I took shower and them started thinking what to wear, in the end i decided on casual black t-shirt and blue jeans with a wrist watch on hand.

I combed my hair neatly to look decent, then i went downstairs and in between i stumbled with my father, he said looking towards me,

"Where are you going brat?"

I chuckled nervously and said, "Meeting future mother-in-law hehe~ gotta go bye~" he ran quickly from there leaving a shocked kageyama behind who was thinking,

'What the heck is wrong with my son, who tells his parent at 17 that he is going to meet their in-laws, I was almost pissing my pants back then and here he is going there like going on a walk.'

[POV Asher End]

Asher took his bicycle and started riding towards Yamauchi manor, he stopped in between and bought some fruits and sweets as a gift, after some time he reached at the front and took the bag of gifts and started walking towards the gate.

At the gate, two bodyguard stopped him, although they knew that he is boyfriend of their young miss but she is at school right now so for what reason he had come? moreover one of them had a crush on Sakura so he naturally held some grudges towards him.

One of them said with contempt, "Who are you? Why are you here? Its not a place where anyone can enter."

Asher narrowed his eyes at bodyguard who said this as he thought, 'Really? What did i even did? Why are you being hostile? You are working at my girlfriend's house that's why i tolerated your bullshit.'

{A/N: Please tolerate my BS also hehe~~}

The guard who spoke felt a chill run down his spine when Asher looked at him, he knew that he is nowhere this guy but still he had his pride.

{A/N: Whatever~}

Asher then coldly spoke as temperature decreased by certain degrees frozing them on spot, "Firstly, which type of guards are you? I came here numerous times to pickup MY sakura and you didn't even notice? And what qualifications one must have to enter the house? When you saw with your young miss then shouldn't you know me? or you are here just for eating for free?"

Asher emphasized on 'MY Sakura' because he was just feeling like this guy in front of him might have some feelings for Sakura and as a possessive boyfriend he must remove these flies.

The guard was tongue-tied hearing such sharp reply, he did not have anything to say in reply, meanwhile the other guard gathered some courage and spoke politely,

"Sorry for such rude behaviour from my partner, please state your purpose of visit." he knew that this idiot had some feelings for young miss but so what?

Asher then looked at the other guard and nodded as he spoke, "I am here to meet Mrs. Yamauchi."

The guard shot a baffled look at him but still nodded and send a guy to relay message to madam, he then looked at the bag in Asher's hand and said, "Sir, please let us check your bag."

Asher nodded and gave them the bag as they looked at the content.

(Inside House)

Hinata was sitting on the couch with a tea on the hand, she was now much more joyful and lighthearted after the operation of her daughter, she was reading a magazine while she heard someone knocking on door and she said, "Come in"

A worker came and bowed as he said, "Madam, Mr. Asher has come to meet you."

Hinata's eyes widened at the mention of the name as she thought, 'Asher? isn't he boyfriend of my saku? what is he doing here? well lets see what is in him that had made her daughter head over heels for him'

She glanced at the worker and said authoritatively, "Send him in."

The worker nodded and relayed the message, then the the guard said looking at Asher, "You can go sir."

Asher nodded and started walking towards the house, saying that he wasn't nervous was not correct as he was nervous but was also quite confident in himself.

While he was walking, the other people glanced at him and was surprised to see such a good-looking man, by a mere look they could tell that he is from very rich household and coupled with his godly looks, he was a perfect man.

Asher reached the door quite nervous and confident, he took a deep breath and opened the gate, he then saw a elegant middle aged beautiful woman on couch with a tea on her hand, he immediately recognised her and said in a respectful manner while bowing slightly,

"Hello mrs. Yamauchi, I am Asher, Sakura's boyfriend." he spoke with a polite smile on his face.

Hinata narrowed her eyes at him and thought, 'With just looks women would be fawning on him and moreover by judging his manners he must be from a very rich and influential family, well he is not carrying air of arrogance but is rather filled with confidence, hmm? interesting.'

She took a sip from the tea and looked at him as she said, "Hello Asher, I hope you are sincere towards Sakura or else i will spend my each and every ounce of energy in destroying you" she can't help but be rude towards him as boys like him turns out to be scums often as they only play with the feelings of girls, she can't let someone hurt her daughter.

Asher pursed his lips and replied with a small smile as though he wasn't much affected from her rude behaviour towards him, "I am fully sincere and genuine towards Sakura, I can't even think of any other girl, she will be the only one for my heart, I cannot afford to see her hurt mam."

Hinata could feel his sincerity and love towards Sakura and she was also content that he was not like some arrogant young master who can't even hear one line of contempt towards them.

She slightly approved of him in her heart and then said with a little warmth, "You can call me auntie and may i know why are you here? I mean Sakura is at school."

Asher smiled and said, "Auntie as you know that next week is birthday of Sakura, so i have decided to hold a surprise party for her and i am here to invite you."

Hinata was surprised at first and then a gentle smile tugged at her face as she was having better impression of him she said, "Oh nice plan, I will definitely be there."

Then Asher gave the address of venue and told her that he will take care of other things on his own, at first she was reluctant but lastly gave up looking at his exciting face.

After that they talked for a while and Hinata came to know that he is the son of Kageyama and Shizune michuki, she was shocked at first but then she accepted that because she had a good impression of michukis.

(In a dark room)

A handsome boy was lying on bed with two girls at his arm, then he threw them and said disdainfully, "Tch, I want Sakura, lastly today i will after 6 months of wait and knowing that she is protected by 5 elites, i will finally have taste of her."

He smiled evilly and said, "Heh~ that b*tch dare to refuse me, i will show her the consequences of refusing me."

He then called someone and said, "Hey i have transferred all the money, start the plan."

Only an "Okay" sound was heard.

He had hired around 20 elite men from underworld to kidnap Sakura, he knew that she is protected by 5 people but so what? what they can do to 20 men? thinking like this he sat down and slapped the girls as he grabbed the chin, "I have tasted you, you are nowhere that Sakura level, she is a goddess and today i will have her haha~"

The girl was crying but could not do anything.

(At school)

Sakura noticed that today Asher was not at school but she simply shrugged as she thought, 'He is the CEO of such a large company, must have some important work.' although she was slightly upset that she was unable to meet him but she understood well the workload of him.

The school was ended and she grabbed her bag and started walking from the school while in between both boys and girls squealed after seeing her as she was the no. 1 beauty in their school but she did not interacts with any boy and also talks with only two or three girls.

She went out the school and started walking towards the bicycle stand but the tires punctured, she frowned at it and thought, 'everything was good at morning' but she still took her bicycle and started walking with it.

After sometime, the surrounding was solemn as no one was around and then she sensed some people approaching then suddenly around 20 burly men appeared in front of her.

{A/N: Well don't ask me why they didn't have gun or weapons, just assume that underworld refrains them from using firepower openly or just think of any of BS, I just wrote it down.}

As soon as she saw them the first step she took was opening her phone silently and sending a message to Asher


Then 5 men also appeared and said to Sakura, "madam, we will try to hold them back while you contact master ash-"

without even completing the sentence around 8 of them ran towards them and the 5 of them started fighting with them.

Sakura was startled to see 5 men protecting her and then she understood that Asher must have told them to protect her.

She was nervous and afraid of the consequences but she had full confidence on Asher that he will save her, now she just have to hold until he comes and this was the time her 6 months of training with Asher will help.

One of them shouted while pervertedly laughing, "HAHA~ first we will have taste her, she is truly goddess."

Another one said, "Yeah guys hehe~~"

Sakura spat and looked at them with disgust, these people are true scum of society, b*****ds

(At Sakura's house)

Asher bid his farewell to Sakura's mother and was walking towards his home feeling joyful then suddenly a message popped out on his phone,


The surrounding turned freezing cold as murderous aura started leaking from him, his gaze turned dark and cold, if anyone will look at him they will surely piss their pants, without wasting a single second, he dialed a number

A voice came, "Yes boss?"

Asher said coldly, "Track the number i am sending in 2 minutes or else you are dead."

The man started shivering as he never had seen the boss so angry he hurriedly said, "Y-Yes boss"

Asher said, "Also send dragon team at the address, do it as fast as possible, no mistakes!"

The man said trembling, "Yes boss"

Then Asher ended the call and said in his mind, 'Whoever have the nerve to lift their eyes to my Sakura will be tortured to death, please wait Sakura for me!' he silently paid for the well-being of her.


{A/N: some trouble hehe~~}