Chapter 31-"SAKURA!!"

The 5 men responsible for protecting were able to hold 8 men as they were professionals, the remaining were surprised as they had underestimated the prowess of them, so other 5 men also came.

Sakura was looking at the fight intently and was ready to defend herself, then 2 men came behind her with a perverted grin on their face as they said,

"Hey beauty, we will be gentle, no need to look like a tigress"

His partner laughed and said, "Yeah, we will take care of you before giving you to our contractor haha~"

Sakura looked at them and spat towards them as she disdainfully said, "You just wait, how my boyfriend will torture you."

They looked at each other and laughed as they said, "No worries we will give your boyfriend a special seat to sit and watch the show."

Sakura just showed her middle finger to them and said, "Go f**k yourselves."

They narrowed their gaze as their blood boiled at the humiliation from a woman, they did not wait any longer and moved forward to attack her, Sakura stood in stance and as soon as one of them reached, she dodged the punch and elbowed at his nose breaking it, the man shouted, "Arghh.."

Using the opportunity she hitted his family jewel with her knee, which made him cry, " b*tch.."

The other one was stunned at her skills and cold sweat can be seen on his forehead as he saw his partner with his balls destroyed, but then he composed and himself and looked at her as he seriously said, "Looks like you have got some skills, we severely underestimated you, but no more underestimation."

Then he ran towards her and started with a side chop which she beautifully dodged and tried to give a back chop which the man blocked with his palm, the man tried to punch in her gut but she blocked it, then she tried to kick at his legs which he avoided by jumping but then she gave a upper cut to him.

His balance was broken and using the opportunity, she punched him at the neck which knocked him out, all the others were stunned at this display, never they would have thought that a 17 year old girl could fight them, but soon they all started laughing as one of them spoke,

"She is truly one of a kind with beauty at goddess level and equally feisty"

They all licked their lips, then the leader ordered a bulky man and said, "Finish her off"

Sakura sized up him and thought, 'I assume that i can only fight him to a standstill for some time' she closed her eyes as she was very very afraid, but she was trying her best to not show any weakness in front of these b*****ds.

'Love, please come fast.'

(In a car)

Asher was driving the car at around 180kmph speed breaking all the traffic rules without any care, he was driving like a madman as his heart was thumping faster and faster, then his phone buzzed and he put it on a speaker.

A voice came, "Boss we will meet at point in 10 minutes."

Asher said emotionlessly, "I will reach in 2 minutes and will try to handle them, if any minute you are all late then you know the consequences."

He spoke coldly and hang up the call and sped the car.

On the other side of call, the man was shivering but them controlled as he sternly ordered the team, "Let's go."

Then they all sat in cars and started at full speed towards the destination.

Asher was silently praying, 'Please Sakura be safe, just 1 minute more'

After 1 minute, he saw his 5 men were fighting with 8 men and 2 men were lying, then his gaze moved to Sakura, he saw her covered in sweat, panting hard for breath, bruises around body but still her gaze was sharp when she was fighting with an elite member who was also slightly out of breath with bruises around the body.

His heart was ripped apart seeing her like that but deep down his chest was also swelling with proud to see her fighting like a war maiden, he was enchanted by her, she was moving swiftly blocking the attacks and then counter-attacking, but then his gaze turned around to see men looking at Sakura with lust.

His eyes turned murderous as he vowed to make each one of them beg for death, then he saw their leader whispering to a man and that man picked a knife as he stealthily was approaching Sakura, Asher's breath hitched and he sped his car, he was looking at the man who was just 10 meters at the back of Sakura.

He did not even fully stopped the car and just slowed down it and slammed the door due to which eyes turned to him which made a distraction to the approaching man but the man in turn started running as Asher leaped in air and shouted, "SAKURA!!"

Sakura turned around only to see a man with a knife approaching to her as she blanked out but in a split second she saw the back of a very familiar man, the love of her life covering her like a mountain, the person fighting with her was about to reach her as she was in daze but one of the 5 men choked him from behind.

Asher saw the sight of knife and without any shield, he put forward his left hand and knife went into his palm but he did not even flinch but rather he looked at the man with murderous gaze, the knife was in his left hand and then he punched his jaw with his right hand, breaking his jaw, he then grabbed his shoulders and hit his face with his knee making him passed out at spot.

All the things happened in 2-3 seconds which made all of them look at him with jaw dropped, Asher was standing looking at the group with murderous gaze, blood was dripping from his left palm but he seemed not to notice it.

Asher stood there expressionlessly as he removed the knife from hand and threw at the ground and them looked behind as his gaze became warm, he looked at the passed out Sakura, when Sakura saw the man with knife came running at her and then Asher came in between, due to tension and shock while also relief and tiredness she passed out.

Asher crouched down and carrassed her face as he kissed her eyes gently and then kissed on her forehead and gently said, "Thanks for being safe Sakura."

He then scooped her in his arms and went towards his car and placed her on the seat and covered it with the cover, he then closed the door gently and he found a bandage from his car and he hurriedly wrapped it around his arm.

Then he came out and looked at the remaining 10 men standing, they were looking at him with their mouth open as they were not able to see him clearly during the confrontation and they knew that he is way above their leagues but after looking at his left hand, some confidence came back because the other 5 men were also tired and one of them was knocked out.

So, they had half the no. of men, the leader said, "Who are you? Why are you involving yourself with us? we are related to underworld pretty boy." he tried to lower his confidence but in contrary Asher started laughing maniacally.


All of their hairs stood up as they thought they were listening to devil's laugh, his laugh was sending shivers down their spine.

After calming down Asher said, "You guys must have f*cked your brains with each other, obviously i am saving her because she is most important to me, do you guys think that a guy will coincidentally will come here and then play hero save the beauty? even if i am playing then so what? your destiny has written whether you will say who contracted you or not."

"All of you will be rotten to death with no exceptions, don't worry about revealing the information to me, I don't care because that person will be with you by tomorrow whether you tell or not."

Then around 10 cars approached and then the doors opened as all of them were wearing black clothes with a dragon symbol on their back, they all bowed down to Asher and said, "Boss"

Asher nodded, but the other party pissed their pants as they saw the infamous dragon squad of underworld, they all went to their knees and started begging for mercy, they knew that this is their end, they had heard ruthlessness about them.

They thought, why they would save their contractor then let him perish with them, so the leader said, "Our contractor was Takahiro, he wanted to kidnap Sakura an then r-r*pe her." he was feeling afraid and sweating bucket of water.

All the people could feel dropping of the temperature as they started shivering, no one was able to meet the gaze of Asher who was releasing so much bloodlust that they were suffocating, even the dragon sqaud had sweat on their forehead.

Asher looked at the team leader and said with overflowing emotions, "I want Takahiro alive and well by tomorrow at base, no one is allowed to touch him before me."

"And also send all of them to base and if any one like to play with any of new toys or medicines they are invited to test on them."

They all gulped their saliva and gave a moment of silence for Takahiro.

After that Asher entered the car and hurriedly drove to the hospital, he did not put the mask on him so no one was able to recognise him in his own hospital, as he also changes his voice during work, he admitted Sakura and himself went to treatment.

Sakura opened her eyes on the hospital bed in evening and looked around, Asher saw her opening her eyes and hurriedly went to her and gently held her hand as he asked her, "Are you okay? Any problems?"

Sakura then recalled what had happened and then hugged Asher tightly as tears were started coming out of her, she whispered while sobbing, "I was scared Asher, if you would not have come then i-"

Asher cut her off and seriously said, "I will always come and I am sorry for this time that you have to go through all of this." he was gently rubbing her back while consoling her.

Sakura shook her head and rubbed her head in his chest as she said, "I knew you would come."

Asher smiled widely and said, "I will try my best to not let these kind of situation to happen again."

Sakura just hummed in response and nestled in his embrace, after some time her gaze moved to his left hand which was bandaged and she frowned, she looked at him and sternly asked, "How did this happen?"

Asher nervously chuckled and said, "Oh this? during the fight." Sakura narrowed her gaze and said, "You are lying, tell the truth or i will not talk to you for a week."

Asher panicked and thought, 'What the heck, she started blackmailing, this is cheating.' he then said with a sigh, "Well it happened during the fight but, when the man was running towards you with a knife and then you passed out."

Sakura looked at him and she could feel her heart twist in pain as she knew that he was the one who saved her by coming in between, she sighed and kissed his neck as she said, "Please don't do this again, I do not want you to be hurt for me."

Asher shook his head and said sternly, "I will again do this if i would not have a better option, so there is no benefit to discuss about this."

Sakura sighed and helplessly smiled, she looked at him with eyes full of love and affection and said, "I love You."

Asher could feel himself on cloud nine as he smiled widely and kissed her lips and said, "I love you more."


{A/N: Torture will be in next ch muhaha~}