Chapter 44-Gold Man (Man?)

Under the gazes of many people, both Asher and Sakura approached the entrance hand-in-hand, on reaching the main entrance, the guard looked at them and then opened the door, they were scanned as to not have any weapon with them.

As soon as they entered they were greeted by a large open auditorium with floors above, there was a small fountain in between and all the floors had a banner in front-'For casual wear' , 'For men' , 'For women', etc.

Their gazes then went to the banner, 'For parties/balls'

Asher looked towards Sakura as she nodded and then they started to move towards the 4th floor where their destination was.

They went to lift, in the lift was a young man wearing numerous gold ornaments, necklace, earings, etc. at first Asher could feel his eyes burn at the shiny-shiny appearance of the man, the lift was about to close but the man placed his foot to stop it from closing.

Seeing it, Asher held Sakura's hand tightly as he swiftly entered the lift so as to avoid any kind of accident, after a moment when his eyes adjusted from all the lusty *cough* lustrous appearance, he turned to say Thanks to the man but..

His eyes were fixed at Sakura as she was looking forward adjusting her sandals as they were loosened during the walk, if she was not doing this then she would have felt disgust and goosebumps from her backside.

Asher squinted his eyes at the man who was not even glancing at him, he noticed that the man was handsome, very handsome but so what?

He could not compare his face with pubic hair of Asher, the man's gaze was burning with lust towards Sakura, Asher smiled yes smiled but not a normal smile, this smile could send people in despair, the point of no return.

Just as when Asher was about to hit him on his face, gouge his eyes, destroy his manhood, made him r*ped by his army of mil-tan at his base.

Sakura turned to Asher with a pout and said with puffed cheeks, as she tugged his cloth, "Asher~ please fix my sandals, i am unable to fix them."

Asher could feel his anger quench but only for a moment as he noticed Sakura's face beome contorted as she furrowed her eyebrows, unconciously she moved to Asher and leaned to him as she felt a gaze of intense lust towards her.

She turned around only to see a man looking at her with drool, she felt disgust, she wanted to cut him in half from his crotch with a chainsaw, she felt the urge to spat at him.

Then the man moved 'elegantly' as he bowed towards Sakura and said in 'husky' no 'hushy' voice, "May I know the name of this goddess?"

Sakura's gaze become devoid of any her usual playfulness or 'kindness', she said coldly even surprising Asher with the sudden change in her behaviour, "No."

The man seemingly smiling said, "Yeah so ms. eh? what?..."

Sakura said coldly again sending shivers upto the spine of the man but Asher was looking at her with sparkling eyes as he licked his lips and thought, 'Ooh~ black belle!~'

"I said no, please visit doctor if you don't hear properly."

The man was surprised by her cold and distant tone as if saying, 'F**k off b*stard, don't waste my sweet time with my Asher.'

But the man was very well versed in dao of shamelessness, he said haughtily, "I am the brother of sister who has a son who has a sugar mama who is wife of the previous head who was in illicit relationship with my mother as i am the son of him maybe don't know, so i am, blah~ blah~ blah~"

"That's why, I want to invite you for a drink which you obviously don't reject and then we will go to love hotel and then-"

Crackling of bones could be heard, as Asher pressed a button on lift which stopped the lift, as for cctv's heh~ as if anyone could do anything to him, he did not let him continue as he moved to punch on his jaw.

But before that, he saw his face contorted in extreme pain as he sqeualed like a pig, his hand went to his crotch where blood could be seen on his white pants, he saw Sakura kicked him on his crotch with her sharp sandals as she roared at him,

"Shut your gutter mouth! you m*therf*cker piece of bloody sh*t."(Yeah girl that's it)

"Going on like you are the only one in world, you sh*t of pig. Disgusting!"

Asher was wide-eyed as he found a new potential in his future wifey, but then he said to her while wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him, completely forgetting a squealing pig on floor of lift.

"Woah, I love this fiery wife, you got a potential in cursing haha~"

Sakura felt his warm body wrapping around her which dispelled the disgust and anger in her, she leaned her back on his chest and held his hand that was wrapping around her waist.

She chuckled after sometime, "Firstly i know, that this man is not going to get away from you and secondly i wonder what would be happening to security system of the mall hehe~"

I also chuckled thinking this.

(In security room of mall)

The security head said, "Why the lift no. 2 was stopped due to emergency? Any message by the boarders?"

One security man said, "No sir"

The security head massaged his head and said, "What about cctv?"

The man said, "Sir the camera has been stopped."

The head snapped at them, "Found what the hell is going on!"

One man came and said, "Sir, according to other cctv's there was son(b*stard)(due to his father was ntr'ed) of head of Melromarc family."

The head growled as he shouted, "GO fast! If anything happened to him we are dead!!"

(In lift)

Asher had hacked the cctv with his phone and called his men to handle the mess afterwards as he don't want to waste time in all the Bullsh*t.

{A/N: Hehe~ but here some people are to waste time haha~ reading this bullsh*t.}

He looked at the man who was crouching at corner shivering in fear, he looked at him and said, "Look at the irony, I was going to thank him for stopping the lift, why don't you rich young masters understand that you are just cannon fodders for the story? You just provide amusement, your destiny has decided from the very moment of your lustful gaze towards the main protagonist's woman."

"Haha~ But here the mc has nothing to do, his woman herself beat the shit out of you, truly pathetic. What's with all these golds? Shiny-shiny pain in the a**. Boy rejoice you will be getting a chance to taste the forbidden fruit from all the ff's famous mil-tans, well I personally had all them made to go through plastic surgery, my men tortured them with animals to that extent that they only know one thing, i.e.-F*cking men till death."

Asher clapped his hands, he was saying all this in front off of Sakura but she was not a bit disgusted by Asher, she knew that these people don't deserve any happiness, god knows how many people's life he had destroyed.

How many women he blackmailed, r*ped, molested, killed. Those women also had dreams, their goals, the person they loved, but these b*stards destroy them, use them, throw them, toy with them, blackmail them, etc.

She only felt disgust, as her arms hugged around her as she shivered thinking the fate of those women, the despair she felt at the kidnapping attempt, the hungry gazes of those animal like men.

She turned around and hugged Asher tightly as her body was shivering, Asher was looking towards the young man when he felt the shivering body of Sakura, he understood that she must be feeling fear.

He turned around and hugged her tightly which stopped her shivering, he patted her slowly as she buried her head in his sturdy chest, "Yosh Yosh, all is well Sakura."

He said to her, "Place your hand on your heart and say 'All is Well' while closing your eyes."

{A/N: haha~ anyone can guess the reference?}

She did as he told her and surprisingly it was very effective as she felt all negative thoughts disappear and all the beautiful memories of Asher appeared in her mind from the first time their gazes met, the library incident, the time spent, the messages they exchanged, the date, the confessions, the kidnapping incident, the operation, the birthday, the intimate moments, etc.

She smiled beautifully which could entrap any man's soul in the curves of her lips.

She said while looking deep into the emerald orbs of her man, "Thanks..."

Just then *bonk* Asher knocked her forehead as he said, "What's with these thanks again? Rather than it why don't you give me something that will make me extremely happy?"

Sakura first became surprised at sudden mood change, 'What the heck how the sudden pure and romantic atmosphere changed into a naughty atmosphere?'

She smirked and said leaning to his chest and playfully nibbling his ear with her lips and releasing hot breaths at his neck and ear, "What my Lord wants from his lady?"

Asher also playfully smirked as he grabbed her waist and Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck, he looked down into her eyes, "This lord wants his lady to kiss him."

But then he remembered a pig on floor, he was about to knock him out but then Sakura stopped him and said, "Let him see that to whom this lady's body and soul belong to."

Obviously they will just kiss, like hell Asher will show this b*stard any part of Sakura.

Then Sakura tiptoed lightly, and captured his lips with him, it was just a simple kiss full of love and affection for each other, they both nibbled each other lips as Asher nibbled her lower lip and Sakura his upper lip.

Asher arms were around her waist and Sakura's arms were around his neck, Asher bent down which made Sakura to bent down slightly, they both kissed each other for 2 minutes, after that they separated still in each other arms.

On other side the man could just grit his teeth in frustration, pain, fear. He was never humiliated like this, he had r*ped women in front of their husbands and lover but today he was watching the woman he set his eyes for, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, to voluntarily and lovingly kiss a man.

What he did not know that this was just starting for him, his fate would be like Takahiro or worse.

Asher just smirked at him, then he received a call from his men that they have cleaned the mess and he can start the life again (haha~).

Asher then looked at Sakura and sighed, "Told ya~ your beauty is a sin."

Sakura pouted and said, "Hmpf! Be grateful this sinful beauty is only your beauty hehe~"

Asher laughed and then said while resuming the lift, "Let's continue shopping."

Sakura also laughed and said, "Yeah"

If there was a normal person who had stopped the lift, he had to give necessary reason and would have to paid a huge amount while being imprisoned was also a chance. But,

is Asher a normal person?


{A/N: Don't know who is writing this BS~~~}