Chapter 45-Shopping

After reaching the 4th floor, both Asher and Sakura went to the free counter hand-in-hand, they reached the counter where a woman was looking down on her phone, Asher went to her and tapped on the desk to grab her attention.

The woman looked upward and froze as she went in daze, 'What a handsome young man, he is the most handsome man i have ever seen even though we are visited regularly by many rich handsome heirs.'

Sakura narrowed her eyes at the woman in front of her who was hungrily looking at her boyfriend, he said coldly, "*ahem* We would like to purchase COUPLE wears for masquerade ball."

The woman finally looked to the man's side and noticed an extremely beautiful woman, she couldn't help but feel envious of her, although she did not wanted to admit but they really complimented each other like a match made in heaven.

Then she composed herself after all, being in the best shopping mall for years was no joke, she professionally smiled and said, "I apologize for my rude behaviour sir, madam"

"Tell me your sizes so that i can bring clothes"

Asher nodded and told her about his size while not so surprisingly he also told her about Sakura's size which made the beauty blush lightly.

The woman politely smiled and said, "Okay please wait here for some time sir."

Asher and Sakura nodded and then started talking about things with each other while waiting for the woman, after 2-3 minutes the woman came with around 4 pairs of couple wears.

She placed all the clothes in front of them and said, "Sir these are the most sold couple wears in our shop."

Asher narrowed his eyes at 'most sold' he wants the least sold or unique while the woman was giving most sold, he glanced at them and then said rather arrogantly, "Do you not have some unique wear?"

Sakura wanted to speak but remain silent because although she was not very rich, but with the card in her hand she knew that she could buy anything, moreover she also wanted something unique after all, she would be making her first debut with Asher in front of many people.

The woman frowned for a moment but then after some thinking she said, "Sir, we have a unique pair which was latest designed by the currently best designer but that dress is very expensive" she naturally knows almost all the people in upper class.

That dress could only be bought by the people at upper class which would even make their hand shake, while in front of her although appearance and behaviour-wise they were above the rich heirs but still, that dress was just too expensive moreover she never had looked at the couple anywhere in any famous parties or in media.

Asher sighed helplessly as the things were again going the same as in the jewellery shop, 'What's the problem with these guys, if the customer would not be able to afford price then naturally he would not buy it, but here she did not even told him the price and herself assumed that he would not be able to afford it. Where's the logic? {A/N: Hmpf! you want logic? then go away from ffs.}'

Asher said while shaking his head, "Atleast tell the price, if we are unable to afford it then naturally we will not buy it."

The woman was about to retort again but then thought, 'Let me tell you the price then i will see how will you respond'

She looked at a book and found the price, she said, "69,969,696 yen"

Asher just raised his eyebrows as he was surprised and was now curious about dress to have this kind of price, the woman thought that the price made him speechless but his next words made her speechless.

Asher said, "Okay, now show the dress then we will decide if we want to buy it or not."

Sakura was shocked to hear the price, her hands shook, although she thought it would be expensive but it is in tens of millions!

Asher sensed it and so he gently carrassed her hand with his and whispered in her ears, "The amount you have earned from your novels could let you buy hundreds of these dresses, so don't worry about price, moreover, I want us to wear unique clothes."

Sakura calmed down and looked into his eyes which were saying, 'I could even buy this entire shopping mall for you.' she helplessly shook her said and smiled while not thinking about the prices anymore.

The woman there was just stood frozen by what she heard, the guy in front of her just casually said to bring out around 70 million yen dress with a expression saying, 'Just this?'

She don't know what to say anymore and not to embarrass herself anymore, she went inside to bring out the dress.

After 2 minutes she came while dragging two mannequins.

The dress took Sakura's breath away. {A/N: I don't know much about fashion so just bear with whatever BS i write haha~}

The dress on female mannequin was pitch black above, it was open with one shoulder, sleeveless, its shade was turned lighter as it reached towards the legs, few silver glitters which were actually diamonds were around the only shoulder, and a light shade cloth hanged behind the shoulder, the dress was looking deadly. (image if you wanna see.)

Asher could imagine Sakura wearing this and a sexy mask which made him raise goosebumps, he imagined at the deadly beauty which she would display, moreover he was happy that the cloth did not show much cleavage, but rather it would make men crazy to know underneath it.

Sakura also liked the dress very much, then her gaze went to the male mannequin which was carrying the male attire. the male one was also black with white cloth underneath it, there were exquisite design in white along the dress, and a white tie with black knob, Sakura imagined Asher wearing the dress looking like a hot vampire with deadly looks, she licked her lips anticipation. (image if you wanna see.)

Asher also nodded in satisfaction with the dress, both of them would make a deadly combo at party haha~

Asher then looked at Sakura who nodded at him with a smile, gaining her permission, he said to the woman with a smile, "We will take these dress, please pack it up and then show us masquerade masks complimenting the dress."

The woman's hand shook as she nodded and took the dress for payment and packing then she brought two masks with her.

One mask was golden which looked feminine while other was black with designs in golden color, Asher and Sakura nodded and told her to pack it also, the woman smiled and packed the masks also. (image if you wanna see.)

Then they went to payment counter and Sakura was bringing out the card when Asher stopped her and said in a firm voice, "Let me buy as it is in combo not separate and moreover i am the one who is inviting you to the ball, so its my responsibility to buy it."

Sakura opened and closed her mouth to say something but no words came out of her mouth, she wanted to deny but looking at his firm gaze she couldn't help but accept it.

Sakura wryly smiled and said, "You always defeat me..."

Asher chuckled and said, "How much more you want to defeat me Sakura, you have already defeated this cold heart of mine."

Sakura giggled beautifully which were like heavenly bells in Asher's mind as she said, "You really have a silver tongue my love."

Asher smiled and said narcissistly, "hehe~ of course who better can be from myself? I am the best!"

Sakura puffed her cheeks in response as she said, "Hmpf! I am also the best!"

They both looked each other and started laughing loudly, while the poor person at payment counter was eating and choking on dog food, fed by these two narcissist couple.

Finally after 'torturing' the person at front, Asher gave him his card for payment, the person swiped the card and Asher entered the password and the transaction was successfully done.

They took the bag containing around 70 million worth of goods and started walking towards the exit happily while chatting and giggling occassionaly under the gazes of many men and women's envious, jealous, admiration and other gazes.

They exited the shopping complex and went to the car to return home.

(At the shopping complex)

A 'beautiful'(bitch) girl looking 'pure'(slut) was walking hand-in-hand with a seemingly handsome man, yeah the girl was bitch-Malty melromarc while the man was hmmm? *****(who cares?).

The girl was 'lovingly' walking with the man by sticking her body close to him, she buried the man's arm in her sagging breasts and said seductively(ewww), "Sweetheart-dear-handsome, lets buy dress for the masquerade ball."

The man's ego went over the top listening to so-called bitc*cough* beautiful woman, he wrapped his arm around her sexy?(sexually obliterated) body and said in arrogant tone, "You can buy anything here my love(*gluergh*), I can also buy this entire mall for you, if you want i can give you stars and moon (patterned underwear)"

The 'bitch' blushed?(like butt of monkey) and she lowered her head and said shyly.


{A/N: The author died due to shamelessness of 'bitch', author was reincarnated with the cheat of spouting BS. Hello~~}

"My love, you are the best" *muah* she deteriorated the skin and lovingly looked at her man no. XXX while she thought, 'That no.YYY said that the bracelet was already sold, hmpf good for nothing sh*t, lets see this no. XXX will what buy me. Hehe~ Obviously i am the most beautiful woman (My a** is much more curvy than your body girl), so i have to attract attention for handsome rich chicks at the party, hmpf! that man at rose palace don't know where he disappeared, tch, if I had kept my calm then i might have snatched him right there, well no problem i have already put my 'dear' men at work to find that devileshly handsome man, I just want his body, such handsomeness is unheard of goddammit, hmpf! I will snatch him from that slutty b*tch {A/N: *cough* *cough* sorry the author again died, here is the transmigerated author.}'

(At Sakura's house)

Sakura opened the door of car and stood up, Asher also went out and handed her dress with the mask, he then gently said, "I will take you from here tomorrow at 7pm okay?"

Sakura took her dress and mask from him and nodded as she said, "Hmm, Okay!"

She was really excited to go to the ball as his partner, she wanted him to show herself in this heavenly dress.

Asher then went to her wrapped his arms around her slim waist and pulled her towards him, he touched his forehead with hers and their breaths mingled with each other as they looked deep into each other eyes.

There was no need to say anything as they both knew what to do, Asher lowered his head as Sakura encircled her arms around his neck hanging to him.

Asher tilted his head slightly and captured her lips with his, he gently pecked several times at first and then went into deep kiss.

Sakura took a handful of his hair with her hand, as his lips were nibbling and sucking on her lips, he bit her lower lip which caused to let her a soft moan, "Ah~"

Asher entered her mouth and carrassed her teeth with his tongue and then carrassed her inner cheeks running wild with his tongue, Sakura was drowning in movement of his slimy tongue in her mouth exploring and tasting each part of her mouth.

She was letting weak gasps and moans in between, then his tongue entangled with hers as he wrapped around her tongue, their salivas were exchanged and Asher sucked on her tongue frevently which made Sakura to tighten her palm at his hair as she was letting gasps of hot breath on his mouth.

After whole 5 minutes of deep kissing, Asher separated with Sakura as she was huffing and panting for air with her face red as an apple, they both hugged each other for few minutes.

Then Asher kissed her forehead gently and said, "Be ready at time and Take care my love."

Sakura nodded with a loving smile as she pecked his lips and said, "You too take care, see you soon." she waved her hands as Asher opened the door of car and entered it.


{A/N: Hmpf I died two time already.}