Chapter 46-Masquerade ball(1)

Next day, Asher woke up and did his normal training, while Sakura did her training with Kaya, after that Asher got ready to go to the headquarters of A.S.H to handle some matters.

He went inside the room where he removed the mask as he now did not wear mask in front of his trusted men, but still he did not show himself to other employee, at first the people were shocked beyond words.

They knew that their boss was definitely young around late 20s but when Asher removed his mask as well spoke in his natural voice they understood that their boss was only around early 20s, which made them think that their boss must be the youngest CEO in the world, moreover at the rate which the company is growing soon it will surpass the likes of Michell industries or Gylph industries.

In reality the company has already surpassed Gylph industries and could rival Michell industries without any problem, they were also surprised that michell industries never made any difficulties with the company or rather they even supported at several occasions.

Meanwhile Gylph industries tried to sabotage them some times which only made them lose than whatever they could have hoped to win, which in return led to downfall of the industries, also the news about Takahiro has died down.

The police was unable to find him, the president also issued several press conferences to tell that they do not the whereabout of his son, meanwhile he also decided to banish his son from his family as he was now not the son of Takahiro, all this severed major blows to Gylph industries which diminished their reputation.

Meanwhile Asher also had started collaboration with foreign companies to expand his company, he talked with hollywood to made deal with them, he also made deal with disney to release many movies like 'Moana', 'Toy story series', 'Big Hero 6', etc.

He overviewed certain documents, after that he also made phone calls to head of his elite team in underworld to fish out the matters.

He returned home at 5pm and entered his room, his parents were already at the destination to greet the guests as well as overviewing the arrangements.

He stretched his arms as a tired *sigh* leaves his mouth, he goes to his room and removes his clothes as he enters bathroom to take a shower.

He take a quick shower and leaves the bathroom as he dries his hair with a hair dryer, he then opens the wardrobe and bring his suite, he wear the black suite with white intricately designs on it and a white tie, the pitch black suite was giving him a vampire like feeling.

He then wore his black coloured masquerade mask, he then moves to mirror as he settles his hair, after applying some skincare, obviously he uses skincare which are all tested by him as he also recommended the best ones to Sakura.

Naturally he needs to take care of his skin, he then applies some french perfume, as he wears leather polished shoes shining.

After that he went to mirror and looks at himself, he spends around good 2 minutes having all-out narcissistic thoughts about himself, 'Hmph! look at me, a fuckin hot vampire chick hehe~'

After having a last glance at himself he leaves with a smile on his face, he then enters his cliche 'cold and overbearing CEO' mode as he moves leaving dumbfounded maids and bodyguards, some widow ladies in early 50s were even blushing.

The dangerous 'mode' of him was having blows at its function seeing old ladies blushing at him, he gulps audibly and sped his walking totally forgetting about his activated 'mode'.

He then goes to the entrance of the mansion and see a grand limonese black on the road in its prime, the butler of family bows to him and says, "First we should take the young madam, young master?"

Asher still flinches at the mention of young master, even though he had said not to call him by this 'cursed' title, he then composes himself not to make a fool of himself as the youngest CEO of one of the most prestigious corporation, even though tonight he will only be as 'son' of president of michell industries which many of people even have forgotten due to inactivity and low-profile of him during around a decade.

He nods towards the butler in authorative manner and then elegantly enters the car (elegant my a**, he just place his shiny a** on seat nothing more and nothing less).

Then the car starts as chauffer leads the car towards the Yamachi manor, after some time they reached the destination as Asher gave a message to Sakura,

ASHER: *bowing* your prince charming is here to take you my princess.

He then leaves the car and starts walking towards manor gaining the gazes of even men-just admiration nothing more,

"Oh my look at that handsome chick, how i wish to be ravaged by him."

Asher's gaze went to the voice which made his hair stood on its end as he involuntarily moves 10 steps away from that person.

The person was gardener as his two tooth were showing outside, skiny body, basically suffering from marasmus if any sane person would presume, he was tilted in a strange manner like a pole dancer? as he was licking his lips looking at Asher with hungry eyes. (Please stop, we understand!)

{A/N: marasmus--->google man if you don't know.}

Asher could feel drops of sweat on his forehead but the next moment a deadly fairy entered his vision taking his breath away as he became stunned, his gaze froze on the figure.

The woman was wearing a pitch black sleeveless one-piece, with shades becoming lighter as it descends on her heavenly body, her red succulent lips, like that of succubus, her pale hands with glowing pink hue, a golden mask adorning her face making her goddess of death or a deadly succubus. Her curves were not able to hide in her clothes, her perfect breasts adorning that chest, curvy hips, round a**.

Sakura found Asher looking all handsome which would make girls' pussies wet just by looking at the godly handsome man, he was looking like vampire like those in movies, well f**k that movies' vampires, they can't compare with the man standing before her, they just fall too behind him just in looks.

She found him gawking at her with a froze expression which made her rejoice, as she happily walks to him in 'normal' manner but for other people this was pure torture, they know that they can't give any lustful look or else they would be tortured to death by the manifestation of possesiveness-the 'devil'.

They were chanting their whole holy scripts, looking down, thinking about their girlfriends or wives to not gawk at the deadly beauty before them, some of them even slapped the person at their side to distract themselves in fighting.

Sakura walked towards Asher and the she puts both her hand together at her back as she bents down slightly and look into the emerald eyes who was staring at her, she smirks and ask playfully,

"Like what you see? Prince charming?"

After hearing melodious voice of Sakura, Asher snapped out of his daze as he took deep breaths and thought, 'Holy sh*t, I pity all the men at the ball, haha~, just the pure torture of not able to see her face clearly, her clothes are even more modest than normal haha~' a sadistic expression laced on his face thinking of frustration, pain and torture the men will suffer at the ball.

Seeing that Asher was not responding, Sakura furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she looks at him having a sadistic expression on his face, 'What the hell this devil is thinking?'

Sakura the asks him, "Hey, you are thinking of torturing people?"

Asher then again looked at her as he was lost in his sadistic tendencies, he says, "*ahem* its nothing, but you are looking too hot and sexy which is making me hard to control myself."

Sakura puffed her cheeks which was weird as she was looking deadly and adorable look on her was making him laugh, she said, "And I bet that women will throw themselves at you, and I want this vampire to drink this angel's blood, like in cliche vampire novels or animes hehe~"

Asher just laughed at her as he stretched out his hand to held hers, she noticed that and hold his hand with hers with a warm smile on her face.

Then he escorts her to car as he opens the car, she enters the car elegantly and sat on the back seat, Asher then sat beside her and held her hand with his.

The chauffer looks at them with a somewhat nervous expression as he asks, "Young master should we go?"

Asher's narrows his eyes at him dangerously as he disturbed him from his pink atmosphere with his beloved, but nevertheless he nods at him.

The chauffer was having cold sweat as he hurriedly swift his eyes towards and closed the partition as well as the windows, now no one could see the young couple full of vigour and s*x drive, they look at each other and then then then...

Nothing happens and they continued their journey to venue of the ball.

{A/N: *cough* this part was not written by author(author my a**)}

(At the venue)

The large building was booked today for the anniversary of michell industries, all the bigshots(big-shot-on-hole) of the country were walking and talking with each other in professional way (bootlicking), they were wearing the best brands named as-'Wear&Tear', 'Naked/Nude'.

Having a glass of luxury wine which was like endless never emptying, some fatty-lusty-richy middle-aged creatures were lurking in search of young women to play cliche-cliche. Women were wearing or not? clothes which was barely hiding any skin.

They were walking swaying(-_-) their overused hips left and right to entice their boy toys, the young -rich-arrogant-my father is XXX were walking like dogs behind beauties(beasties).

If anyone looked at it then they will surely faint from all the possible people that lurks for amusement and plot for any ff or novel.

{A/N: I am proud.}

There was a woom-e-n, the one and only malty melolololo-slut, who was wearing revealing clothes (obviously bruh), she was lynching herself with a m-a-n? and was glueing her body to him, the man was the most famous current bachelor, she was moving with her head held as high as a eifel-no-giraffe.

Although she was with him but her eyes were still darting to find any sugar daddy currently available, young men were looking at her with longing and desire but she was ignoring(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!~~~~~) them.


{A/N: To be continued...}