Chapter 47-Masquerade Ball(2)

(BS at venue)

{A/N: where was i? yeah at portraying the character design of the BITCH, fleshing out character showing how she acts, her manner, her personality}

{A/N: Ignore the upper one, I was on steroids again!...Lets continue}

The fatty-lusty-richy one approached the most famous current bachelor and his gurlgfiend, the fatso went to them with a amicable smile as he said while his tummy was in waves as vibrations were travelling at astonishing speed to make wonders at his stomach.(A pity that it cannot make a small fatso.)

"This one greets the most eligible man and his beloved-pure-angel-goddess glurgfiend."

{A/N: As for people wondering about how they know each other is because-they know each other(-_-), argh.. just read it man...}

The eligible bachelor shows a polite smile and greets him as he said, "Haha~ no need to be polite Mr. faaartsu, you are my father's friend, the ability to shock the economy with your single call."

The bitch flexes her obliterated hips to entice Mr. faaartsu, she knows that he is extremely rich and making him her sugar daddy would be very good.

Mr. faartsu looked at the 'pure-untainted' girl with his 'pure-untainted' lust, the eligible man was himself looking at other women with his own 'pure-untainted' lust.

She then says, "I am honored to be in presence of such great-brave-admirable man who have reached such heights(155cm) that it shook the country."

The man laughed histerically with his 'jiggling' tummy sending waves of euphoria to those great masses of fat on his tummy, "Haha~ you are too polite, Ms. melololo, in fact this one is honored to be in presence of such great beauty"

The fatso then took his burly hands with 5kg of fat stuffed with great nutrients and rich foods, as he took the bitch's obliterated hands and then kissed her hand with his sunking lips very very eleeegruntlewdly.

The bitch showed a butt of ape like face as she shyly said lowering her head but only the fatso's eyes met with hers, "You are like a prince Mr. faartsu."

{A/N: *coughed blood*}

Well, the bitch had only applied eyeliner in name of masquerade mask to show her obliterated face. And the fatso only had a mask which made him look like a king.....of PIGs.

Also the Michuki couples were greeting all kinds of creatures.

They were having a conversation with the president of the country's best gum factory, father of Issei miyata.

Issei's father politely said, "Its been a long time since i saw young master Asher."

Kageyama laughed as he said, "Yeah that brat does not like to attend these gatherings."

Issei's father said, "Oh!, then would he come today?"

Kageyama said, "Yeah he would"

Issei's father said, "*ahem*, I mean you know that he should bring a female partner with him to avoid unnecessary problems."

Kageyama said with a glint of happiness in his eyes, "That brat has got a pretty girlfriend for him haha~ I still wonder how that ice block was able to make the girl fall for him."

Issei's father said, "Haha~ although i did not look at him for around a decade but i bet that just his looks and status are enough to make any woman fall for him."

Kageyama disdained him in his mind, 'What you mock my future daughter-in-law?', he then said, "What about issei, has he gotten a girl?"

Issei's father smile disappeared as an ugly expression was on his face, he said in a low voice, "He had gotten one, but was betrayed by the girl as she was cheating on him by his friend."

{A/N: Anyone for IsseixKyoko then RIP, I just dislike issei, so slowly slowly i will torture him *sadistical expression*}

Kageyama used all his willpower to not laugh at this as he said, "Oh, yeah nowadays young ones are becoming more and more fickle in love."

The people inside with masquerade masks were talking(bullshitting, flirting-trying, slutting, even some were f**king) with each other. But on outside hordes of media was lined as they were eyeing for anything like a hawk or any 2-3 pictures to combine them to make a hot-topic out of it.

Like the hot topic was the Bitch was gulrgfiend of the most famous eligible bachelor, with appearance of Mr. faartsu, the michuki couples, etc.

A young media man said, "Tch! Now no one is coming, why is everything blocked from media."

Another one while poking his nose said, "Yeah, this is getting boring."

The young one said, "Hey stop poking your nose!"

Another one threw his boogey to the young one with a flick of his hand, "Haha~ I am boogeyman!"

As they were playing boogey-boogey with each other, suddenly the entire surrounding became silent, the sound of a car approaching was sounding in the silence with rustling of leaves as wind brushed the trees fluttering the leaves.

All the media men turned their heads at the same time only to see a luxury pitch black limnose, the car stopped at the entrance.

The people had their hearts in their mouth as an abnormal silence was surrounding the place even in presence of hundreds of media.

(Inside the car)

Sakura was becoming nervous as she saw hundreds of media in front of them, although she had performed in front of hundreds of students during giving speeches at school.

Then suddenly the grip of Asher around her hands increased as he looked at her gently and proudly as he said, "Don't need to worry about these pests Sakura, just give them a fake smile as your genuine smile is reserved for ONLY me, you are great Sakura, something like these ants can't make you nervous nor they are worthy of your time, you are my WOMAN Sakura, Asher's Woman. Lady of King of Underworld, Lady of A.S.H corporation, all these titles are nothing but decorations, but you are just you Sakura, you need to be you with me, do what you like, do what you want, never bow in front of anyone, never show your weak side other than me, rely on me, share your burden with me, support me, love me, SAKURA you are Sakura, my love, woman, girlfriend, my EVERYTHING."

{A/N: Damn, I really went overboard this time HAHA!!}

Sakura was stunned by the dominant and overbearing words of Asher, she was lost at words, her heart was running at as high as it could, warmth and comfortness was seeping in her chest.

She now felt refreshed, as if something holding her had been removed, she felt more comfortable and more natural, for past few days she was feeling inferior as Asher was just too outstanding, she needed these words very much, she needed him to utter these words to make her mind calm down.

Asher knew that she was uncomfortable for past few days, after saying all this and then seeing a bright smile which could even blind the sun itself graced her beautiful face as he now understood that she was feeling pressured due to him, he felt guilty also, but he knew that if he wants absolute safety of her, he needs to be at top of food chain.

Sakura then looked at him with great love and affection that it made Asher's heart feel havoc on it, he was surprised also, but he also looked at her with same gaze and even more than her which sparked a competing spirit in Sakura as her gaze grew more sharper but here she was competing with wrong person, Asher completely defeated her.

Then Asher gave a quick kiss on her lips as she also kissed him back.

After that Asher and Sakura looked at each other and Asher asked with a smile, "Let's go my deadly angel?"

Sakura nodded, now with no nervousness in her gaze as she looked at him with determination and resolute eyes.

Asher smiled at her and opened his door...

(Outside of venue)

All the gazes of media men was at the door of black limnose, they don't know which bigshot is going to come now, almost all known had already came, they felt anticipation about the new guest.

Then the door opened and a young man appeared with a masquerade mask on his face, just by looking at jawline, emerald eyes and exotic looks, they knew that he was the most handsome man they have seen, the most famous eligible bachelor was like a shit compared to this man.

They started clicking photos without even knowing his identity, the man walked over the car and opened the car from which two feet came and a deadly-literally deadly beauty came, with her perfect body and curves, amber-brown eyes, brown hair falling like a waterfall with two braids like a crown, a masquerade mask trying to hide her goddess like face but to no avail.

They knew that she was the most beautiful woman they have ever seen, she was looking like a goddess but deadly one with her black dress and the man's black dress complimenting them, they even saw the couple bracelets on them.

They could feel the world spin as before now, bitch was labeled as most beautiful woman but now? that bitch could not even compare with even a single strand of her hair.

All their worldview started disintegrating as only one thought appeared in their minds, 'Who are they? How could they be so beautiful?'

All the media men were in daze as Asher held Sakura's hand tightly claiming his property over which no one has right, Sakura came close to him as she gracefully fixed her hands with his.

Then with shoulder-to-shoulder, hand-in-hand, toe-to-toe they started walking towards the entrance, Asher was walking like a dominant king while Sakura gracefully accompanied as his deadly queen.

No one was able to ask question, they were only clicking photos one after another, they were practically even worshipping them like gods or something.(Pure BS no need to mind)

Asher then with Sakura reached the entrance as he gave a message to his father and he went inside to shake off all the media and at a private room till his father will ask him to come.

(Inside venue)

Kageyama was chatting with a famous president of a famous company who manufactures famous goods with famous equipments and famous workers to make it a famous corporation.

{A/N: cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough ------>author died as his lungs came out of his mouth.}

{A/N: Well I am alive and well as i am writing this novel with xia qingyue in mirror of samsara when she died in that shitty novel due to scum che, hehe~ pray for me to make her my girlfriend. *ahem* back to our story or BS whatever it is.}

Then suddenly a message popped in his phone, he looked at the message and grinned widely as he mumbled ignoring the 'famous' person who was famously talking with his famous wife.

"Well time to show these arrogant young men, what a badass man is...."


{A/N: haha~, I, your father wrote another chapter.}