Chapter 63- I love You (The End...)

All the guests stopped cheering as they looked at the otherworldly couple walking on the stage...Asher was walking with his back straight and his eyes straight looking at the otherworldly figure walking in front of him.

Asher was wearing a navy blue velvet tuxedo with white tie and black pants...he was taking huge strides as he walked towards Sakura with big smile on his face.

On other side Sakura's face was covered under a veil as her amber-brown eyes enchanted everyone but her eyes remain at the single male figure who was walking towards her...she was wearing a green gown which was sparkling under dim lights...her hair was braided into crown as she was picking her dress with her arms and quickly stepping towards the stage while showing pearly white teeth under the veil.

They both reached the stage as the big TV was showing their expression in which their gazes never wavered for a split second...Asher's parents were behind him as Sakura's mom was behind her.

They both stood in front of each other with a smile as they looked into each other's eyes...Asher just wanted to take her and ravage until she faints while Sakura had same thought to suck him dry though all her attempts had been unsuccessful.

Soon a small boy of 5 and a small girl of 5 came walking to stage while giggling and laughing...the small boy said to Asher, "Big brother give big sister Sakura this ring."

Asher rubbed his tiny head as he took the small blue box from the tiny plate the child was carrying.

While the small girl looked Sakura with her big eyes and said, "Big sister Sakura here hurry and put this ring on big brother Asher to make him yours."

Sakura glanced at Asher as she smiled under her veil and winked at him as she said, "Don't worry little one...your big brother Asher cannot leave this big sister...he is bound to her the day he was born."

Which is honestly true...

Sakura also picked the silver tiny box from the little girl's hands.

After the mc's voice resounded, "Please hold your breath as the groom is going to put ring on bride."

Asher then opened the tiny blue box to reveal a simple but elegant ring with an emerald stone shining under the lights...he smiled at Sakura who had stars in her eyes looking at the ring.

He then grabbed her dainty hand as he looked at her and said, "You are going to be engaged to this demon Sakura..."

He then slid the ring on her ring finger as it perfectly went inside...

Mc said, "Now, the bride will put ring on groom!"

Sakura then opened the tiny silver box to reveal a similar designed ring with an amber stone on it as she looked at him and said while grabbing his hand, "Then let me be your demonness...."

She then slid off the finger in his ring finger...

Both the rings were sparkling in their hands as without Mc's announcement...Asher lifted her veil as he grabbed her hand to pull her towards himself.

His one hand held her back as he dipped his lips on her plump lips and started devouring it.

The whole guests started cheering at his boldness and their passion...

Asher slid his tongue into her mouth as they both ran tongues into each other's mouth then he separated from her as he rested his head on her forehead taking deep breaths and said, "I won't be able to stop Sakura, you are looking too beautiful~"

Sakura blushed as she also muttered, "Its difficult for me also!"

They both laughed with each Asher took her to dance floor for the first dance...he took her palm in his hands and started dancing...they danced till their breaths gave up as Asher lifted her up at the last step and she arched her back while he buried his face into her abdomen.

After dancing they harminously talked with the other guests...

(In the mansion)

Asher was leaning on the railings of the mansion gazing at the ocean...Sakura came from behind wearing pajamas as she hugged him from behind...

Asher then took her to his side as she leaned her head on his shoulder...Asher also leaned his head on hers as they both gazed at the ocean...

Sakura abruptly said, "Thanks Asher..."

"Thanks for coming into my life, thanks for loving me, I love you Asher."

A cold breeze brushed against them as Asher rubbed her arms with his warm hands and said,

"I love you more than you can imagine Sakura..."

Then they both turned to each other as the both leaned towards each other and took the lips...under the starry sky, in front of vast ocean, two young people were kissing each other passionately pouring their love for each other that knows no bound....

The End...



So, guys this is the end...I know it came very fast and was rushed but I just decided to end it here...well there could be side chapters in future of their married life or honeymoons...but officially it has ended.

I thank all the readers who read my fic and enjoyed it...tbh I never thought that I would really complete it with well around 600k views...heck I don't even thought that I could write 100k words but I wrote....So, thanks for all your support.

It was a wonderful journey and I know there was many cringe moments and grammatical errors with plot holes but still I enjoyed writing it.

I hope that Sakura got a decent happy life as the main motive was that due to watching the movie.

Thank You all of you!
