Side Chapter-Wedding

Asher was standing with Hachiman wearing wedding tuxedo as a bright smile was on his face and he was sipping apple juice from wine cup...

Both were on balcony as they were facing vast ocean and their hair was fluttering with each passing wind as splashing of waves on shore was sounded in background under the night sky...

Asher hiccuped as he looked at Hachiman with his back on railing and one leg on it, "Hey, Hachiman tell me how old I am?"

Hachiman looked at his best friend and snorted but still replied, "22"

Asher started laughing maniacally as he then said while waving his hand, "Hahaha~ I married her in just 22, hahaha~ aren't I good?"

Hachiman half smiled and said, "Yeah Yeah, good, sister-in-law would be happy."

Asher gave a limping smile as he sighed and said while turning and looking to night starry sky, "Yeah, she must be happy...if not then I am better of dead."

Hachiman sensed that his friend's mood was deteriorating so he said softly(yeah, softly), "Hey, bro you know, the first time I saw you after you visited library...I was like 'What the fuck? Where is the cold and unsocial Asher?' I even remember today how you panicked after the first meeting with sister-in-law haha~, I then realised that even the great Asher is a human."

Asher's mood improved as he reminsced and then he gave a side-eye to Hachiman as he teased, "I also remember when Kyoko accidentally bumped into you, how you blushed and that time I also came to know...that the great energy conservationist Hachiman could also feel emotions haha~"

Hachiman blushed lightly at his friend's teasing as he also longingly imagined when Kyoko was in the ground floor with other girls and was dancing including Sakura also, Asher sensed it as he patted his shoulder and said,

"Man up Hachi, this stalker play and removing potential threats will not take you up and face are also 22 already."

"Don't be too late because you only come to know its worth when it is not with you" Asher said with a tint of nostalgia in it.

He very well knows that how it feels to know that something you can never gain...

Hachiman looked at him and nodded as he said, "Thanks bro..."

Asher just smiled and took the last sip of juice as he threw it in the bin and stretched his limbs as he smiled and said, "Well its time to go, the most awaited moment for every man...the WEDDING NIGHT hahaha~"

Asher came and gave a bear hug to Hachiman as he returned the hug and Asher said, "Sakura already threw the boquet to you but you dumbass just dropped it...go and confront her man...don't be too late to regret or you will become the person who might make Kyoko most sufferable."

"Well I am going...pray for me!"

(Earlier in a room)

Sakura was sitting in middle while she was surrounded by her mother, mother-in-law, kyoko and few wedding-only aunts...

Kyoko said looking at Sakura in her wedding dress, it was white long dress with red strips and red feather petals scattered around the chest area...the reddish-white hue at the bottom gave it a more exquisite look.

Sakura was simply looking like a immortal fairy which made Asher run towards during coming to stage leaving his father and friend in dust.

Kyoko and others also hide his which Asher had already fitted a tracker and he soon found it.

*Flashback no jutsu*

Kyoko and wedding-only friends came and asking,

"Brother-in-law you are most richest man and you will not give your little sister-in-laws something?"

Asher's eyes twitched as he said, "Some of you are married and one of you could be my mother's age...which one of you are little?"

They all pouted and started pestering him to give them something...Asher sighed and said, "Okay wait..."

After few minutes a man came with a basket, Asher took the basket and first one gave to Kyoko as he said, "Here this is Mind-calming breathing exercise for you"

Ignoring twitching of her face...he picked another book and gave it to oldest one, "Here this is book '100 ways to look younger than your age' for you."

Ignoring the glaring look he moved to youngest one, "Here this is for you, '50 ways to look mature'."

Ignoring the puffed pouting, he moved to last one, "Here this is for you, '999 ways to torture your husband' this is the last book of this writer who was 100th husband of a great figure...she was renowned as big mom in past...I have paid a hefty amount to get rid of *cough* to get it for you."

Ignoring the starry eyes, he quickly dodged all of them...

*present no jutsu*

Kyoko's eyes still twitched at the shameful behaviour of her best friend's husband...Kyoko looked at Sakura as she pouted and complained, "Sakura your husband gave a frigging book...can you even think it?"

Unknown to her Sakura was in her own dreams when Asher sung a song for her with guitar...which made her shed tears of joy...

*Flashback no jutsu* (hand signs-middle finger up went inside ok sign)

Asher took the mic as he seated on the seat and adjusted the strings on guitar as he said, "This is a song for my lovely wife~"


-Because I took a second glance at you in the crowd.

-I could never forget your face.

-Dreaming that one day we'll bump into each other again.

-Since then, I've been yearning for you.

Sakura looked at him with love and affection in her eyes

-When I think of you, you appear on the horizon.

-When I think of you, you appear before my eyes.

-When I think of you, you appear in my mind.

-When I think of you, you appear in my heart.

Everyone was infected by the emotions in the song

Asher's eyes had reddened and a tear rolled down his cheeks, yet he was smiling.

-I like to think we promised each other in a past life.

-And that the story of our love won't change in this life.

-I'd rather spend my whole life waiting for you to find out

-That I've always been at your side and never far away."

No one had ever seen Asher crying! (Except Sakura of course)

Shizune was crying!

Kageyama had reddened eyes!

Hinata was crying!

Kyoko was crying!

Sakura stood up and finally made her way over. She did not stop in her tracks and passed everyone as she made her way to Asher.

-Because I took a second glance at you in the crowd.

-I could never forget your face.

-Dreaming that one day we'll bump into each other again.

-Since then, I've been yearning for you.

Sakura sat down beside Asher as he was playing guitar while singing...

-When I think of you, you appear on the horizon.

-When I think of you, you appear before my eyes.

-When I think of you, you appear in my mind.

-When I think of you, you appear in my heart."

Sakura reached out with a smile to wipe away the teardrop on his face. Her own face was also covered with tears.

Asher sang passionately while pouring all the love for her...

-I like to think we promised each other in a past life.

-And that the story of our love won't change in this life.

-I'd rather spend my whole life waiting for you to find out

-That I've always been at your side and never far away.




*Present no jutsu*

{A/N: I have taken it from 'I am really a superstar'-Like hell I could create a scene by myself haha...if anyone has problem they could comment and I will remove it.}

Seeing Sakura was not replying...Kyoko shook her shoulder and said, "Hey, are you listening?"

Sakura came out of her daze as her eyes were again filled with tears but she did not let them drop and asked Kyoko, "Hmm...What?"

Kyoko pouted and shouted, "Your husband gave me a frigging book on name of gifts!"

Sakura nonchalantly looked at her and said, "Oh? Don't worry he gave me money to give you all."

She then handed red packets to all of the girls as their eyes nearly popped when they opened it,

"Holy shit, I knew brother-in-law was rich but this rich!"

"He gave all of us fucking black card!"

"Hey, I am falling for my brother-in-law once again"

"What the hell you mean by 'once again'?"

Sakura shouted, "SHUT UP! You are talking about falling for MY husband...I will beat the shit out of each one of you...get your asses out of here when you have received the money!"

They all obediently nodded and ran away from to-be crime scene.

Then Shizune commented, "Oh, my daughter-in-law is a fierce tigress...let's see what she will do on her wedding night."

Sakura's entire momentum deflated like a balloon as she blushed deeply and looked down to avoid teasing glances of all the married mature women...

Shizune and Hinata then came to her and make her wear veil as they said, "Its time, let's see how will that brat will be able to keep his breathing hehe~"

They reached the bridal soon as they opened the door Sakura gasped...the lights were dimmed as red velvet bedsheet was covered with rose petals of all colours into side wine and some other cough supplements were present...

Sakura stuttered, "T-there is no n-need for those things!"

Shizune covered her mouth as she giggled and said, "Seems like that he is a beast huh?"

Sakura instantly replied, "YES! no no...NO"

Sakura was getting blushed and embarrassed...Shizune stopped teasing her daughter-in-law finally as Hinata hugged her and said, "So, this day has come for you huh have grown up well."

Hinata gently carrassed her daughter's face...

Then Shizune grabbed her in-law's hand and dragged her outside, "Let's go its time now..."

(With Asher pure present)

Asher bid farewell to as he rubbed his palm together and went towards the bridal chamber...he don't know but after he stood in front of door his heart start beating faster...his hands shook involuntarily as he took a deep breath and opened the door with a knock.


As soon as he entered the room his eyes saw, Sakura sitting on bed with her veil on, in a red dress...her belly shown between her dress...she was hugging her knees whiles bending ring was shining on her hand as she was wearing two golden bangles on each of her dainty wrists.

Asher's heart sped unknowingly, he approached her slowly...he sat down beside her...

Sakura's heart was in turmoil as a deep blush was hidden behind her veil...Asher's heart went up to her face to lift the veil but suddenly he stopped and asked in soft voice, "May I?"

Sakura just nodded her head slowly without responding...Asher smiled slightly as he held the fabric of veil and lifted it up to find a blushed beautifully carved face of his wife.

Sakura had closed her eyes as her heart was drumming against her was not like their normal love-making sessions...this night was different...this feeling was different...there was nervousness even though its been four years she has been sexually active with Asher!

She clenched her fists as Asher's fingers glided on her face...a sweet feeling was erupted at every touch of Asher's fingers against her skin...

Asher then leaned in towards her ear and she felt his hot breath on her bare neck skin, he whispered, "You are very beautiful wife~"

(Next day)

After eating breakfast which Asher spoonfed her...her mother and mother-in-law came to meet her as Asher went to handle some matters.

Shizune came and gasped at the sight, "Holy son is surely a beast!"

Shizune was dumbfounded to look at Sakura whose whole neck was covered in hickeys and love bites...hell her cheeks and chin was not let off!

Sakura blushed as she went inside her covers more to hide his 'markings' on her...

Hinata also exclaimed, "Son-in-law truly marked you Sakura huh?"

Sakura went more inside the covers as she mumbled, "What can I do when he is so passionate..."

Shizune and Hinata glanced at each other and started laughing...

Soon Asher also came and asked, "What three lovely ladies are laughing at?"

The three looked at him and exclaimed, "Its because of you!"

Asher just confusedly asked, "eh?"
