Project G89b

Naresh: Hello. I have got an idea today so, I am recording every part of this project. This is this is the first day of project G89b; just a random name. So today 20th march 2034 around morning 4 am I woke up with an idea, that is to use a parasite which are the mocrobes that cause deaeases in our body, to work with our body to fight the same desease. This thing can be attained by altering the genes of a parasite to make it work against it's own species. The same idea came to Robert Steve Fredrick an american scientist 6 years ago, he worked with some pharmaceutical research company financed by government. He failed at that time because at that time he tried to alter the genes by mutatimg it but it didn't work as they wished it to be work, Hopefully I have a better way. I will just change the structure of their DNA. In a cell there is a structured arrangements of DNA and RNA which things determine that how the cell behaves. If the arrangements in the structure of the DNA and RNA chains are changed the gene will be altered and we will get a new and different mutated cell. Thats what mutation is. I am going to do it by manually looking at the cell and observing it's DNA and RNA structures. After I know what sreucture makes the cell behave how it behaves, I will cut the DNA or RNA chains and I will rearrange those according to the properties I want in the cell. Wait...


Khusi.. turn off the camera and save the footage in my server.

Khusi: Video recording has been stopped. I am your personal home assistant what else can I do for you..

Naresh: Call Bhaina

Khusi: Calling mahendra...

Mahendra: Hello Naresh! how are you?

Naresh: I am great just working on something

Mahendra: is this a new project?

Naresh: Yes. Actually I need a favor from you

Mahendra: Yes yes bro tell me. I will be blessed to work with you.

Naresh: Ha ha (guffaws) you always say that don't you?

Mahendra: Because I actually mean that, I am really proud of my little brother. This is a genius I am talking to right now.

Naresh: Ok ok this is too much of appraisal, I was telling that if you can send me the module of your digital electron microscope? Also I need that GPU you devloped last month.

Mahendra: Actually the GPU is not stablized till.

Naresh: That's why I need it. Because I can easily change anything I want also it will be easy because it uses pentium and gallium.

then I will send these to you, anything else?

Naresh: I need it but I don't think you have that? It's the programming language which is most accurate and you once used it to edit the processing power of a processor from 2020.

Mahendra: Yes yes I can bring you that. The system is based on Sanskrit language the most accurate language. Everything you mentioned will be soon at the door.By the way, when are you coming home?

Naresh: Soon.

Mahendra: Good luck. See you. bye!

Naresh: Bye bhaina thanks.

After the call Naresh just sat and wrote down something in a notebook.

(door bell rings)

Naresh opens the door and picks up the delivery

Naresh: The drones are doing great. I love it.

Naresh: Khushi, turn on manual mode.

Khushi: Khushi shutting down beep_ beep_ _beep_ beep

Naresh calls mahendra

Mahendra: Hello, is there anything else I can help you with?

Naresh: No thanks, but actually I called you to tell that I got everything that I asked for. Thanks

Mahendra: This was very fast. Unbelievable! I don't believe this.

Naresh: Same here bhaina.

Mahendra: These drones are incredibly fast, we should use them more often.

Naresh: Yes, I didn't expect that. I thought that it was just some marketing thing, but it is more fast than they told that time.

Mahendra: Ha ha! Right. Elon musk's son, whatever his name is, is doing well.

Naresh: I always wonder, what made him name his son like this. Really wierd and that's why no one ever took him seriously. although he is intelligent.

Mahendra: Maybe he is intelligent but not more than you. Ha ha.

Naresh: Ha ha. I don't think so.

Mahendra: You should not right?

Naresh: Right. Ok bhaina now it's time to work.

Mahendra: See you soon little brother.

Call disconnects

Now Naresh turns on recording and unpacks the items he ordered and looks at the things while talking to camera

Naresh: I told my elder brother to send me these items. Why? You have to wait for some time.

He starts working on those things and takes 2 days to complete the work.

After 2 days:

Naresh: So this is the 3rd day of project G89b. 22nd March 2034. I was working on simplifying the process of making an antisite. According to my project I had to study the DNA and RNA chains manually but now this computerized system will do it for me. I just have to connect it with a computer and I will be able to see the structure of the DNA and RNA on the screen and I will be able to change the structure of it by just typing some codes, simple codes. Wait.. but still I have to look at the DNA and RNA chains manually to know how the change will happen. It should be more easier than that. Should I devlop an AI to study the structure and tell me what combination does what change to the cell? I will name this device as DNA manipulation engine. And the AI bot will be called analyse bot. This will tell me the detailed information about the DNA or RNA without errors. Then I just have to choose the right combination to get the expected antisite of a taken parasite. I can do this much because it will be easy but not that easy enough to be used by anyone in the world. They should be able to talk and understand sanskrit to command and oprate the system and also must have the knowledge about DNA chains obviously.

Ok it will take a whole week to program this bot and to optimise it with the software of this system. See you after 28th March.

Naresh gets to his computer and starts working with the bot and programing the informations about cell and making the bot to learn that how it will study and tell the information about the DNA or RNA chains.

9 days later


Finally the project is successful. I tried this first on myself. First I took some Rhinovirus and injected it in my body. I got cold obviously. Than I waited for it to spread in my body. When the infection was beginning to spread, I took the sample and put it in my DNA manipulation engine and let the bot to analyse it. It was very quick and easier than I thought. The bot is very accurate and also the device is also very good, I it was easier than I expected to make the antisite. I just had to take a cell of mine infected by the virus and then I needed to put the genetic information to form the antisite of Rhinovirus in the RNA chain that was produced by the cell for the virus to reproduce. Than I waited for the antisite to form. It was not easy but it was fast. After the antisite was ready I let it go inside my body. After 30 minutes I was completely fine and it seemed to have no problem at all in my body. I did tests to find out if there is any problem in my body, but there was none. Again it was faster and more effective than I expected. Maybe my immune system helped.

I can't belive I did this. Because I don't really understand how these things work. Because if I understood it than I must be able to recreate it from nothing. But no one ever could do that. Insted of making a new cell, I just altered the information of the cell to my preferences and that resulted a new cell having some different, or similar properties. I just know to use it. But I don't know it. I think this is why some people say "No matter how intelligent you become, You can't be more intelligent than nature." I am adding one more thing to it, Because nature gave you this intelligence.

This is not the end ok, I am not going to commercially release this antositer that's a lame name but still I am not going to announce this publically that I made a device using which you can alter DNA. Because it can be used destructively, so I am not documenting the process of research and invention. And also that's why I didn't record the process of making this project. I will just announce that I am able to make antisites that work opposite to parasites. It will work like a vaccine but insted of a vaccine it will be a different varient of same parasite. We can use this to cure any desease caused by any pathogen.

Wow that's what I am going to say while taking noble prize.

Ok bye I am feeling sleepy.

(shuts down the camera)