The Struggle begins

Naresh: Hello maam.

Janhavi: Yes dear how are you?

Naresh: I.. am... not actually good.....

Janhavi: Why? What happened?

Naresh: Actually maam I needed your help with something.

Janhavi: Yes, yes tell me what is it. I will be really glad to help you.

Naresh: Thank you maam. Actually I am working with something I named as antisites.

Janhavi: Isn't it what we use in high output micro induction motors powered by light? Are you talking about those?

Naresh: No maam it is Antisite in biology, opposite of parasites.

Janhavi: What do they do?

Naresh: They work the opposite to parasites. You know we can call all the pathogens as parasites because they all work the same. So just as we have antigens to fight with pathogens, we will have antisites to take place of pathogens or parasites. With these creatures we are not going to need any medication, all the pathogens can be have their antisites and these antisites will help our body to fight with the pathogens of the same family.

Janhavi: Impressive. Proud of you my son. This is incredible, A revolutionary invention, it can change the history of the pharmacy and pathology world. I will be grateful to contribute in this historical project.

Naresh: Thanks for the support maam. First let me tell you that this project is almost done it's a final test or you can say a prototype on which I am working on. And I am going to need some HIV viruses and some cancer cells to test them.

Janhavi: Ok. You will get these things within a week.

Naresh: Week?

Janhavi: Yes, any problem?

Naresh: Actually maam I need these things immediately because I want to know if there is any fault in my calculations. Because if this formula doesn't work then I have to change and theck it and if I don't do it than it can be highly dangerous for humanity.

Janhavi: Sorry Naresh but I can't arrange these things immediately.

Naresh: Ok. No worries.. I will ask someone else. Bye.

Janhavi: Wait wait...

Naresh: Yes maam tell me.

Janhavi: We can talk about this with the head of our university council . He definitely could help.

Naresh: Really maam? Are you sure? Is it ok for me to go there?

Janhavi: Don't worry just come here to Brahmapur University. main office I will be waiting for you there around 13:00.

Naresh: Thank you for this help maam I will remember this for the rest of my life.

Janhavi: It's ok dear. Just hurry up and don't be late.

Naresh: Ok. I will be there in time.

call disconnects...

(Naresh looks at the clock showing 12:30am and heads towards lightenliet bus station from his appartment taking some files with him)

(Naresh enters the station)

Announcement: Welcome to Lightenliet. This is the drone bus service authorised by government to fly all over the country. Choose your destination and take your ticket from the ticket mechine.

(Naresh buys a ticket and enters a taxi after scanning his ticket)

Bus captain: Brahmapur University road is here. Thanks for choosing drobus.

Naresh leaves the bus and heads towards the office.

There is Janhavi maam beside the office. Both see eachother and waved.

Naresh: Namashkar maam.

Janhavi: Namaste! Namaste! You are exactly at time. Great.

Naresh Thanks maam.

Janhavi: I have already told the head officer about you. He is waiting for you inside.

Naresh: Let's go then.

Naresh and janhavi enter the office room

Janhavi: Hello sir. Meet Naresh. Naresh, meet Pallav.

Pallav: Oh, you are the genius. Welcome Genius. Welcome to my office.

Naresh: Thank you sir.

Pallav: No no just callme pallav it's ok. You acare a genius.

Naresh: Stop calling me a genius. Really please. I don't like that.

Pallav: Please let me call you that. It's rare to find a genius these days.

Naresh: By the way. I am here for a reason, Right?

Pallav: I know right? Genius people don't do anything without a reason.

Naresh shows no reactions

Pallav: Ok ok show me your project details.

Naresh: Here, I have listed everything in this file.

Pallav goes through the file

Pallav: G.. (looks at Naresh's face and coughs) So you need HIV virus and some cancer cells to test your first antisite?

Naresh: Yes exactly.

Pallav: When do you want these things?

Narvesh: Today.

Pallav: It is a little difficult to bring thesee things today. Maybe if tommorrow.....?

Naresh: Actually I need these today because it will take three days to test the antisites and to see it it works or it it works or not.

Pallav: Then please take my card. I Have your number I will make sure that everything is delivered to you.

Thank you Janhavi for letting me meet this genius.

Janhavi: Thanks to you sir. Thanks for your help.

Naresh: So should we get going?

Janhavi: Ok let's go then.

One week Later

Doorbell rings.

Naresh opens the door.

It is a letter from Government thanking him for the great discovery. And inviting him to a celebration for this occasion and to honour him with The Bharatratna award.

Naresh didn't look that happy but he decided to go and get the respect of being honoured by The president of India.

Many people see him and show their respect to him and he was praised a lot that time. But all of it only continued till a month after that everyone forgot this and get on with their busy life schedules. The celebration was just stopped. Now just no one cared about what he did and just went on with their lives. Naresh some how knew that, but he didn't knew that he couldn't find a way to make these antisites available as vaccines just to take when the original parasite or pathogen is seen in the body.

He has no clue to make it available for public, because each amd every pathologist he met were refusing to experiment with these antisites and try them out. All pharmacy companies were making jokes of him. Even some days people came and made fun of him. Naresh was very depressed and had no clue to find a solution to all this where Dinesh is doing very well as a CEO of his father's company which can be called as his company as his father passed away two years ago. He was doing very well. They got consumers from all over the world. From USA, from china, from India, from japan, people loved their products. He was great in marketing and he knew what the consumer wants. That's why whatever idea he came up with his team supported him and he made this company a tech giant within forty months.

This was just a normal day. Dinesh was working on some marketing tactics suddenly something great comes to his mind he calls his secretary to share this with

Dinesh: Hi James. I have an idea of making a new and great device that can change the world.

James: What happened?

Dinesh: Immediately call an assembly I am going to show a presentation. It can change the history of the tech world.

James: Are you out of your mind it's 3am and you are thinking about presentations?

Dinesh: That's not important. 3am is not a time to sleep. It's the brahma muhurta you should be getting up at this time.

James: Stop taking these things. No one is intrested in you and your ideas.

Dinesh: Just do what I said. I am the owner of the Maple industries Ltd. I made this company the best tech company in the world.

James: Ok ok I am telling everyone to arrive at the office assembly hall within five minutes.

Dinesh: Good.

Five minutes later

Everyone was at the hall discussing what crazy idea he is again with and everyone get shocked looking at dinesh just appearing from air.

Dinesh: Hello everyone. Good morning!

Joseph: (yells) This is not morning ok? You understand? We were sleeping. Do you have any sence? Who do you think you are?

Suddenly the door opens and Dinesh showed up.

Dinesh: Just look at my idea. It's mind blowing.

Yang: We are not fools ok? We know you are going to talk about

holograms. Because there was holographic you here and the you came here is you who came through the doors.

Dinesh: You are so close. Just a litte more. Guess what is my idea.

Jeena: Stop wasting our time and just show us what you've got.

Dinesh: Ok ok so today I had this idea to make a super computer which works with high level hologram technology like this producing hyper realistic holographic images and to make it able to fit in a small ring that anyone can wear in their hands.

Tim: This is impossible. There is no way these mechines which need this high processing power can be fit in a small ring, wearable in hands.

Joseph: You heard that? Are you good now after ruining our sleep?

Dinesh: Just look at this idea we already have nano chips, we can implant those in this. This ring can generate a revolution.

Joseph: Just enough I can't handle this anymore. I just.. I just hate you.

Jeena: Me too. You are a horrible person.

James: I am also tired to work with you. You are very difficult to work with.

Dinesh: I am the CEO of this company. I own the Maple industries. I made this company the beat tech company in the world. You all have to work with me and do as I say.

Joseph: Just because you own the forty percent of the shares of this company doesn't mean that you own this company. And talking about being the CEO, You are not the CEO anymore.

Dinesh: Then who is?

Joseph: As the members of commitee we decide to make Tim the next CEO of maple industries.

Tim: Really? Me? Thank you everyone.

James: You heard our decision? Now get out from here. You are fired.

Dinesh: Ok.

Dinesh snaps and vanished in air.

Dinesh is siting in his room meditating wakes up after fidteen minutes and looks at his computer.

Dinesh: I hope this holographic copy of me did everything as expected.

Looks at what happened in assembly

Dinesh: Oh god no. This is too much this time. I became unemployed. Now I have to struggle to make this mechine. What is life without struggle? I remember my teacher said, "We all have to struggle one day because the essence of success comes from the struggles we have been through." Really true words.