The Reunion

Dinesh in his room talking to himself.

Dinesh: It should be possible to make this device. But if it is possible then why did they fire me out of my own company? The automated holographic copy of me. Yes! It is the problem.

It always causes some problems. I should go and see what it did.

He goes to his computer to access the cctv footage of his office but the server of the office refuses to show him the information.

Dinesh: No. Why did they cut my access from the office? Oh I see. I am no more a part of the maple industries. Now I am just a share holder of it. Which means I no more have any team to work for me. Now I have to make this device on my own. But how am I don't to do so? Ok let's start from the beginning. This is a super computer. What do super computers need? A processor which is the smallest processor. 40 mm. A GPU which is again the smallest GPU ever 506mm. A display, Which is going to be a holographic display which with current technology needs a whole computer system to work as my expectations. And finally a battery or power supply which is going to be very big. How can I even think of this stupid thing?

It's so stupid that even stupidity will think that it's stupid. Haah...

Let me think. Maybe if I use cloud computing? I will store all the information in the server including the heavy processing that's needed, Now the device will only have one power supply, one signal reciver, one signal emitter and the projector which can be transformed into a camera. All the signals and the information will be transferred by high-performance infrared waves from the server. Every user will have their own user id and own servers. Hmm.. This idea is much better. But still I think I won't be able to figure out this by my own.

Phone rings....

Dinesh picks up the phone

Dinesh: Hello! Who is this?

Firoz: Hi Dinesh. Recognise me?

Dinesh: No.

Firoz: Try to remember man we were friends in the collage.

Dinesh: Really? I don't remember if I went to collage or not.

Firoz: I must tell you Dinesh you haven't really changed a bit.

Dinesh: Look who is telling this? The constant body?

Firoz: I thought you really didn't recognise me.

Dinesh: Thinking so much is bad for health.

Firoz laughs

Dinesh: Stop laughing man and tell me did you also called me to tell me that I am not anymore the CEO of the Maple industries?

Firoz: Wait, what do you mean by 'not anymore the CEO'?

Dinesh: I guess you didn't know that I was fired from my CEO chair.

Firoz: Oh my god that's a terrible news. I am so sorry to hear that. But I was here to congratulate you.

Dinesh: Do you think it's a good thing happened to me?

Firoz: No no. Not this. I have a great news for you. I thought that you might have known it but it's ok. I think you were busy handling dipres...

Dinesh: Just tell me about that.

Firoz: Ah... Ok.. ok. Just relax. Your friend just got the great honor of the Bharatratna award.

Dinesh: Who exactly?

Firoz: The friend you told me about.

Dinesh: Who are you talking about?

Firoz: Your best friend from school when you were in India. Remember the statement that you told me that your teacher used to call you Naresh and Dinesh the genius of the school.

Dinesh: Hmm..

Firoz: Hello? Dinesh? Are you listening?

Dinesh didn't say anything

Firoz: Hay, wouldn't you say anything? You just heard a good news.

Firoz: Hay? Is someone there?

Firoz: There are still signal gliches? Come on it's 2034. Guess the technology is not going to change anyway.

call disconnected..

Dinesh is just sitting with his eyes wide open and remembering all the things that he and Naresh did while they were in the school. How they made things from scratch. They made things for fun they were great innovators. All these things made him think to go to find Naresh and start something new with him.

Dinesh: I have to find Naresh. Hope that Internet would help me.

Next day

Doorbell rings...

Naresh: Who is there?

Dinesh: Guess who am I?

Naresh: I am the worst at this game?

Dinesh: Why do you think so?

Naresh: Nothing. I just always guess the wrong person in this game.

Dinesh: So can you just open the door?

Naresh: Can't you see I am busy finding something?

Dinesh: How am I supposed to see you?

Naresh: (Opens the door saying) Through your eyes.

Dinesh: Yeah sure.

Dinesh looks around Naresh's messy room

Naresh: You look familiar.

Dinesh: You too look familiar.

Naresh: Now that I know we know eachother but still I can't ask you to come to my house.

Dinesh enters his house.

Dinesh: What is this mess bro? Is everything alright?

Naresh: This is my life bro. Many things happened, it's a huge long story. Sit-down. (showing dinesh a chair to sit)

Dinesh: (sits on the chair) I know... I heard about you getting the Bharatratna award, the greatest respect in the world but that is not a bad thing. Is it?

The chair Dinesh was sitting on offers him apple juice. Dinesh takes the glass of juice and starts drinking it.

Naresh: You really don't have any idea what is happening here. Really.

Dinesh with juice in his mouth: Whaat arre wyou ...

Naresh: (Interrupting Dinesh) You tell me. How did you get here?

Dinesh: You see this chair that I am currently sitting in and the desktop monitor of yours?

Naresh: Yes, the monitor is a crap I regret buying that. And this seat, I hate it, it offers anything saying that it is apple juice.

Dinesh: Actually I designed these things. I was the CEO of the Maple industries. (says with a shameful tone)

Naresh: (laughs) I guess thats why you left the job. Your employees are really terrible at work.

Dinesh: (looks even more ashamed) Actually my employees fired me.

Naresh: (Starts Laughing) That's so sad ha... ha.. ha... ha... (laughs like crazy)

Naresh: I know I shouldn't laugh but I... I can't control...ha.. ha... (laughs)

Dinesh: it's ok. I came here to see that laughing face.

Naresh: I wander what was the last time I laughed like this.

Dinesh: I also feel similar but I was really happy when I heard that you won Bharatratna award.

Naresh: The moment I received the price I was very surprised the moment was great. In front of the whole country, in front of the whole world, I got to explain my discovery.

Dinesh: Feels like a dream.

Naresh: Definitely it was a dream moment because when the dream was over, everything went normal like nothing happened.

Dinesh: Didn't you get any congratulations?

Naresh: Actually a lot of people praised me and I went to a huge number of interviews. People were very intrested in my idea and wanted to know what is my plan with the antisites.

Dinesh: What is antisite? Is it some kind of chemical?

Naresh: No no it's this. (Naresh shows him the project file of the project-G89b)

Dinesh: Wow! This is incredible why isn't this available in markets?

Naresh: (sighs)

Dinesh: What happened?

Naresh: I am so stupid. All my problems are running through my head and I am hoping you to understand without me telling them to you. (Disappointed)

Dinesh: Please don't worry. I am here. We will solve the problem together, just like we did in school.

Naresh: I don't know about that because we have real life problems not the number games of school.

Dinesh: Just tell me.

Naresh: (Looks confused)

Dinesh: (Silent)

Namesh: (takes a deep breath) So after I got the award, I was trying to find a company who would help me to mass produce the Antisites for particular pathogens. I struggled a lot, failing many times many people seemed intrested in my idea but I felt that they may have some evil plans where some people refused saying that it can be dangerous for nature and for human beings. People didn't seem to understand the significance of the technology that I developed. Then time came I thought about starting my own company and producing for people by my own but I hadn't have enough funds. I was going through very harsh times then. I was hopeless. Then this person showed up. His name was Davis. Charly Davis. He told me that he will help me and gave me an office to work. I worked there for a month then after some days he just fired me from his company. (sighs)

Dinesh: I understand how it feels bro. Something like that happened with me when I tried to explain that I cant to make a super computer wearable in hands as a ring and having a holographic display and ionic pulse jitter soundsystem. But before I even start to explain my idea they fired me labeling me as a crazy person.

Naresh: That is not what happened with me.

Dinesh: (ignoring naresh) Can you belive this? They fired me te CEO of their company. Although it was not their faul it was this holographic AI clone that I sent to the office for testing. I is as realistic as It's me standing on doing something. But when it talks it is foolish as... a donkey on a pig. It ruined everything. Now there is no way back to that company so I am thinking about making that by my own. But it seems to complicated i make it. Because of the smal compact design I have to put all handware in a server and use IR (Infra red) signals to send the processed information. But this will be messy. I need a better way.

Naresh: How about super quantum photon computer that we designed during our 7th class?

Dinesh: (looks amused) I credible. I haven't thought about that. Wow, that way I can make it a size of stickers that we put on our notebooks with cabability to calculate the value of pi

Naresh: (coughs)

Dinash: (Looks at Naresh) It can calculate the value of pi upto ten to the power one thousand digits after the decimal place. Can anyone imagine that (smiling)

Naresh: (stares at Dinesh with angry eyes)

Dinesh: (Shakey voice) W..what? Can you imagine thousand zeros after one?

Naresh: (still staning at him)

Dinesh: (confused) What happened?

Naresh: You got your solution? Should I continue now?

Dinesh: (mumbling) What should we call that number? Thausta trillion? Septatrillion?

Naresh: Sir? May I?

Dinesh: (looks ashamed) Ok ok I shut up. (puts his index finger on his lips)

Naresh: He fined me from his discarded me from his company and now he is manufacturing gene editing engines on his name and he filed a case on me that I tried to steal his invention. And due to this they are about to take the award back from me.

Dinesh: (finger on his lips) Hmm.....

Naresh: Now I am thinking that I might had patented my gene editing engine but at that time I wanted this technology to be secret because it anyone gets an access to it, they can use it in many evil ways. For example - they can create an all new virus that will be invincible and completely unknown to humans creating a global pendemic situation worse then any other of the past and I fear because that is what Davis is upto. Davis was really intelligent I wouldn't tell anybody about this discovery of mine but he really took advantage of the situation pretending to give me imotional support but he was a cheater. He put cameras in my office and stole all my blueprints and plans labeling those as his own invention. I don't call it invention because I didn't made a new thing which never existed. I just found a way to change things that already existed. Gene editing or DNA/RNA manupalation.

Dinesh: (one hand's index finger still on his lips and other hand pointing towards Naresh) Hm.....m...m.. (agreeing sound)

Naresh: Say something I need your help here.

Dinesh: (finger still on his lips) Hmm..... (with the hmm sound continues his smile stants to widen and turns into a huge laughter making Naresh also burst out laughing)

They continued laughing looking at each other

Dinesh: I really missed this.

Naresh: Me too. Enough of jokes now tell me how can I prove in court that it was my discovery not his invention because he can be a threat to humanity if he gets it.

Dinesh: How about you.....

Naresh: (Interfears him and start talking) Wait... Don't say anything. I got it. I know what to do. I will show all the project audio, video and written files associated with project G89b. That is the proof. I have mentioned everything about Gene editing and DNA/RNA manipulation there which things Davis haven't any idea about.

Dinesh: Well I was also going to say that. (says in an agreeing tone)

Naresh: Ya, ya I know you always say that. (says in a sarcastic one)

Dinesh: No. I was actually about say that

Naresh: You always say that too.

Dinesh: Whatever (nolls his eyes)

Namesh: Well I am glad that finding the solution was that easy.

Dinesh: I know Right? Every problem has it's solution hidden in the problem it self. If we aren't able to find the solution, we have to just look at the problem in the right way or... The left way or...

(Naresh and Dinesh both continue the sentence together) whichever way is the connect way. We just have to look at it more carefully.

Both laugh

Naresh: You remember Dinesh? How our maths teacher asad to say this and whole class laughed like crazy.

Dinesh: How can anyone forget this is this the formula of sin theta whole square?

Naresh: These types of jokes are already expired in 2020 when we were around.... two.. to three years old.

Dinesh: So what's now? What should we do then?

Naresh: What about...

Dinesh: We combine our...

Naresh: The rest of the dialog is mine.

Dinesh: No. I will say that.

Naresh: Let's say it together

(Both look at each other)

Naresh and Dinesh together - We will combine aun technologies and make a new technology creating history. Yay....

Author: So this is how this childhood friends meet again and this is how they were in their childhood.

Naresh: Hay Om we are still children.

Dinesh: Yes. Who told you that became old men?

Author: I am the author of your story. How can you talk to the writer who is writing your own story?

Naresh: Sorry!

Dinesh: My bad.

Author: So this is how the chapter-5 ends. Don't worry, this isn't the end of the story, this is just a small begining of an incredible adventure. Stay tuned.....