Chapter 5

The three siblings went back to their house after shopping and eating dinner together. Parking the car at the garage, Megan began to take her things as Ezra and Artemis help her.

"We're hhooomee!!" Megan shouted cheerfully as she opened the front door. The whole family was there in the living room, watching a movie.

"Welcome honey how was your shopping?" Vania asks sweetly, giving them a kind smile. "It was good mom, Ez pick a gift for his boyfriend and Meg force me to buy a lot of clothes." Artemis smiled.

"It's not my fault!" Megan whine, putting her things on back of the couch.

"Stop bullying Arty. Come here you three, let's play a game." It was their older sister Audrey who invite them to play as she gives a smug look.

All the members of the family sat down in long table as they play, the whole family are happily playing with each other. In the middle of playing, Megan took out her phone and play a recording on her phone.

Artemis voice was heard saying "Touch Belle Thompson again and you are done" in her deep voice. The whole family was quiet for a moment, Artemis face quickly change into beet red with a shock look on her face.

"Looks like we have a yandere sister~" Megan teased Artemis as she rests her chin on her hand, smiling at her. "W-what are you doing MEGAN!!!" Artemis yelled in embarrassment as she slaps the table really hard, the family watch in amusement

Standing up from her seat, she took the gun under the table, pointing the gun on Megan's head. "Delete that now" ordering Megan with face flush of embarrassment.

Megan giggle at her, standing up from her seat. she also took the gun under the table and point her gun on Artemis's head. Both of them are pointing gun at each others heads, "I'm betting that Meg's gonna loss again!!" Audrey betted as she put 90,000 dollars at the center of the table, giggling.

"I bet on Art's side!!" the 4th child, Xander cheerfully betted as he places 80,000 dollars on the table. The whole family betted on Artemis, "Seriously?! None of you guys on my side?!" Megan ranted in anger.

"Don't worry dear, I'll bet for you" Vania said to her daughter, "I'll bet on Meg, 50,000 dollars" she added as she places 500 dollars at the pile of money at the center of the table.

"Thanks mom, but seriously?!" Megan groan, she looks at her dad with puppy eyes. "Okay! I'll bet on you…Just kidding! I'll bet on Art for 100,000 dollars!!" William boom as he places his bet on the pile of money. "Hell yeah!" Ezra and his two brothers cheered while the girls clap at their father's bet.

"I hate you guys!" Megan fumed in anger as she childishly cries. "Be sure to give me share" Artemis croon as she glances on them.

"Now, delete it" Artemis order Megan as she racks the slide of the gun. Megan put her other hand up, "Okay! Okay" she wryly smiles, taking her phone and deleted the audio.

"Here it's don---" before she could finish her word, Artemis shot her, instinctively she pulls the trigger but unfortunately her gun didn't have a bullet.

She rubs her forehead where the fake bullet hit her, she looks at Artemis who were grinning at her. "Damn it! I lose again!" she curses as she sat down, her big brother Zachary

"Just as the usual, the loser of the Russian roulette game will pay the snacks today" clapping his hand, the dad said.

The family spent an entire night eating snacks and drinking alcohol while playing games in the entire night.


"Ughh" Artemis groan as she sat up from her bed, she looks at her clock on the nightstand. It's already 6:30 am, she looks on the internet on her phone before going leaving her bed.

"Arty, wake up." Artemis mom sweetly wake her, hearing her mother's word she leaves her room and took a shower.

After taking a shower, Artemis notice her phone lit up.

Glancing at her phone, she saw the phone vibrate. Taking the phone, she let out a smile as she answer the call.

"Big sis Art! Guess what?" a cheerful young girl voice was heard on the phone. Artemis put her phone down on her table and put it on speaker to change, "What?" she gently ask her younger cousin.

"Where going back! Can't wait since it's been 3 years since we move out of the country and dad said that he just want to go back but I think it's because someone mess with him. Big sis Art, what do you think?" she ask as her speed of talking increase. After changing, Artemis proceed to sit in her table then began to do her make up, she didn't forget to answer her cousin's question.

"Yeah, I think someone mess with Uncle Tom too" she answer as she put a fake mole under her right eye that she forgot to put yesterday.

"I can't wait to play games with you guys!! I'll…" Emily's word was cut out as some voice was heard on the call.

"Sorry Big Sis Art, we're going out today…Later" Emily's voice was sad as she informed Artemis. "No it's okay, be sure to have fun" Artemis gently responded to her, with a couple of goodbye, Artemis put her glasses then proceed to leave her room with her phone on her hand.

Walking down the stairs, she saw her older sister Audrey leaving her room. "Morning Art, going to your mission?" she asks to her as she patted her shoulder, Artemis glance up to her sister "Morning sis, yeah I'll be going to my mission" smiling at her sister.

"Morning you too, you guys have jobs today?" their father ask as he drink coffee in the living room as he watches tv. "Yup dad" the two answer in unison.


Artemis Park her red Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 looking brand new in the parking lot, some of the students saw her leaving her car which cause them to be stunned seeing Artemis with a new car than yesterday.

'Damn must be nice to be rich' is what students thought when they saw Artemis with her 'brand new' car.

'Shit, I don't have many clothes in this car' Artemis thought on herself as she rubs her left wrist, after taking her bag she proceeds to enter the building.

Walking in the hallway, Artemis notice Belle and Felicia with their friends happily talking to each other. She didn't bother walking towards them as she walk away. But Belle saw Artemis and called out to her, "Aminah!" she yelled as they walk towards her while waving. Hearing her name, Artemis stopped walking and look at them.

"Hey" Belle said to her, "What's up Aminah!" Felicia greeted her as she patted her shoulder. Artemis nodded at them, she saw the Belle's friend approach her "Hey, I'm Michelle and this is Sandy, we're Belle's friend but we're in different department so that's why you didn't see us yesterday" Michelle introduce herself and Sandy.

"Aminah Harmon" introducing herself, Sandy was stunned hearing her name "Ah! So, you're the one who beat Marcus in the judo class! Not bad for a transferee!" she praised Artemis as she smacks her shoulder, she's 6'0 compared to Artemis. "Wow, rumors spread fast huh?" Artemis said without joy in her tone as she slightly grin.

"Seriously? I thought it was just a rumor" Felicia spoke. The group was happily talking to each other as they got to know Artemis.


In a blink of an eye, it's already Friday, in the passes couple of days Artemis mission was doing great as she observes some of the students action.

Leaving their classroom as the school ends, Artemis who was wearing a techwear outfit got a call from Megan.

"Hey Art, where are you?" she asks, Artemis notice something was wrong "I'm at the school hallway, why? What's wrong?" she asks Megan as she run to the parking lot leaving Belle and Felicia behind.

After arriving at the parking lot, Artemis walk to her A black 2016 Chevrolet Corvette stingray z51 that was park. "What's wrong? Nobody's here, you can tell me Meg" she asks.

"Emily was kidnapped 2 hours ago, we're tracking the car that kidnapped her and fortunately she's near your street so—" before Megan could finish her word, she was cut off by Artemis. Artemis quickly enter her car as she orders Agent 3L1.

"Agent 3L1 give me the coordinate, now" ordering him, without a seconds pass Agent 3L1 send the location. She opens her phone then quickly memorize the location and the plate number of the car, "Tell me if they move Agent 3L1" after she said that to Agent 3L1. Artemis quickly took off her wig, she starts the engine and swiftly drove off the parking lot and leave the school grounds.

Driving 100 mph, she looks around to see someone suspicious. Drifting her car as she parks at the side of the road, Artemis wore a black glove before leaving her car, she looks around and saw 3 men looking around on their surrounding looking suspicious.

She quickly follows them in the alley, 2 minutes has pass when the 3 men stop walking. She heard them talking, "Yo, you got her?" the man with a mask asks their accomplice. "Ahuh, but that bitch hit me in the—I don't wanna even talk about it" the man with a mask and a hat kicks the pebble on the ground.

The other men laugh as they remember the scene. "Where is she now?" the man asks him, "She's here, bring her" the man with a hat order the other man.

Artemis saw Emily was tied in the rope as she was getting drag by 2 men. "Here she is, better pay exactly what you promise to us. She was tough to get" the man clicks his tongue as he spoke.

"Mhhmm!!" Emily mumbled as her mouth was covered with cloth, Artemis saw her state causing her to grip the wall and almost breaking it. She didn't waste time as she walk towards them, the men were confused and shock to see a woman in them.

"Missy you shouldn't be he—" before the man could finish his word, Artemis grab his head and push it to the ground.

"What the?! What are you guys doing! Get her!" the man orders them; they rush towards Artemis.

2 men succeeded to hold Artemis arms, as they saw an opportunity the other man rush towards her to punch her. Although they find it suspicious that Artemis was quickly caught by them, but they couldn't careless as they thought it was just a pure luck.

Just as the man was close to Artemis, she kicks the man as she uses him as a ramp to flip backwards towards the two men holding her.

The 2 men was confused for a second but before they could do something, Artemis kick the guy on his side and grab the other guy's head and smash it to the ground. "Ugh! Useless mother fucker!" the man cursed in anger; he saw Artemis walk towards him. Before he could attack Artemis, Emily who was broke free from the rope, punch the man in the cheek causing him to fall on the ground almost unconscious.

"You fucker" Emily cursed at him as she spit saliva on him, "Are you okay? What did he do to you?" Artemis ask in concern as she look up and down on her body to check if there's any injuries.

"Yeah, but that mother fucker kicks my leg" Emily answer Artemis question as she curses. "Oh?" Artemis uttered, she looks at the man who was in the ground, fighting to stay awake.

Artemis place her foot on the guy's leg, crushing the leg. The man suddenly woke up and screamed in pain, "Shut the fuck up, we don't want troubles here" she said in a low voice, the man felt chills as he heard it, but it doesn't stop him from screaming in pain. "Fucking shit" she curses as she put her other foot on the man's mouth causing her other leg to put more pressure on the man's leg.

"Is that all that he does? What about the others?" she asks Emily again as she glance at her, "Nope and don't worry Big Sis Art, I got my revenge earlier" Emily assures her as she makes a fist while grinning.

Artemis move her left foot to the ground while she stay her right foot on the man's mouth. After that she took Beretta 87 Target on her back, grabbing the silencer on the pockets of her pants. As she slowly attaches the silencer to the gun, she glance at the man. she saw his eyes filled with fear, she smiles at him causing him to be more terrified.

Pointing the gun at the leg, Artemis pulled the trigger. The man felt massive pain on his leg, he screamed but only a muffle can be heard as his mouth was covered by her foot. Emily went closer to Artemis; she kicks the man's leg that was shot and stick her tongue out to him.

Artemis took out her phone and dialed a number to call someone, "Send somebody to clean this" after saying it she hangs up and coldly look at the man who was still screaming in pain, the man saw her look causing to piss himself.

"Fucking Idiots" she cursed them as rub her wrists. After a couple of minutes later, a bunch of men wearing suits approach them. "Good day Miss" the man greeted Artemis, "Take care of them, bring them back at the Stone's facility" she orders them as she take her right foot on the man's mouth and place it on the ground.

"Yes Miss Foster" the man accepted as he waves his hand to order the others. Artemis went towards Emily and patted her head, "Let's go home?" she asks gently, Emily hook her arm on Artemis "Yup!" she smiles as she stretches her other hand up.

The two of them leave the alley, just as they leave the end of the alley, they bump into a person. "Ouch" a familiar voice whimpered as they fall, Artemis and Emily glance to the person they bump into.

Rebeca bump into someone and fell, looking up to the person she bumps into. She was frightened to see Artemis and Emily's cold face; it took a couple of seconds to recognize Artemis.

"Ah! You're my neighbor!" Rebeca slightly yelled as she points her finger on Artemis, Emily glance at her then at Artemis "Big Sis Art do you know her?" she asks as she tug her arm.