Chapter 6

Artemis glance at Rebeca, "No, but I've seen her at auntie's apartment" she replies to Emily slowly. Rebeca was stunned to hear Artemis word; she didn't know that their landlord is her relative. She stands up as she patted her butt to get rid of the dust on her outfit.

Just as she about to say something to Artemis, a bunch of men wearing suits walk out the alley, some of them are holding unconscious men on their backs, luckily currently no one was walking towards them.

"Miss Foster, we already taken care of it hence we will be going now. Call us when you need us Young miss" the man informed Artemis, after he finished his word, he slightly bows then wave his hand to order the others.

"Young miss? Miss are you from a mafia??!" Rebeca shouted in surprise as she covers her mouth, Emily let out a chuckle as she hears that. Her eyes curve as she let out a mischievous look.

"Yeah, so what?" she replies jokingly as she smirks, trying to hold her laugh with slight mock on her voice. Rebeca eyes brighten, different from what she imagined.

"Can I come?" she asks cheerfully with confidence in her eyes. The 2 was a bit dumbfounded at her energy, they look at each other then smiled.

"I think Aunt Vania would like you" she blurted out as she looks at her, smiling but doesn't reach her eyes. Rebeca felt chills run down into her spine, felt terrified but it quickly vanishes as she thought of something.

She took a glance at Artemis only to see her sharp eyes coldly staring at her, she jumps slightly in fright as she quickly turns her head away, not daring to look at Artemis.

'Uwaaa! So terrifying! But… come one Rebeca this is your only chance of achieving your dreams!' she thought as she clenches the strap of her bag, as if determined of something, she quickly turn her head where Artemis and Emily where but only to find out that they were gone.

She turns her head in another direction and saw the two of them walk to A black 2016 Chevrolet Corvette stingray z51, she quickly walks to them to catch up.

"Wait!" she shouted causing the two to look back at her. "Big Sis, what should we do?" Emily asks, tugging Artemis cloths.

Artemis glance at her then rub her forehead, "Say, why do you want to follow us?" she asks, glancing at Rebeca.

Artemis sharp eyes pierce through Rebeca causing her to slightly tremble in fear, she gulps before she answers her question. "Because, I've been reading MafiaxPerson and I've been obsessed with it that my dream is to meet someone from the mafia…" she timidly explained as she pronounces the word slowly, different from what she is earlier as she play with her fingers.

Emily heard her answer and couldn't help to cover her mouth as tries not to let out any sound of laughter but still failed as her stomach started to hurt, she stops covering her mouth and loudly laugh at her while placing her hands to her stomach.

Blood quickly rushes to Rebeca's head, feeling ashamed of herself, she crouches and place her hands on her face to hide.

"Stop it Em" Artemis gently stop her. 'reading too much book that it became her dream? Heh, what a silly girl' she thought to herself with a slight smile on her. "Get in" she added as she walks to the other side of the car and enter, the other 2 also enter.

Rebeca sat down in the seat in daze, seemingly day dreaming as if she's thinking that it's a dream. Only after she snap out to the reality as she heard a call, she panicky took her bag to search for her phone thinking it was hers but she stops as she heard the sound stop and Artemis voice was heard, she looks up to see Artemis answering the phone.

"Hello?" she asks. "Hey Aminah, just checking you out since you left the campus in a hurry" it was Belle's voice was heard from the speaker of the phone. Artemis look at her watch, then to the road. "Yeah, I'm fine, just have a bit of a problem to take care" she answers as she explains in monotonous voice, not knowing whether the problem is big or not because of her tone.

"Oh, then I hope you can solve your problem nicely" she expressed, smiling, her voice was pleasant to hear that everyone near her couldn't help but feel touched even though they were not the one who's talking to her.

"Thanks" Artemis thank her, smiling but her eyes turned cold as if she's about to kill someone. Emily who was beside her has a big smile on her face as she listens but Rebeca who was behind her felt her whole body turned cold, not daring to move or even let her presence known.

Although Artemis voice didn't change from monotonous, there was a bit coldness in her tone if you listen to her closely. "Then I'll be going now, I still have a mess to clean up" she ended the conversation, she ended the call after speaking then put the phone back to her pocket. She looks at Emily then smile brightly to her cousin.

Her bright smile was rare if you haven't really known Artemis but there was a deep meaning behind that smile. 'I can't wait to clean up, the trash still has to pay though' she thought to herself, her eyes filled with coldness and hidden with killing intent then start the car to drove back to their house.

When Rebeca saw her brightest smile, she didn't think it was beautiful although it is but she only think that it was the most scariest smile she has ever seen in her entire life. If she hasn't known that she was a member of the mafia and haven't heard the conversation, she would think that this lady has the prettiest smile she has ever seen.

'Miss look beautiful, she should smile more.'

After 20-25 minutes, the 3 arrive at their house. It was already 6:20 when they arrive, both of the families are in the house, waiting for Artemis and Emily.

'WOOOW!! Their house is so big and grand! There are really rich! As expected of a Mafia!' Rebeca thought as she looks around, astonished of what she's seeing. A big modern house with fountain on the entrance.

As Artemis open the door, Emily met with a hug of her Dad and Mom. She smiles as she felt a warm hug from her parents, she let go and helplessly chuckle at her parents. "Geez old man and mom, it's not as if this is the first time, I got kidnap"

Tom face quickly turns from caring into anger, he smacks Emily's head causing her to rub her head with fake tears on her face. "You ungrateful brat! I can't believe your mom gave birth to you!" he yelled as he rubs his temple.

"Hehe" she giggles as she sticks her tongue out and rub her head where her old man hit her. Tom took a big breath then release a big sigh. His wife that has been with them the whole time, laughing as she watches how her daughter and husband interact. She looks back at Artemis who has a slight smile on her, she notices someone on her back. "Who is this Art?" she asks as she slightly tilt her head to see Rebeca.

Artemis glance at Rebeca then at her Aunt, "Aunt Elsie, she's Rebeca Harrison, how about we enter first and talk about it with mom, dad and the others." She introduces Rebeca too her Aunt Elsie. Elsie smiles as she gets to know Rebeca then nodded as she said "That's right, your mom is cooking dinner and Audrey is helping her"

They enter their house, as Artemis introduce Rebeca who was internally afraid and nervous to the 10 people in the house, they warmly welcomed her as the 15 people including Rebeca sit down on the long modern table.

"So, your Rebeca Harrison? Say why do you want to follow us?" William asks, unknowingly put pressure on his voice causing Rebeca to almost die in fear as she lowers her head but to everyone it was just a simple question with a kind voice.

All of the people look at Rebeca to hear her answer, suddenly feeling that eyes are starring at her, she even felt more terrified and more nervous as she thinks that one wrong move and she's dead.

'W-what do I do?!! I'm nervous! I might be killed if I answer something they don't like!'

Seeing that Rebeca didn't answer and lower her head in fear while clenching her hands, William and Tom smiled. They didn't get offended as they see her shrinking in fear but if others do it, they might be offended do something.

"You don't have to be scared hunny, we won't hurt you" Vania assured Rebeca with her sweetest voice and calming that a loving mother would talk. Suddenly Rebeca felt relieve as she heard her word, she slowly raises her head and to see that all of them were smiling at her while she notices that Emily and seemed to be Emily's younger brother cover their mouth and clutch their stomach to hide their laughter.

She narrowed her eyes to lightly glare at the two, she took a deep breath and release it. "Because…I read and watch something about…MafiaxPerson thing and I'm addicted to it now...that it became my dream to meet someone from the mafia" she shyly answers as her face was full of red, fidgeting in her fingers as her eyes roaming around. When they heard her answer, there was a full moment of silence then suddenly filled with laughter as some of them smack the table and some of them quietly laugh.

Rebeca was full of shame that she wants to dig into the ground and burry herself in it, she quickly covers her face as raise her feet and place it on the edge of the chair she was sitting. 'AAGGGHH!! I want to diee!!!'

Audrey wipes the tears forming in her eyes as she laughs, "Man, your hilarious!" she said as she covers her mouth. The laughter stops as Vania cough, the rest of them look at each other then smiled.

"Congrats kid, you can follow us and your welcome here anytime" Zachary welcomed her as he gives him a smile as the others claps. "Sweetie, did you already informed your mom that you're going to stay here?" Elsie sweetly asks her; Rebeca was dumbfounded at what she hears that it her a couple of seconds to reply.

"Pardon me?" she asks politely. Elsie looks at Vania, as if she understands something that probably only moms know she open her mouth "Oh? You don't know? You need to stay here darling" she said smiling at her, Rebeca felt chill run down to her spine, she felt that she was being threatened.

"May I ask why?" she ask in politeness again with slight tremble in her voice. Artemis glance at her with a grin on her face then to her mom, Artemis and Vania eyes met each other then smiled. 'Really mom? Well, she's fun to tease' she thought to herself as she quietly laughs at her mother's action.

"Sweetie, it's already late and it's dangerous to let a girl go back home alone" Vania explained to her in a gentle way, hearing this Rebeca took out her phone to look at the time. It was only 7:20 pm, she was even more confused but only let a nodded in agreement as she texted her mom then sigh in her heart.

After that the whole family and Rebeca ate together, as usual the family couldn't begin without a ruckus between the children and the adults as they play Russian roulette when there's a fight and betting who's going to be a winner causing Rebeca to be confuse on what's happening while trying to enjoy the expensive dessert, she probably might not get in her life time.

Artemis went back to her room at 10 pm, she walks towards her desk and open her 3 screened computers. 'Uncle said that the man who plan to kidnap Emily was Freddie Madron…that bastard' she thought as she taps the table.

'Tomorrow is Saturday, Luckily I don't have class in that day' she thought as she thought as she tilts her head and press the back of her neck. She straightens up her back and went back to her computer.

As she opens the internet, a message pop up from one of her phones. Glancing at it, she took her phone and look to see who message her. It was Agent 3L1, Artemis just remembered that she seems to forgot to talk to Agent 3L1 earlier and forgot to say goodbye to him.

[Agent 3L1: file.docx]

[Agent 3L1: Didn't mean to eavesdrop to your family conversation but here's the info of Freddie Madron, Thank me later!]

As Artemis read the text on her phone, she couldn't help but to raise the corner of her mouth. She replied as not to be rude to her partner.

[Agent A: Thank you]

Artemis click the file after she replies, transferring the file to her computer. Artemis read the seriously as she memorizes his address and his job. Although the information that Agent 3L1 gave to her is good, Artemis went back to the internet and search Freddie Mardon. Thanks to his job, his information was easy to find.

It took 15 minutes for Artemis to get a right site that she was looking for, it was an illegal site where full of places that he goes in the past. The latest place he goes was Anecester, just one city away from their city.

'Anecester? That's one city away from here' she thought as she keeps tapping her table. Artemis open another tab; the screen went black for 3 minutes then turn went to a site. Logging in, the computer let out a robotic female voice saying "Welcome, Codename Foster"

Artemis log in into a dark web where she does her underground job, in the site you can see a list of wanted people and their rewards, a tab of people who kill people and their rewards, files for job where you can look at the assignments and many more.

Artemis click at the files and saw a bunch of documents neatly lined up together, scrolling through the documents, Artemis found what she's actually been looking for.

She clicks the documents that named [Freddie Madron], a picture pop up alongside with an information and request. It was Freddie Madron's picture that pop up and his very detailed information as if he was the one who wrote his information.

Artemis read the clients' name; she wasn't shock as to see her Uncle Tom was on the name of the clients' name. it seems that the assignment was posted 1 hour ago, Artemis quickly read back the 5 pages of information.

Just as she about to finish reading, the document refresh. After that she continued reading it, at the bottom the document says that [Codename: Foster, highly desired to take the assignment].

Artemis coldly smiles as she thanked her uncle in her mind. Noticing that it was already late, Artemis, who believe that sleep is important, she went back to her bed after she log out on the website then sleep.

'Tomorrow is going to be a long day' she thought as she places her hand on her eyes as her mind drift into peaceful slumber.

Heyyo!! I'm back!(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻ A new character appeared, do you like her? Or do you love her? (i have to cut it since it's too long (´ . .̫ . `)