Chapter 18

"Miss Aminah" the cashier shouted Artemis's name, looking at them with a smile.

"I'll go get it" Artemis stood up as she informs Belle, a shallow smile appeared on her face.

"Mhm, okay" Belle nodded, responding cheerfully with a smile on her face while facing Artemis but not looking at her.

Artemis stares at her for a moment before going to the front and grabbing the tray, staring at the strawberry shortcake.

It didn't take some time for Artemis to get back to the table, she carefully places the tray on the table and give Belle's food to her.

"Thanks, Aminah" Belle sincerely thanks Artemis, smiling at her before looking down and having a bite of the strawberry shortcake.

"Mhh! This is delicious!" The moment Belle swallow the cake, her eyes immediately brighten in pleasant surprise that she couldn't help but praise it.

"You're right, the texture and the richness of flavor of the cake are exactly right" Artemis couldn't help but nodded in agreement and comment, taking another bite.

The two ate and drink calmly together for 20 minutes, and the atmosphere around them is calm and pleasant.

"Aminah, you don't mind taking a picture together, right? We haven't gotten a picture of each other" Belle asked Artemis without getting shy, taking out her phone and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

"Sure" Artemis look up to look at Belle, she agreed without hesitation and smiled.

Hearing Artemis answer, Belle's face immediately lit up. She stood up from her chair and sit down beside Artemis to take a selfie together.

Artemis smiles brightly while Belle cheerfully smiles while letting out a peace sign.

After taking a picture, Belle checks the picture. She smiles as she felt satisfied, she didn't move back to her position but continued to look at the photo.

"Can we take another one?" Belle ask, she turn her head toward Artemis and saw her leisurely drinking coffee.

"Yeah" Artemis put down the cup and nodded in agreement.

Without waiting for Artemis to make a pose, Belle lifts up her hand and takes a picture.

"I wasn't ready yet" Artemis commented on Belle's action with a surprising look on her face before pouting.

If Megan ever saw Artemis's action, she would die of laughter while banging the table.

"Sorry~ let's take another picture" Belle apologizes to Artemis while letting out a light chuckle. She poses for another picture as well as Artemis.

Artemis did a peace pose with a smile on her face, while Belle did a finger heart with a dazzling smile on her face.


"Thanks, Aminah! Felicia would be jealous when she'll see this~" Belle thanks Artemis with a big grin on her face, staring at the photo before posting it on all of her social media platforms.

"She's going to throw a tantrum tomorrow" Artemis let out a low chuckle as she stares at Belle with a smile on her face.


Artemis felt a vibration from her pants, she grabs her phone out of her pocket to see who was calling her.

Artemis saw that it was Audrey who was calling her, she stood up from the chair and excuse herself to Belle.

After walking a few steps away from Belle before answering the phone call. "Need something?" Artemis asks, looking at the time on her watch. Noticing that it's already 6, Artemis spoke before Audrey could.

"I think I'm going to be late but I'll see you at the gym" Artemis explained with a bit of disappointment in her tone.

"Still on the mission? I'll tell Zach and good luck" Audrey immediately understood Artemis, she dotingly spoke to Artemis before hanging up after a couple of talks.

"Done with the phone call?" Belle asks Artemis when she saw her approaching her.

"Yeah, but I have to go since I still have the stuff to do" Artemis nodded and look at her watch with a reluctant smile on her face.

"That's okay~ my ride is also here" Belle stood up from her seat and gently smile at Artemis.

The two of them walk toward the exit, while they two talking, some men approach them.

"Hey, ladies~ are you two gorgeous ladies going somewhere? How about we drop you off?" one of the three men talk to Belle with a coy smile on his face, his face narrowed in delight looking attractive.

"Sorry but she's coming with me" Artemis let out a shallow smile, the light from the outside reflected on her glasses, making her look cold.

"Yeah, sorry but I'm already with her" Belle gives a quick smile to the three men before leaving the café with Artemis on her side.


Gently closing the door, the wind runs past them causing their hair to flutter around the air.

"So windy…" Artemis frowned as she runs her hand through her hair to stop the hair covering her face.

"Yeah, it is" Belle responds while staring at Artemis. 'Gosh…why are you so beautiful…?' Belle thought to herself, clenching her hand into a fist while slightly blushing.


'Wait! Am I falling too quickly?!' Belle quickly retracted her gaze toward Artemis, touching her furiously beating heart with a disbelief look on her face.

"Your ride is here" Artemis spoke after the wind calm down, noticing a blue ford mustang pulling up in the parking lot of the café.

"Oh, see you later Aminah!" Belle glanced at the plate number and said goodbye to Artemis before going inside the car.

"See you" Artemis smiles brightly at Belle, looking at her departing back. After confirming that the car truly left, Artemis tap the chip on the back of her ear.

"You can log out now Agent 3L1, good work, and give me data later" Artemis spoke in a low tone before taking off the chip to the back of her air and walking toward her car.

Artemis's expression earlier already disappeared in a matter of seconds as if the happy expression from earlier didn't exist. If Belle would see this, she would doubt herself whether Artemis is really Aminah she knows and not someone who just looks like her.

Artemis starts the car and looks at the monitor, she changes the color of her car to a white 2016 Chevrolet Corvette stingray z51 as well as changes her plate number.

It took 35 minutes for Artemis to arrive at the Thompson Company. Before Artemis enters the building, she has already changed into a suit and takes off her wig, and lets her hair down.

Artemis took out the card that Mister Reynard Thompson give to her, the guard saw it and immediately nodded his head and let Artemis in.

"Mr. Thompson and Mr. president is already on the underground, Miss Foster" The guard informed Artemis with a polite smile on his face.

Artemis nodded her head to the guard with a natural cold look on her face before walking toward the elevator.

Due to her height, she attracts some attention as she walks but ignored the stares that she's getting and continue to walk toward the elevator at the center of the building.


The elevator door opens just as she arrives, as the door opens, Artemis saw someone with pink hair who look like someone.

It was Belle with a bodyguard on her back.

Artemis and Belle's eyes met for a moment before Artemis nod her head before going inside.

'I wonder if I saw her before…' Belle thought to herself, staring at Artemis back.

Belle notice the button that Artemis pressed, it was on the underground button. The same floor as Belle.

'Underground floor, I wonder If she has business with dad and brother' Belle thought to herself, taking one last look at Artemis back before looking at her phone and posting the picture that she and Artemis took earlier.

When Artemis stops feeling Belle's gaze, she looks at Belle in the reflection of the elevator before staring at the bodyguards.

Withdrawing her gaze towards them when they felt immense chills from their spine, not knowing where they came from.


The door opens, and Artemis leaves the elevator with Belle on her face. Artemis looks around before going walking toward the office with Belle on her back, coincidentally walking in the same direction.

Artemis glance at Belle from the corner of her eyes, letting Belle enter the office first before entering.

"Belle! you're quite late did you go with Felicia today?" A husky man's voice sounded cheerful, looking at Belle with a doting look in his eyes.

"Oh, no, brother, I went with one of my friends Aminah" Belle responded to her older brother Lucas Thompsons in a cheerful tone with a bright smile on her face.

Lucas's face softens even more when he saw Belle's bright smile, he patted Belle's face with a doting look on his face.

"Don't miss your sister's hair, Lucas, you're ruining her hair" their father scolded Lucas as he glares at him, sitting on the couch while reading the news on the hologram.


Artemis knock on the door, waiting for them to give permission to enter.

"Come in" Lucas gave permission with slight displeasure in his voice, slightly frowning due to being disturbed by his time with his sister.

Hearing Lucas's permission, Artemis open the door and saw the scene she did not prepare for.

"Ah, You're Miss Foster, just in time" Lucas frowns immediately disappeared when he saw it was Artemis, he kindly smile at her as Artemis enter.

"Hello, I'm here for business" Artemis casually spoke, glancing at Lucas then Reynard and Belle.

"Miss Foster, how are you?" Reynard looks at Artemis and smiles, asking about her condition with a gentle look on his face.

"I'm fine Mr. Thompson, I hope the business will be fine in the future" Artemis respond to Reynard and let out a shallow smile, giving a sly look on her face.

"Oho~ is your aunt preparing for a project? How's your aunt by the way?" Reynard rubs his chin and looks at Artemis with an inquiring smile on his face, he then asks Artemis about her aunt.

"She's doing fine but I came here for the business that we're going to talk about" Artemis replied to Reynard with a smile on her face when talking about her aunt but her smile turned into a shallow smile as she glances at Belle.

"I see, here I was wondering who gave us a nice gift" Lucas spoke with a smile on his face, lightly patting Belle's head.

"Dad and I have something to talk about with Miss Foster, wait here and we'll have a gun later" Lucas dotingly spoke to Belle with a gentle smile before leaving when Belle nod her head.


The three of them enter another office. Artemis comfortably sat down on the couch with her legs crossed while Lucas and Reynard sat down comfortably but still looks formal.

"You don't mind if I smoke?" Artemis asks, looking at the two indifferently.

"I do, Belle is going to smell the cigarette" Lucas spoke, shaking his head and explaining.

"Oh," Artemis responds indifferently, putting back the pack of cigarettes to the inside of her vest.

"So, about the gift that you gave to us, do you have their information for this to end early because I'm sure you're busy" Lucas straight to the point, clasping his hand together.

Artemis tap her watch, and a hologram appeared in front of her. Artemis swipe the hologram for a couple of seconds, then send the file to Lucas's phone.

"I already sent it to you Mister Lucas" Artemis spoke as she stood up, looking at the two before walking toward the door.

"I'll send you the money to your account later and thank you for your hard work, Agent A" Lucas spoke, thanking Artemis.

Artemis nodded her head before leaving the room, just as she left, she happens to bump into Belle causing her to lose her balance.

"Wah!" Belle let out a small shriek as she immediately grabs Artemis's vest out of reflex as she falls.

While Artemis quickly grabs her waist and strengthens her body to avoid falling.

"Are you okay?" Artemis asks Belle as she stares at her and lets go of her waist, letting her stand properly.

"Y-yes thank you" Belle answered Artemis's question with a beating heart, thanking Artemis with a genuine smile on her face.

After confirming that Belle is okay, Artemis walks out without changing her face. The guard nodded his head when Artemis left the building.

Artemis walked toward the parking lot and left the place. Driving on the highway and entering the bottom of the bridge, Artemis change the color of her car to black and change the plate number of her car to the original.

Artemis drove with a new color and a plate number, heading toward their house.


"Arty~ you're here! Get ready or else you're going to lose~" Audrey saw Artemis walking towards them, she spoke to Artemis while kicking the punching bag.

"I'll change first but where's Zach?" Artemis continues walking toward the changing room, she notices that Zachary is nowhere in sight and asks Audrey.

"Oh, Zach is resting because apparently, he's so old that his legs and arms are hurting~" Audrey replied with a mischievous grin on her face, she stops kicking and touch her legs and arms to illustrate as she spoke.

"What?! You're the one who's old!" just after Audrey spoke, Zachary opens the door loudly and retorted Audrey's word with an annoyed look on his face.