Chapter 19

Artemis ignored the two who were fighting and went to the changing room. She ties her hair into a ponytail and took off her suit, changing it into a black sports bra and training pants, and change her shoes into workout shoes.

Artemis left the changing room looking ready. She glances to the side and saw the two sparring together.

Artemis glance at them for a second before going to a punching bag. She moves her body for a minute before stopping and preparing for a stance.


Artemis kicks the punching bag and the back of it rips, causing the inside of the punching bag to fall.

"Did you take a small exercise before you kick? You know that will cause something to your muscle if you didn't do it right?" Audrey stops her kick in mid-air and asks Artemis in concern after hearing the loud sound.

All of them are used at Artemis monster strength. At first, they were in total shock when they saw Artemis at an age of 13 kick the punching bag and causing it to rip at the back.

"Mhm, I have already done it" Artemis nodded. She opens the hologram to the side after responding. Artemis changes the broken punching bag into a new one in a flash, a new punching bag appears right in front of her face and replaces the broken one.

"Should we spar Zach?" Artemis asks, stretching her arms before punching the punching bag a couple of times as she asks Zachary.

"Sure, after I beat Audrey" Zachary nodded, responding to Artemis as he let down his guard.

As soon as Audrey felt that Zachary let down his guard, she immediately raises her foot and twist her body a bit. Kicking him on the head, giving him a Brazilian kick.

But being raised as the heir of the stone family and working in the underground for years, Zachary blocks Audrey's kick but he took a little step backward because of the force that he received from Audrey's kick.

"You need to be better than that Audrey!" Zachary laughs as he holds Audrey's foot.

Audrey didn't respond to Zachary's word but only let out a smirk before kicking Zachary's head with her other foot.

She did the kick swiftly since her other foot was held by Zachary's hand.

Zachary didn't expect the kick on the head since he thought that she would do dirty tricks on him. Of course, he also expects Audrey to kick him on the head but he thought the possibility is too low because of Audrey's nature of being goofy and reckless despite the way she looks like an earnest and serious person.

"Haa, I really hate fighting you since you know every part of the human body" Zachary let out a sigh after spitting out small blood on the floor, smirking at Audrey.

"It really hurts when you forcibly twist my hand so I can't focus on other things but focus on my hand" Zachary added, twisting his hand as he wipes the blood on the corner of his mouth with his other hand he let out a low chuckle.

"HEHE, what can I say, I'm an expert" Audrey let out a goofy smile and a goofy laugh as she stretches her body.

"You win today~ okay what do you want for a prize?" Zach admits his defeat and raises his hand as he asks Audrey with a smile on his face.

"Although I can buy this on my own since you ask, then I want an anatomy body with highly detailed information" Audrey held her chin with her hand and spoke, after thinking for a second, she said what she wants to Zachary.

"Don't you already have that?" Zachary agreed at her prize but ask Audrey with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, I have but what I wanted is a different kind of information, like more dark information" Audrey confirmed with a nod and explain to Zachary with a wide smile on her face especially when she said "Dark information".

"Alright, I don't need to guess that I can't buy it in a normal shop" Zachary nods his head once again and approved Audrey's explanation. He approaches her and patted her head with a gentle smile on his face before walking out of the ring.

"I'll rest for a while before I risk my life sparring you Art," Zachary said to Artemis as he jokes, patting her head with a gentle smile before leaving the room.

"We're you piss at him?" Artemis looks at Zachary before looking at Audrey, asking her a sudden question.

"Yeah~ he stole my Arsenal Firearms AF1 "Strike One" without my permission, so he deserves it" Audrey put her arm on Artemis's shoulder and respond to Artemis's question, she let out a mischievous smile at the end of her sentence.


Audrey's phone rang, causing Audrey to stop talking and look at her phone on the desk.

"Oh, I have a job to do~ see ya later Arty~" Audrey grabs her coat when the robot delivers her coat. Placing it on her shoulder and walk out while waving her hand.

As soon as Audrey left the gym, Zachary finished resting and walked toward Artemis.

"Where's Aud? Art?" Zachary asks with a look of confusion on his face. Looking around to look for Audrey but didn't see her.

"She got a job, I heard from her agent that it's about helping mercenary" Artemis accidentally Audrey's conversation to her agent thus leading her to know what kind of job she's doing.

"Finally, she stops being lazy, she didn't work for a year and only focus on messing around" Zachary rolled his eyes and express his thoughts. Although his word sounded mean he's just worried for Audrey.

"Are you ready Zach?" Artemis looks at Zachary slyly and smiles slyly. Asking him as she stretches out her arm to the front.

"Heh, of course, I am, my dear little Arty" Zachary entered the ring and gently smile at Artemis, like a good brother he is.

"Oh, fuck off" Artemis rolled her eyes as she enters entering the ring. After cursing at Zachary, a low chuckle to a laugh follows behind.

But before they could start the sparing, Artemis's phone rang this time. Artemis glanced at her phone and let the system of the gym deliver her phone to her.

"Oh, it's my mission target calling me" Artemis grabs her phone from the system and answers the call.

"Hey, do you need something?" Artemis change her voice slightly as she spoke to Belle.

"Nothing is just wanted to call you" Belle's sweet voice sounded on the phone. Casually swayed her feet as she spoke.

Zachary heard Belle's voice and was about to give her a teasing look to Artemis but a sudden gunshot was heard from outside of their house.

Belle could hear the gunshot and was immediately worried but she also thought that it might be sounds from the movie.

"Lower the volume," Artemis said to Zachary in a lower voice that only the two of them can hear but enough for Belle to hear.

Belle's heart eased when she heard Artemis's word but still have a slight doubt. 'The gunshot sound so realistic, we'll at this time of era, anything can be realistic'

"I have to go, Belle, dinner's ready" Artemis calmly runs toward the wall of the gym with Zach on her side as she calmly talks to Belle on the phone.

"Oh Okay," After hearing Belle's word, Artemis hang up the call.

An alarm was sounded right after hanging up. The wall on Artemis's side immediately split into two, the inside of the wall is full of armed weapons.

"Someone entered our property, find them and bring them to me" William's face and voice appeared on the hologram, ordering his subordinates in a cold tone.

Although Artemis adopted father, William never told his children not to participate meant that they can do whatever they want.

"Are you joining?" Artemis asks Zachary as she grabs CheyTac M200 Intervention easily and went to the secret cubicle of the gym that leads to the roof.

"Nope, I'm resting today…and she left, quite excited, isn't she?" Zachary couldn't finish his word when Artemis already left, sighing as he scratches his head he looks at the cubicle.

"I'm hungry, I wonder if mom started cooking food" Zachary stretches his arm upward as he walks toward the door.

When Artemis arrives at the rooftop, she walks to the edge of the rooftop where you can see the gate.

Artemis position the sniper before going into a prone position. As she looks at the scope, Artemis aimed the reticle at the gate and then moved down to the woman walking.

"Is that Rebecca?" Artemis talks to herself as she zooms in the scope. Her guess was actually right, it was Rebecca who snuck inside their territory with tears running down her face as she kept walking mindlessly while sobbing and wiping her tears with her hands.

"Stop, that person is Rebecca, go back to your position" Artemis announced that it was Rebecca, stopping the workers from doing something to her.

Hearing Artemis's word, their workers immediately stop walking and go back to their position like nothing happened.

Artemis looked at the scope and still saw Rebecca walking mindlessly. She then aimed the crosshair at the ground not far away from Rebecca's feet.

Without hesitation, Artemis pulled the trigger.

Rebecca was startled by the dirt that splattered all around her feet that she snapped out of gaze. She looks around confused about what she was doing here and pondering where she is, but before she could answer her question herself, she heard a familiar voice.

Artemis stood up and place one of her feet on the edge of the rooftop, placing the 14 kg CheyTac M200 sniper rifle to her shoulder at ease.

"What are you doing here? Did you fight with your mom?" Artemis ask Rebecca without shouting but Rebecca could still hear it due to the microphone on Artemis's watch that she connected to the speaker of the front house.

"I…uhh…I-I don't know how I got here but I don't have anywhere to go…" Rebecca stuttered as she speaks, lowering her head before bursting into tears. She squads down on the ground, bowling on the ground while covering her face.

After Artemis got down from the roof, she heads toward Rebecca. She squats down and gave Rebecca a tissue, patting her head lightly.

"Stop crying and come with me" Artemis reaches out her hands to Rebecca.

Rebecca grabs the tissue and wipe the tears from her eyes and blow out the snot on her nose.

When she's about to take Artemis's hand, Artemis retrieves her hand while looking at Rebecca's hand with a disgusted look on her face.

"On second thought you can get up by yourself and follow me" Artemis patted her hand and stand up straight. She took steps forward and then turn her head back to look at Rebecca.

"Is it because I just blew my nose?!" Rebecca snapped, glaring at Artemis. Clenching her fist into the ground while the tears started pouring again.

Rebecca couldn't help but remember what happened in her home again. Remembering her mother's angry look and their conflict, Rebecca's vision blurred.

"Haaa" Artemis let out a sigh and walked toward Rebecca, looking down to stare at her for a moment before grabbing her by the neck and dragging her.

"Urk! *Cough* hey! You're choking me— *cough*" Rebecca was brought back to life when she felt that her collar is choking her, she then looks up and yelled to Artemis to stop.

"Don't talk, you're going to choke more" Artemis reprimanded Rebecca without looking back, still continuing to drag her.

"*Cough* Who's at fault do you think it is—!" Rebecca rebuked but due to her shouting unexpectedly, she chokes and began to cough really hard.

"See" Artemis spoke. She opens the door and lets go of Rebecca's collar.

In the living room, she saw Vania standing as if she was waiting for them along with Megan and Emily.

"Art, you shouldn't hold a child like that! Look she's crying because you choke her" Vania scolded Artemis, lightly smacking her shoulder although she wants to smack her head but couldn't of the height difference.

"She was crying before I drag her" Artemis retorted to Vania lightly. Artemis looked at her outfit and felt sticky all over her body, she decided to take a shower and change.

"I'm going to take a shower, you guys can take care of Rebecca" Artemis informed them and before she goes upstairs, she put her fingerprint on one of the walls, and the wall opened. Artemis put back the sniper that has been on her other hand the whole time and goes upstairs.

'I should appreciate having an access to water and can take a shower unlike when I'm on a mission or a quest, I can't take a shower there' Artemis thought to herself as she scratches her head.

Author's note:

If you'd like to help me achieve my dream of buying a drawing tablet so I can create my dream comics! check out my ko-fi!