Chapter 09 - The Spy

Vicky logged into the game, spawning in Manic's safe house. Vicky looked around, and saw Manic and Alex talking at a table, a little distance away.

"Icicle. You're back," Manic said, looking at Vicky. Vicky walked over to them.

"We were waiting for you. Why'd you take so long to log in again?" Alex asked.

"I was busy," Vicky replied.

"Busy?" Manic asked, getting up from the table, circling around Vicky, and stood in front of her.

"I needed to check on Crystal. She was in the hospital," Vicky said.

"You know in real life?" Manic asked.

"Yes. She's my friend," Vicky replied. Manic smiled, and walked back to his chair, and sat down.

"We've got a mission for you," Manic said.

"You know for a minute there I didn't recognise you, without your prison jumpsuit," Vicky said, looking at Manic, who was dressed like a pirate captain.

"I had to change outfits. And for the record, that wasn't a prison jumpsuit. I just decided to wear it," Manic said, and continued, "Back to the mission."

"What mission?" Vicky asked sitting at the table.

"We need you to assassinate someone," Manic said.

"Who?" Vicky asked.

"Captain Daze," Alex replied, and continued "We tracked him down. He has a prisoner transfer today."

"Why assassinate him and not the Commander? She seems to have interesting special abilities," Vicky said.

"I thought you would want to assassinate the captain first," Alex said.

"I do," Vicky replied.

"Blaze is already waiting for you in the armoury. Follow his lead," Manic said, looking at the armoury.

"What's he doing here?" Vicky asked.

"We grabbed him from the safe house. The army was not there yet. I captured you remember?" Alex asked.

"Yes," Vicky said.

"Follow me to the armoury," Manic said getting up from the chair, and walking towards the armoury. Vicky followed him.

"Hey!" Blaze said, as they walked into the armoury.

"Hey!" Vicky replied.

"How's my new outfit?" Blaze asked, showing his new brown biker jacket, and jeans.

"Your name makes no sense now," Vicky said. Blaze smiled at Vicky.

"Take this. Just shoot it only at the captain alright. It has one bullet. It's a special gun," Blaze said giving a pistol to Vicky. Vicky looked at it, knowing she had seen it somewhere, and then realised Manic was watching her every move. Vicky took her old pistol out of the holster, and put the weapon Blaze gave her.

"Problem?" Manic asked looking at Vicky.

"I just like my pistols so much. Don't want to even leave one behind," Vicky said.

"After you use this, you'll love your new pistol more," Manic said. He looked at Vicky and walked in front of her. She looked at him wondering what he was up to.

"What?" Vicky asked.

"You could take it back, after you arrive. Could you give us a moment?" Manic asked looking at Vicky.

"No problem," Vicky said and left the armoury. Manic closed the door after Vicky left.

"She knows," Manic said.

"How do you know?" Blaze asked.

"The way she just looked at the pistol. She knew she had seen it somewhere. Raina Corps made contact with her," Manic said.

"I told you they would," Blaze said.

"If she gets in the way, you know what to do," Manic said.

"What about her friends?" Blaze asked.

"We'll deal with them later," Manic said, and continued "Get the job done first."

Meanwhile, Vicky walked to Alex, who was still seated at the table.

"Alex," Vicky said.

"Icicle," Alex said turning towards Vicky.

"What's with this gun?" Vicky asked. "Looks so cool."

"I made that," Alex said.

"Cool. How many people can I shoot with it?" Vicky asked.

"It has a recharge time of two minutes," Alex answered. Vicky was starting to feel a little uneasy about what how Blaze was lying to her.

"That's so cool. Are there more like this?" Vicky asked.

"No just this one," Alex replied. Vicky nodded her head.

"You ready?" Blaze asked coming out of the armoury.

"Yes," Vicky replied.

"You guys need anything, call us through comms," Alex said.

"Ok," Vicky replied.

Blaze took Vicky to the garage, they both selected a bike, and rode off.

"Icicle, follow the navigations, we'll ambush them there," Blaze said, through Vicky's earpiece.

"Ok. But just the two of us?" Vicky asked.

"We've got this don't worry," Blaze replied.

The duo reached the place they were to set the ambush.

"What now?" Vicky asked getting off her bike.

"We set these. The first vehicle should topple, and we set the rest back there. We can block them in with their own vehicles," Blaze said, showing two detonator bombs. He placed the bombs, and gave the detonator to the second bomb, to Vicky.

"How do I know when to blow this?" Vicky asked.

"I'll tell you," Blaze replied.

"Ok," Vicky said, and the two went in the opposite directions, to search for cover.

The two of them found a place to stay safe and hidden. After about a few minutes, Alex spoke to them on their earpiece.

"Get ready guys. They're coming," Alex said. Vicky and Blaze looked at the road, as four heavy armoured vehicles came their way.

"Vicky. In three, two, one," Blaze said, as they pressed the detonator in sync. The first vehicle and last vehicle blew up in the air and toppled over, blocking the other two vehicles from leaving. "Light em up," Blaze shouted, and opened fire on the vehicles.

Soldier came out of the vehicles and started shooting. Vicky was using a single pistol, shooting at the soldiers.

"I don't see the captain," Vicky shouted.

"Just keep firing," Blaze shouted back, amid the gunfire. Vicky was starting to get anxious, but kept firing since the soldiers were firing back at them. After a few minutes of back and forth gunfire, the soldiers were all dead.

Blaze and Vicky came out from cover, and walked towards the vehicles. They walked to the back of the first unturned vehicle.

"Give me the gun," Blaze said. Vicky gave the gun to Blaze. Blaze fired the gun at the back of the vehicle, which created a wave of energy from the gun, causing the doors to fall off.

"Whoa!" Vicky said amazed by the gun. There were no prisoners inside the vehicle, but scared scientists.

"Bring the vehicle around," Blaze said to his earpiece.

Manic drove a black panel van. Alex got out of the van, and came to Vicky and Blaze. He pointed his guns at the scientists.

"Get out! In the van now," Alex said. The scientists got out of the vehicle one by one, and got into Manic's van. Alex shut the door, and went to the next vehicle. Blaze shot the door once again. There were three scientists in the other vehicle, who were transferred into Manic's van. Alex got in the van, and Manic drove off.

"Icicle. Follow me," Blaze said, getting onto his bike. Vicky got onto her bike, and followed Blaze to their safe house. Vicky felt this bad feeling in her gut. They arrived at the safe house. Alex and Manic had not arrived yet.

"What was that?" Vicky asked when Blaze sat on the couch.

"A mission," Blaze replied.

"We don't kidnap people," Vicky said, and continued "I thought we were going to assassinate Captain Daze."

"He wasn't there so what?" Blaze asked getting up and walking to Vicky.

"What's going on here?" Vicky asked.

"The less you know, the better," Blaze replied. Vicky looked at Blaze.

"I'm not a kid anymore," Vicky shouted.

"Who said you were?" Blaze said.

"Then why won't you tell me?" Vicky asked.

"For your safety," Blaze replied.

"Are they going to be alright?" Vicky asked.

"Yes, Vicky. We are not kidnapping them; we are rescuing them from Raina Corps," Blaze said.

"Really?" Vicky asked, dropping the attitude. "Why didn't you tell me that?"

"They'll be safe I promise," Blaze said.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you," Vicky said and hugged Blaze.

"It's fine," Blaze said, and continued "How about I visit you in real life. Have dinner, like with Leo."

"That would be great," Vicky said.

"I have to go. I'll meet you at about six?" Blaze asked.

"Ok," Vicky replied. Blaze smiled at her and logged out of the game. Vicky looked around the empty room, realising that she could actually find out if Captain Daze was telling the truth to her.

Vicky snooped around the safe house, but couldn't find anything. The only room she hadn't checked was the armoury. Vicky walked closer to the armoury, which she noticed was unlocked. She opened the door to armoury, and looked at the weapons. She noticed a gun that looked too familiar to her. She picked the gun up, and had a flashback of the night Leo was killed. Captain Daze was carrying the same gun, that Vicky was holding in her hand. Vicky kept the gun back in its place, took her old pistol back, and walked out of the armoury and closed it. She was about to log out, when Alex and Manic entered the safe house.

"Icicle. I thought you might have logged out," Alex said. Manic gave Vicky a death stare.

"I was waiting for you guys; you were taking ages. I was so close to logging out," Vicky said closing her head-up display.

"Now that we're here you want to say anything to us?" Manic asked.

"I thought the mission was an assassination," Vicky said.

"I'm sorry. We'll get him next time," Alex replied.

"There's always another day," Manic said.

"Ok. I got to go," Vicky said, trying to find a way out of the situation.

"Ok," Alex said. Vicky logged out of the game. Manic looked at Alex.

"Check the cameras," Manic said.