Chapter 10 - Friend or Foe

Vicky was getting ready for the dinner with Chase (Blaze). She had bought food from out, the house was a bit more lit up than usual. Vicky finished setting the table, and heard a knock on the door. She opened it, and Chase stood outside.

"Hey!" Chase said in a soft voice, smiling at Vicky.

"Hey!" Vicky said. Chase hugged Vicky, and came into the house. They sat down for dinner, and started eating.

"The food tastes great," Chase complimented.

"I didn't make it," Vicky replied.

"Of course you didn't," Chase said.

"I can cook. It's just that no one can eat it," Vicky replied, Chase smiled at Vicky.

"Can I ask you something?" Chase asked, full serious.

"Sure," Vicky replied, feeling the tension in the atmosphere.

"Where'd you guys buy food from?" Chase asked.

"That's a Mitchel family secret," Vicky replied.

"Is it also a Mitchel family secret or a Vicky secret that you're working with Raina Corps?" Chase asked.

"What? What are you talking about?" Vicky asked, trying to laugh the question off.

"A card from Captain Daze?" Chase asked, getting up from the table. He walked towards Vicky, and kept the card the captain gave to Vicky on the table. He took a silenced pistol out, and sat on the table in front of her.

"That's not mine," Vicky said.

"Then why was it in your pocket. That's not the only thing. There's footage of you snooping around the safe house," Chase said, pointing the pistol at Vicky.

"I... I..." Vicky stuttered, looking at the gun.

"They sent me to end you. Give me a good reason not to," Chase said, pulling the hammer down on the pistol.

"I didn't contact them," Vicky said, and threw her plate at Chase. Chase was disorientated. Vicky decided to run, but Chase put his foot, and Vicky tripped on it. She hit her head on the ground, leaving a gash on her forehead. She touched her forehead, and realised she was bleeding. The knock left her a bit lightheaded.

"You're not in the game, you're not a fighter Vicky," Chase said, and lifted Vicky, and pushed her to the wall, meeting her face to face. He held the gun on her.

"Why are you doing this? You killed him," Vicky said.

"He killed himself," Chase said. Vicky looked at the vase that was next to her. She grabbed it, and hit Chase. Chase shot the gun, and the bullet hit Vicky in the stomach. Chase fell down unconscious, the vase shattered to pieces. Vicky looked at him. Vicky took Captain Daze's business card from the table, and walked to her car. Vicky got into her car and drove off.

Vicky reached into her pocket, and took out her phone. She pulled up at in front of a shop, and took the card the captain gave her. She dialled the numbers on her phone.

"Hello," the captain said answering the phone.

"Hey! It's Vicky," Vicky said in pain.

"Are you okay?" the captain asked.

"No. I need help. They attacked me," Vicky replied.

"Where are you?" the captain asked.

"Uh! How about I just send you my location?" Vicky asked.

"Ok," the captain said. Vicky put the captain on speaker, and sent him the GPS location of her current location.

"There I sent it," Vicky said.

"Turn off the GPS on your phone. And get to a safe place. I'll come for you," the captain.

"I'm not so sure I can get anywhere," Vicky said in a faint voice.

"Did you get hurt or something?" the captain asked.

"I got shot," Vicky replied.

"Stay there. I'm coming," the captain said, and hung up the phone.

"Great," Vicky said, and threw her phone to the passenger seat.

Captain Daze was at Raina Corps, he walked into Claire's office.

"Claire, that was Vicky. She needs our help," Captain Daze said.

"Are you sure it's not a trap?" Claire asked.

"That's why I'm taking the team with me," Captain Daze said, leaving the room. He took the elevator to a lower floor. A lady walked up to him, in t-shirt and jeans.

"Mission?" she asked.

"Yes get the team ready," the captain said.

A few minutes later two black, tinted SUVs drove off from Raina Corps. Captain Daze was driving one SUV.

"Max. What's the plan?" the lady from earlier asked. She was seated in the front passenger seat. A guy was seated in the back. The other SUV consisted of three other members of the team.

"Go get the kid, and get out," the Captain said.

After a while, they arrived at Vicky's location. The captain got out of the vehicle. The other team members got out with their weapons drawn. The captain walked to Vicky's car, to find Vicky passed out. He opened the door and carried her to the SUV.

"She'll need medical," the female team member said, getting into the back seat with Vicky. She had used the med kit on Vicky. They took Vicky to Raina Corps.

"Why didn't you take her to a hospital?" Claire asked the captain. They had brought Vicky to the floor where the team lived.

"They'll be searching for her at hospitals," the captain said.

"Sarah! Is she waking up?" Claire asked, as the female member came out of the room Vicky was in.

"She's lost some blood. I got the bullet out. She should be fine with some rest," Sarah replied.

A few hours passed, Vicky woke up, to find herself in a clean, luxurious room. She was lying on the bed; her wounds were bandaged. She looked around, and saw her jacket on the table. There were a new set of clothes left for her. Vicky didn't bother to put them on, instead she walked straight out of the room, holding her bullet wound.

"You should be in bed," Sarah said, seeing Vicky coming out of the room.

"Who are you?" Vicky asked.

"Sarah," Sarah said, walking closer to Vicky, to aid her. Vicky took a step back, putting her hand out, asking Sarah to stop.

"She's with me," the captain said.

"You," Vicky said sighing, and let Sarah help her.

"You need to rest. There's some new clothes for you, in the room," Sarah said.

"I saw them," Vicky said.

"Why don't you get dresses up? There are some friends I want you to meet," the captain said.

"What makes you think I'd want to meet them?" Vicky asked.

"Don't you want to thank them?" the captain asked.

"Ok. I'll meet them," Vicky said rolling her eyes. Sarah took Vicky back into the room, and sat her on the bed. She also took the new clothes to Vicky.

"Do you need any help?" Sarah asked.

"No. I think it should be fine. Thank you," Vicky replied.

"I'll be outside if you need me," Sarah said, and went out of the door. Vicky got dressed in the new clothes. She was wearing a black tank top, and jeans. She looked at her jacket, which was washed. She wore it, and walked out the door.

"I'm ready," Vicky said looking at Sarah.

"The guys are waiting downstairs," Sarah said.

The two floors were connected, like a two story house.

Vicky and Sarah walked down the stairs, with Sarah supporting some of Vicky's weight. The captain saw them walking down, and looked at them.

"This is Vicky. She's an old friend of Blaze, Alex and Manic," the captain said, and continued, "Vicky this is Colton, Dash, Miles and Kane."

"What are you doing?" Claire asked, entering the room.

"Introducing the team to Vicky," the captain replied.

"Max, we don't even know is she's a friend or foe," Claire said.

"She has a point, Max. How do we know that this is not one of their plans? An undercover agent?" Miles said.

"We don't," the captain replied. Vicky was looking back and forth, as the group spoke about her.

"Guys! I'm still here," Vicky said. All of them turned to Vicky.

"Can we trust you?" Claire asked.

"You? No," Vicky replied.

"Are you working for them or not?" Miles asked.

"So you're going to take my word for it?" Vicky asked.

"Could you stop talking in circles and answer the question," Claire said.

"Why?" Vicky asked.

"Kid. Answer the question," the captain said.

"Captain. I just got shot by my brother's best friend, who also may have killed or aided in killing my brother. So what do you think?" Vicky asked looking at the captain.

"I think you're a broken kid that needs repairing," the captain said. Vicky looked at him.

"Does that mean we can trust her or not?" Claire asked.

"I think we should be able to trust her," the captain replied.

"If you betray us. I'll be the one putting a bullet in you," Claire said.

"Looking forward to it," Vicky replied, with a smirk.