Chapter 11 - Get It Done, or Die Trying

A day passed, Vicky was in her room, the whole of the previous day. She was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling of her room, her mind running the endless possibilities of the different styles of lives she could live. Some of the lives were good, some worse than what she presently had. Vicky was mesmerised by her own imagination, that she could barely hear the knock on the door.

"Come in," Vicky said.

"Max wants to see you," Sarah said entering the room. Vicky was already dressed in a white tank-top, and jeans. She was wearing her white shoes, and grabbed her jacket, following Sarah.

"Where are we going?" Vicky asked.

"Max is in Claire's office," Sarah replied, as they entered the elevator. The two of them had a quiet ride on the elevator. Sarah took Vicky to Claire's office, where the whole team was.

"You're here. Shall we proceed?" Claire asked looking at the captain. The captain nodded, and Claire continued "We haven't heard much about Manic and his mission lately. I think we have the upper hand on this. I was thinking maybe we should find their safe house, and break into it."

"They have ability jammers. How do you suggest we get around that?" Dash asked.

"We don't have to. We've got Icicle," Claire said pointing at Vicky, "Everything will be fine. She can get the jammers before…" Claire paused as she was interrupted by Vicky.

"Listen… princess. I don't have any type of military training, or anything, but even I know after a few thoughts of everything is fine leads to things getting much crazier than it was," Vicky said.

"Oh please. What do you know about anything? You're just some orphan who plays a video game all day, and have you ever heard of the phrase 'Lightning never strikes in one place twice'?" Claire asked.

"I'm not just an orphan who plays a video game all day. I'm the one who planned several of the heists we pulled off, all that aside. You want to know the truth; you get struck by lightning. You get back up, you think everything's going to be fine. You start to walk off, only to be struck by lightning the second time, except this time it does more damage, because you were only recovering from the previous trauma. And for the record, thunder does strike the same place twice," Vicky said slamming her fist on Claire's desk. She held her bullet wound in pain, and stepped back. The team looked at Vicky, and then at Claire, who seemed to have nothing to say.

"Are you having a mental breakdown?" Claire asked. Vicky smiled.

"If that's the only comeback you have. This team is not going to win any war," Vicky replied, and walked out of the room. The captain followed after Vicky.

"Kid," the captain said walking behind Vicky.

"What?" Vicky asked turning around, facing him.

"I know Claire can be a little positive sometimes," the captain said and got cut off by Vicky.

"Positive? More like delusional," Vicky replied.

"Hear me out," the captain said.

"Fine," Vicky said staring at him, with her hands crossed over her chest.

"Claire might give commands while we're in the office, but I'm in charge on the field. So the plan will go according what she said, with a little changes. I'll also try my best to keep you safe," the captain said.

"What about Mia and Rachel?" Vicky asked.

"I'll send a few of our guards there," the captain said.

"You don't need to keep me safe. Just keep them safe," Vicky said, and walked back into Claire's office. Claire looked at Vicky, and then the captain, who walked in after Vicky.

"So like I was saying earlier. Vicky gets into the game, and gets all the jammers. You guys close in on Vicky's location. Once Vicky gets the jammers, she'll open the way for the team to get in," Claire said, with a broad smile.

"This happens if everything goes according to plan. What if the safe house is not empty?" Sarah asked.

"That's Vicky's problem, she'll have to clear everything and get the mission to work," Claire said. Vicky looked at Claire and nodded.

"Are you sure you can get this done?" Colton asked.

"Get it done, or die trying," Vicky replied.

"What use would you be to us if you were dead?" Kane asked. Vicky looked at him.

"Ok. We'll say you managed to get in, get the jammers. How are you going to get us in?" Miles asked.

"There's a code that Alex typed on the panel. 284769," Vicky said.

"Are you sure?" the captain asked.

"I think so," Vicky said.

"I guess that's it. Go get ready," Claire said.

"Do you guys know where the safe house is?" Vicky asked.

"Yes. We set a tracker on Manic," Claire said.

"We got a location before he discarded it," the captain said. Vicky just nodded her head.

"Get going now," Claire said. The team walked out, Vicky followed them to a room filled with pods. The members started getting into the pods. Vicky stood staring at hers. The captain was the last to get into the pod, and so noticed Vicky hesitation.

"Kid. You ok?" the captain asked.

"No. I might not make it out alive, Captain," Vicky said.

"You don't have to call me captain. You can call me Max," the captain said.

"I think captain suits you much better," Vicky said with a smile.

"You'll make it out alive. You are stronger than you think. That gunshot wound. Standing up to Claire. You're like a sleeping dragon," the captain said.

"I don't know if that's a compliment, or a bad thing," Vicky replied.

"Kid. We'll talk after the mission. You got this," the captain said, patting her shoulder and stepped into his pod.

"Get it done, or die trying," Vicky mumbled, and stepped into the pod.

Vicky woke up in Manic's safe house, in the game. Manic was standing in front of her with the time freeze jammer.

"We've been waiting for you," Manic said.