Chapter 13 - Back at The Base

"Captain. Why didn't you work according to the plan?" Vicky heard Claire's voice. Vicky couldn't see anything. Her eyes felt heavy.

"We almost died, and all you care about is your plan?" the captain asked.

"My father wants results. If I can't give him results, what's the use of me being in charge of security. He'll give my position to my brother," Claire said annoyed.

Vicky opened her eyes, and found herself in a room in the base. Claire and the captain were talking a few feet away from her.

"It's my fault," Vicky said sitting up on the bed.

"You! You are supposed to be one of the best, but you're nothing. You can't get anything done without any help. You are USELESS," Claire yelled at Vicky. Vicky looked at Claire, and back at the captain. She pulled up the head-up display, and logged out of the game. She had flashbacks of the day of the fire in her house, while getting out of the pod. She wanted to leave the building. Tears came from her eyes, and she felt like she couldn't breathe.


"Vicky! Leo!" Vicky's mother said.

"Mom. Dad. What's going on? What's that smell?" Vicky asked in a soft voice, walking to the kitchen.

"Is that petrol? Dad?" Leo asked looking at their father who was holding a lighter.

"It's time to leave this place. A new place is awaiting us," their father replied, dropping the lighter to the ground. The whole room lit up in flames. Leo grabbed Vicky closer to him. Their parents were burning in front of them, Leo closed Vicky's ears as their parents screamed, and dropped to the ground.

"We are not needed here anymore," their mother whispered, while burning, and fell to the ground.

***Present Day***

Vicky walked out of the building, and came to the parking lot. It was empty. She fell on the ground and started crying. She felt so alone, and just wanted someone to find her, to comfort her, but no one came.

A few moments passed. Vicky stopped crying, and just sat on the ground, leaning on the wall.

"Vicky. Where have you been?" the captain asked, and noticed Vicky was just slumped on the wall. He sat beside her, quietly.

"None of this is going to bring them back," Vicky said.

"Nothing is going to bring any of them back," the captain said.

"You lost anyone?" Vicky asked.

"I was a soldier. I lost a lot of people," the captain replied.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through this pain several times," Vicky said with tears building in her eyes.

"Vicky. Everyone goes through this pain," the captain said.

"I know, but why. Why does everyone have to go through this pain? Why?" Vicky asked tearing up, she kept her head on the captain's shoulder. The captain smiled, and looked at Vicky.

"I had a daughter once. She would have been around your age," the captain said.

"What happened to her?" Vicky asked.

"She died in a car accident. She was so happy to get her car. A drunk truck driver came face to face with her car. After the accident, it didn't even look like a car," the captain said, staring in front of him.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Vicky said crying. The captain hugged her. They sat there for a few more minutes, and Vicky got a phone call.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" the captain asked. Vicky pulled out her phone, and saw that it was Mia.

"Mia," Vicky said answering the phone, and getting up.

"Vicky. You're working with them?" Mia shouted.

"You don't get it. Manic is not who you think he is," Vicky said, taking a few steps away from the captain.

"Just like you are not who I thought you were?" Mia asked.

"He killed my brother," Vicky said. The captain heard this and got up, and looked at Vicky.

"And how do you know that? Let me guess Raina Corps told you," Mia said.

"I saw the gun with Blaze. Mia please trust me," Vicky said.

"Trust you? You just betrayed us," Mia shouted.

"What about the times I trusted you? How many times have I put my life on the line for you? How many times did I stand by you when you betrayed people? People that didn't have to be betrayed," Vicky said.

"That's different," Mia shouted.

"Oh so when you betray someone its fine? If I do it, then it's all wrong?" Vicky asked.

"You're crazy. You always have been. Like that time, you brought that Charlie, or someone to my house," Mia said.

"Wait! Is Chase there?" Vicky asked.

"Yes. I don't want to talk to you either," Mia shouted. Vicky stared blankly in front of her and turned to the captain.

"Who's Chase?" the captain asked.

"B-L-A-Z-E," Vicky mouthed.

"Plates?" the captain asked. Vicky rolled her eyes.

"Say SOMETHING," Mia shouted.

"Oh! Uh! We are coming," Vicky said.

"Don't ever come to my house. EVER," Mia shouted, and cut the line.

"Chase, who you guys know as Blaze is ay Mia's house," Vicky said, and continued "I thought you said, you were sending guards there?"

"I sent guards there," the captain replied.

"Great," Vicky said, and turned around to go out.

"How are you going to get there on time?" the captain asked.

"Hmm… I'll figure something out," Vicky said. The captain raised his eyebrows. "Fine. I'll go with you," Vicky blurted. The captain smiled, and took a key from his pocket. He walked to an old car.

"We'll take this," the captain said, unlocking the car doors. It was a manual door lock, so Vicky waited until he unlocked the passenger side door.

"I like your taste in cars," Vicky said, getting into the car.

"These were the cars we had back in my day," the captain said.

"How old are you? Sixty?" Vicky asked.

"Do I look sixty to you?" the captain asked.

"I don't know. You sound sixty when you say stuff like that," Vicky replied.

"What doesn't sound 'sixty' to you kids?" the captain asked. Vicky shrugged. The captain started the engine of the car, and looked at Vicky.

"Maybe you're not that old," Vicky said.

"No I'm not," the captain said, driving off.

The captain and Vicky arrived at Mia's house.

"This is the place," Vicky said, trying to get out of the car.

"No. You stay here. I'll go in and get them out," the captain said.

"I want to help," Vicky replied.

"You have a fresh wound, that you are so desperately trying to hide by acting tough," the captain said.

"Can I have a gun… at least?" Vicky asked.

"No," the captain replied.

"I've got weapons training… after playing video games," Vicky replied.

"Just stay here. Don't touch anything. I'll be back," the captain replied, and got out of the car.