Chapter 14 - Back Together

Vicky watched as the captain walked around Mia's house, and went towards the back. She slumped on the seat, and looked around.

"So many buttons," Vicky said looking at the centre console.

"Don't touch anything," Vicky heard the captain voice saying.

"Ok. Ok. Not touching anything," Vicky said, and sat quietly.

Meanwhile, the captain took his pistol out, and walked to the back door. He opened it, and heard Chase and Mia talking.

"I still can't believe she'd do something like this," Mia said.

"No one expected her to do something like this," Chase said.

"I thought she was my best friend," Mia said.

"We all thought she was someone else," Chase said, and continued, "Is Rachel here?"

"No she went to school," Mia replied.

The captain walked into the kitchen, where he was able to get a glimpse of Mia and Chase. The captain snuck closer to the duo. He finally came out of his hiding spot, with his gun drawn.

"She's coming with me," the captain said, holding his gun at Chase.

"Captain. Glad to meet you in person. Not that the earlier you, was not you, but we were in the game, and now we're in…," Chase said, and was interrupted by Mia.

"You talk too much," Mia said, and hit a vase on Chase's head.

"What's with you girls and vases?" Chase asked holding his head. The captain took the opportunity to hit Chase with the back of his gun. Chase passed out on the ground.

"Captain," Mia said.

"I'm with Vicky. We need to go now," the captain said. Mia followed the captain out of the house, and into the car.

"You're back… with Mia," Vicky said, and continued "I didn't touch anything." The captain looked at Vicky, and started the engine, and drove off.

"My sister and mom. They are at the volunteer counselling… thingy," Mia said.

"That place near the mall?" the captain asked.

"Yep. You been there?" Mia asked.

"I'll tell my team to get them," the captain replied, fully ignoring Mia's question.

The captain's team had just logged out of the game, when the captain called Miles.

"Max," Miles said answering the phone.

"Miles. I need you to get Rachel Wilson, and Amelia Wilson from the volunteer counselling site," the captain said.

"We expecting company?" Miles asked.

"Not exactly sure, just be ready," the captain replied.

Back in the car, the captain got off the phone.

"How do you know my mom's name?" Mia asked.

"Forgetting that Claire was in your head?" the captain asked. Mia sat quietly in the back seat.

"Hmm… I should take some talking lessons from you. Never seen anyone shut Mia down that fast," Vicky said. The captain smirked, while Mia stared out of the shutter. Vicky raised her eyebrows, and smiled.

Meanwhile, the rest of the captain's team was getting ready, with pistols, and other hidden weapons. They were wearing full suits, just like any other bodyguard.

"No weapons until they shoot. Understood?" Miles asked.

"Yep," Dash replied. The rest nodded their head.

"Why are we all going to get two people out?" Colton asked, walking out with Miles, and the others following.

"It's to make sure they're safe. Max said we're not sure if we'll have company," Miles said.

"So the more, the merrier," Kane replied.

The team arrived at the Volunteer Counselling site.

"Anyone have eyes on them?" Miles asked, looking around the area. It was crowded inside the building.

"No. I don't think we'll be able to find anyone in this crowd," Dash said

"Why not ask the receptionist?" Sarah asked, pointing towards the receptionist. Miles walked over to the receptionist.

"Hi. We are looking for Amelia Wilson," Miles said.

"Doctor Wilson is in the left wing, third room," the receptionist replied.

"Thank you," Miles said. The team went to the room the receptionist told them about. The room was empty, so the team walked in. Mrs. Wilson was talking with Rachel.

"My office hours haven't started yet," Mrs. Wilson said, looking at all five of them.

"Mia sent you right?" Rachel asked.

"Yes," Miles replied.

"Rachel?" Mrs. Wilson asked.

"Mom, she texted me," Rachel said.

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Wilson asked looking at Rachel. Rachel looked at her phone, and showed the text Mia sent her, which described what the team looked like.

"Ok. I'm convinced," Mrs. Wilson said.

The captain, Mia, and Vicky arrived at Raina Corps. The captain took them to their floor. Mia and Vicky sat on the couch.

"You got my family, right?" Mia asked.

"They should be fine. I trust the guys I sent," the captain replied.

"Do you trust them?" Mia asked looking at Vicky.

"Since when did I trust…," Vicky said and noticed the captain looking at her, and thought about how Sarah saved her. "I trust them," Vicky said, staring at the captain.

"If you trust them. Then I trust them too," Mia said. Vicky smiled at Mia, and leaned back on the couch.

After waiting for a few minutes, the team came with Mrs. Wilson and Rachel.

"Mia," Rachel said running to Mia. "Vicky," she said, looking at Vicky.

"Rachel," Vicky said. Rachel looked at her.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" Mrs. Wilson asked.

"I'd like to know too," Claire said entering the room. Rachel looked at Mia, who in turn looked at Vicky. Vicky looked at the captain. The captain looked at the rest of his team, who was also looking at him.

"Blaze visited Mia, at her house," the captain said, and was interrupted by Claire.

"And did he attack you?" Claire asked looking at Mia.

"No," Mia replied.

"He would have," Rachel said.

"He shot me," Vicky said.

"See we needed rescuing," Mia said.

"Yes or else we would have died," Rachel said. The captain started smiling.

"You see Chase… or you guys know him as Blaze. He's dangerous. He could smile at your face, and then stab you in the back, both literally and metaphorically," Mia said.

"Ok. Ok. I don't want a bunch of kids telling me how they might have died," Claire said angrily.

"Kids. Who are you calling KIDS?" Mia asked, getting up from the couch.

"You're just old," Rachel said.

"Mia. Rachel," Mrs. Wilson said. The two of them stayed quiet.

"Watch your tone," Claire said. She looked at Rachel, Mia and then at Vicky, who was giving the most intense death stare to Claire.

"Do we have another mission?" the captain asked.

"Yes. Can we have a word privately?" Claire asked looking at the captain. Claire turned around and walked away, with the captain following close behind.

"She's rude," Rachel said.

Claire took the captain to a private room.

"What's all this?" Claire asked.

"They needed to get out of there. The less allies Manic have the better," the captain replied.

"Max, I need results, by the end of this month, or my dad will give my position to my brother. Trust me you don't want that to happen. I am going to give you full control for the next three days. I want you to capture Alex," Claire said. The captain looked at Claire for a few minutes.

"I guess I better get going then," the captain responded.

"Ok," Claire said and left the room.

The captain walked back to the area where the others were.

"We can't keep all four of you here," the captain said.

"It's fine, we have a cabin out of town. Only family knows where it is, I guess we'll be fine there," Mrs. Wilson said.

"We don't have a pod there," Mia said.

"Mia. I don't think you can log into the game yet. You logged out at Manic's safe house," Vicky said.

"Well you got out," Mia said.

"I almost died," Vicky replied.

"This is not fair," Rachel said.

"Nothing is ever fair," Vicky said looking at Rachel, and continued "It's for your safety."

"Since when did you care about our safety?" Rachel asked.

"Since when did we need protection?" Mia asked simultaneously. Vicky looked at the captain and Mrs. Wilson for help.

"Since I care about you two. You guys are the only family I have left. I am not losing you guys too," Vicky said.

"We'll leave in the morning tomorrow," Mrs. Wilson said.