Chapter 15 - Common Traits

The team was seated in the living area, with Vicky, Mia and Rachel. Mrs. Wilson was in her room. They were planning on how to capture Alex. They had been there for hours; it was almost night.

"We've been planning this for hours. I'm bored," Vicky said yawning.

"How do you even get anything done without proper planning?" Dash asked.

"Live in the moment," Mia replied.

"That might work for you but not for us," Kane said.

"Is that what happened in the base?" Sarah asked looking at Kane. The team started laughing beside the captain. Vicky, Mia and Rachel sat awkwardly watching them.

"Looks like everyone is sliding away. How about a break?" the captain asked looking at his team.

"Fine by me," Colton said. The captain took the plans off the table, and looked at the team.

"How about some champagne?" Mia asked.

"With a game of "Guess why"," Rachel said.

"I'm game for some champagne," Dash said. He and Mia walked to the kitchen.

"What's "Guess why"?" Sarah asked.

"You name a person you wish was dead, and then everyone else has to guess why," Vicky said.

"Want some?" Mia asked carrying champagne bottles. The whole team replied with a simple head nod sideways.

"Dash! I don't want a hungover soldier," the captain said.

"Looks like it's all yours," Dash said, sitting on a couch.

"Want some?" Mia asked looking at Vicky.

"No," Vicky replied.

"Why'd you have to be such a bummer?" Mia asked. Vicky looked at her with a straight face.

"I don't think you want to hear it," Vicky replied.

"Can I have some?" Rachel asked looking at Mia.

"No," Mia replied. Rachel pulled a pouty face, that Mia completely ignored.

"Please?" Rachel asked. Mia looked at Rachel, and drank from the bottle. The captain smirked.

"So let's start playing the game now. Who wants to go first?" Mia asked, she looked around, and no one said anything, so she continued "I'll go first then. I'd say Vicky."

"Hey! Why would you want me dead?" Vicky asked, astonished.

"I know, because she brings trouble," Rachel said.

"No," Mia responded.

"Because she says savage stuff?" Kane asked.

"Hey!" Vicky said.

"Actually that's one of the traits I love about her," Mia said, with a smile.

"Well I doubt anyone's going to guess this," Colton said.

"Here goes. It's because, if Vicky wasn't here, I wouldn't be alive," Mia said. Vicky smiled, and looked at the ground.

"I'm next," Rachel said.

"Go ahead," Dash said.

"Hmm… I'd go with Manic," Rachel said.

"Cause then no one will be in this mess?" Sarah asked.

"Partially yes," Rachel replied.

"Because then we'll not have a world to save?" Mia asked.

"What? No," Rachel responded.

"I think you are going to have to spill," Kane said.

"Cause then Vicky wouldn't turn into such a sob person," Rachel replied.

"Hey! Why do I have a feeling that this turned into a game of attack Vicky," Vicky said. Mia and Rachel started laughing, the team was smiling.

"I guess you're up next kid," the captain said, looking at Vicky. It was pretty obvious that it was going seated order at this point.

"Great. I'm going to go with my mom's mom," Vicky said.

"Oof, you're going to attack family like that?" Dash asked.

"Depends on what you mean by family," Vicky replied.

"Family is blood," Colton said.

"Well them your definition of family is different to mine," Vicky said.

"No one said it stops at blood," the captain said. Vicky looked at him and smiled.

"Is it because she didn't take you in when you guys were orphans?" Rachel asked.

"No," Vicky replied.

"I want to know this so spill," Mia said.

"If it wasn't for her, I'd be living my perfect life. No crazy fire, crazy birthdays, or any of this," Vicky said angrily.

"Wow! You really hate her," Mia said. Everyone looked at Vicky.

"Who's next?" Vicky asked.

"I guess that would be me," Sarah said, and continued "I'd say… I really can't think of anyone."

"Come on, you got to have someone," Rachel said.

"A client I once had. He thought that I couldn't defeat this guy, because I was a girl," Sarah said.

"You do know that reasons come after we guess, right?" Colton asked.

"My bad," Sarah said. They played the game for one full round, and then decided to go to sleep.

The next morning, everyone was awake. Rachel, Mia and Mrs. Wilson were ready to get into a taxi, and go to their cabin.

"I'm going to miss you," Vicky said, and hugged Mia.

"What have I told you about hugging me?" Mia asked.

"That you like it," Vicky said sarcastically. Rachel started laughing.

"You want one too?" Mia asked.

"I got plenty more hugs," Vicky said.

"No. No. I'm good," Rachel said.

"Take care of yourself," Mrs. Wilson said, hugging Vicky.

"I will," Vicky said, and hugged Mrs. Wilson back.

"You better take great care of her," Mrs. Wilson said looking at the captain.

"I will doc," the captain replied. She smiled at him and got into the taxi.

Vicky, and the captain walked back into the building.

"Do you know Mia's mom?" Vicky asked.

"I've gone for therapy there. Didn't work out," the captain said.

"Hmm," Vicky said. The captain looked at her.

The captain called the team, including Vicky to the living room.

"I'm thinking by now the plan is clear. So we go into the game, execute it, and get out," the captain said, and continued "Any question?" The team didn't budge an inch. "Ok let's go," the captain said.