Chapter 19 - Traitor

"We need to get out of here. We'll deal with Dash later," the captain said.

"Which side did you guys come from?" Colton asked.

"I think we've been going in circles for a while, but someone else says otherwise," Miles said looking at Vicky.

"I think it's safe to say that we came from that direction," Vicky said pointing behind them.

"It still doesn't make sense why we saw the same tree twice," Kane said.

"Come on guys, we got to move, before they get us," the captain said, running towards the direction Vicky pointed. They all followed him one by one.

After running through the forest, while being shot at, they eventually found the end of the forest, and Manic's people had stopped shooting at them.

"Where's the helicopter? He said he'll be here," Miles said, walking a bit further and looking around.

"By any chance, could Dash have taken the helicopter to go back to the base?" Vicky asked.

"You mean a distraction, to infiltrate the base?" Sarah asked.

"That explains why they stopped shooting at us," Kane said.

"We need to get to the base, now," the captain said. Vicky pulled up her head-up display, and spawned her car.

"I'm sorry guys, but this is all I have, besides the bike," Vicky said looking at the team.

"Well it's going to have to do," the captain said. Vicky got into the driver's seat, with the captain in the front passenger seat, and Kane, Miles, Sarah and Colton squeezed into the back seat.

"Could someone mark the base on navigations?" Vicky asked.

"I'm on it," Sarah said, opening the head-up display. Vicky started driving off.

"We've got a lot further to go. I wonder if we'll make it in time," Vicky said.

"We'll focus on getting their first, kid," the captain said.

Vicky was driving towards the city, when two cars started following them.

"Are they following us?" Vicky asked.

"Looks like it," the captain replied.

"Do we get rid of them?" Kane asked.

"No not yet. Not until they shoot at us," the captain said.

"Where'd that rule come from?" Vicky asked, looking at the captain. The captain looked at Vicky, who just nodded at looked back at road.

"I think there's more vehicles following us now," Sarah said, looking at the two SUVs following them. Vicky's phone started ringing.

"It's Blaze," Vicky said, looking at her phone. Her phone was connected to the car.

"Answer it," the captain said. As Vicky answered the phone, Blaze was heard through the speaker.

"Blaze," Vicky said.

"Icicle. Are you being followed right now?" Blaze asked.

"Why?" Vicky asked.

"Because your friends at Raina Corps have a lot of enemies. All I had to do was give them your location, and they were more than happy to do the rest," Blaze said.

"I knew you were always this pathetic, but Manic… I thought he was a more of a face-to-face fighter," Vicky said.

"Even Manic knows the difference between being suicidal and stupid, and being strategic and logical," Blaze said.

"Wow. I didn't even think you had those words in your vocabulary," Vicky said.

"I'll talk to you later… if you make it out of this one," Blaze said, and cut the line.

"Now what?" Colton asked, and Vicky's phone rang again.

"Who's it this time?" the captain asked.

"Crystal," Vicky replied. She answered the phone.

"Hey. There was no one in the safe house, so we managed to get out. Where are you?" Mia asked.

"For once I'm glad you called," Vicky said, and continued "We could use some backup. Blaze gave out our location, and we're being followed. I bet they'll start shooting in a while too."

"Ok. Where do we meet you?" Mia asked.

"Get on the ramp where the races start," Vicky said, and continued "Get ready for a big war."

"You want bikes or cars?" Rachel shouted.

"Hi," Vicky said.

"Hi," Rachel said.

"That's your choice," Vicky said, answering Rachel's question.

"We're going on bikes," Mia said to Rachel.

"Can I drive?" Rachel asked.

"Then who's going to shoot?" Mia asked.

"You can," Rachel replied.

"Guys two bikes, two riders," Vicky said.

"Yay! I get to ride," Rachel screamed in excitement.

"Stop shouting," Mia said.

"Oh sorry," Rachel said.

"Guys. Hurry up, I'll meet you on the highway," Vicky said.

"Ok. Bye," Mia said and hung up the phone.

"How do you guys get anything done?" Colton asked.

"How do you guys not get anything done?" Vicky asked. She looked at Colton through the rear view mirror, who had nothing to respond with. The captain smirked.

"We just caught Alex, and got the captain and Colton out," Kane said.

"Yeah, only after I joined," Vicky exclaimed.

"Yeah right," Colton said.

"Is that a roadblock up ahead?" Sarah asked. There were two cars blocking the road, with gunmen pointing their guns at the car.

"Captain. Can we do this one my way?" Vicky asked looking at the captain.

"And what's your way?" Colton asked.

"Captain?" Vicky asked looking at the captain, who was thinking. "Yes or no?" Vicky asked.

"Ok. As long as things are fine, once it goes crazy, we do stuff my way," the captain said. Vicky smirked, and started to slow down.

"What are you doing?" Miles asked. Vicky stopped the car, a few metres away from the roadblock. The vehicles following them came to a halt too, they got out of the vehicles, and pointed their weapons at the car. The team had nowhere to go, and was blocked in by the middle rail, and the vehicles.

"You better know what you're doing," the captain said.

"Stay in the car," Vicky said getting out of the car, and closing the door. She walked to the front of the car, and looked at the roadblock.

"Icicle. I didn't think you were a traitor," a guy said walking forward from the roadblock.

"Lake," Vicky said.

"He's not alone," a girl said, walking forward with another girl and a guy.

"Aren't they some of the best players?" Colton asked looking at what was happening.

"Yes. Lake, Daxton, Zoe and Erika," Sarah said.

"She's going to need help," Miles said.

"I don't think so," the captain said.

Lake, Daxton, Zoe and Erika took their weapons out. Lake took out knuckle dusters. Zoe had hook-swords. Erika equipped herself with a morning-star, and Daxton armed himself with a spear

"You can still avoid a fight, by surrendering," Daxton said.

"Since when did I surrender," Vicky said, taking out her dual karambits.