Chapter 20 - The Highway

The highway was now a fight zone, with Vicky fighting off Daxton, Erika, Lake and Zoe. Vicky threw her boomerang at Zoe, who ducked right on time, to avoid it. The boomerang came back to Vicky, who threw it again, to buy time, so she could attack them one at a time. Her foes were distracted by the boomerang, but not for long, as Vicky had to keep throwing it back and forth. All the other players in the roadblock stood watching the fight. The captain and his team, stayed back too.

"You can't hold this up for any longer. Surrender," Lake said, while fighting Vicky. Vicky smirked at him, and punched him in the face. She managed to him push him back in time, to defend herself from Erika's morning-star. Unbeknownst to Erika, Vicky's boomerang was following the arc through her, to Vicky. Erika got hit by the boomerang, on her back, and fell to her knees. Vicky pulled out the boomerang from Erika, and threw it towards Zoe. Zoe was charging towards Vicky, and dodged the boomerang. Vicky then threw both her karambits at Zoe, it pierced through both her shoulders.

Lake saw that they were losing, and pulled out his pistol, aimed it at Vicky, and shot it. Vicky heard the gunshot, and froze time. She turned to look behind her, only to see the bullet right next to her, if she had frozen time a few seconds later, the bullet would have already hit her.

Vicky took her karambits from Zoe, and attacked a frozen Lake, and Daxton. Once the timer of Vicky's special ability came to zero, Lake and Daxton fell to the ground. Vicky ran back to the car, as the other players started shooting at them.

"We need to get out of here," Colton said, looking at everyone shooting at them. The other players were getting closer to the car.

"I can see that," Vicky said revving the engine.

"You think we can make it out of there?" Miles asked looking at the roadblock.

"If we go at the right speed, and knocking the vehicles off the right place. We should be able to," Sarah replied.

Vicky started racing towards the roadblock. Players in front of them jumped out of the way. Vicky knocked the cars at the roadblock right in the middle, allowing them to squeeze through.

"Why didn't you use your time freeze earlier?" Colton asked.

"It doesn't always come to mind in the middle of a fight," Vicky replied.

The other vehicles followed behind the car, shooting at them.

"Shouldn't we be shooting back?" Kane asked.

"You could if you want to. The car is bullet proof and invincible, so you don't need to worry about it exploding or something. But shooting will help to get rid of them," Vicky replied.

"Max. What do you think?" Kane asked.

"I say we shoot," the captain said. He put his head out of the shutter, and started shooting. Kane and Miles did too.

Vicky drove along the highway, and on an entry road onto the highway, Mia and Rachel emerged on bikes.

"Icicle. Can you hear me?" Mia asked on Vicky's earpiece.

"Yes. Crystal," Vicky replied.

"So what are we doing today?" Rachel asked.

"Do you want us to split them up?" Mia asked.

"No. I want you to get behind them, and then cut them out one by one," Vicky replied.

"Won't they start shooting at us?" Rachel asked.

"We'll be shooting at them too," Mia replied, and slowed down to get behind the vehicles following the team. Mia and Rachel attacked the vehicles in the back, causing their enemies to panic.

"Guys, get ready to shoot," Vicky said, and looked at the captain. She smirked, and pulled a hundred and eighty degree turn. Vicky took her pistol out, and proceeded to shoot the vehicles following them, all the while, driving backwards. Vicky turned the car back around.

"What was that?" the captain asked.

"Someone need to take the wheel," Vicky said. She looked at the captain.

"What are you going to do?" Miles asked.

"Watch," Vicky said, getting up from the seat, and climbing out of the shutter. The car didn't slow down, as Vicky and put on cruise-control.

Vicky successfully passed the driving to the captain, and climbed up to the roof of the car. She opened her head-up display, spawning her bike. She jumped onto it, which faced the vehicles following them. It was a dangerous task, as the other vehicles were coming at her at high speeds, and the bike was stationary. Vicky revved the engine of the bike, and proceeded to ride towards the vehicles. She rode directly onto a bonnet of a car. She pulled a wheelie, so the bike would go up the car, and shot the driver through windscreen. She rode over the car. She managed to get to the back of the vehicles, and turned the bike around to follow the vehicles. Vicky joined Mia and Rachel on the bikes.

"You bring them?" Vicky asked looking at Mia. Mia pointed to Rachel, who gave Vicky five grenades.

"I know what you're going to say. There's only five, but see," Mia said showing another five more grenades.

"Ready?" Vicky asked, looking at Mia on her left, and Rachel on her right.

"We were born ready," Rachel said.

"Cover us," Mia said, as Vicky and Mia went into the last line of vehicles.

Vicky rode up to an SUV, where a player had his gun out, and was shooting at the team. Vicky shot the guy in the head, and threw the grenade into the SUV. The grenade burst inside the SUV, causing the SUV to lose control. Mia did the same to another vehicle. Vicky and Mia got all seven vehicles.

"Maybe we should learn from them," Colton said, looking at what was happening behind them. Vicky rode up to the car.

"We'll follow you guys to the base. Making sure no one else follows us," Vicky said, aligning her bike, with the captain's side shutter.

"Thanks kid," the captain said nodding his head at Vicky. Vicky nodded her head back at the captain.