Chapter 22 - Boxed In

"Captain. Where are we going?" Vicky asked while following the captain. They were walking through a corridor.

"The armoury. We have some high level weapons there," the captain said.

"Do you always let them treat you like that?" Mia asked. The captain turned back and looked at Mia.

"At least I can say I know when to talk back, and where my place is," the captain replied, and then turned back around, and kept walking.

"Well I know where my place is too. And it definitely isn't here," Mia said.

"You could always leave if you want to," the captain said.

"I am not leaving without Icicle," Mia said.

"Captain. She has a point. These guys treat you like dirt," Vicky said.

"Not you too," the captain responded.

"Why aren't you answering anyone's questions?" Rachel asked.

"If I knew you guys were going to pick on me, I wouldn't have tagged you guys along," the captain said.

They kept walking for a few more minutes, in silence.

"How much more walking?" Rachel asked.

"A bit farther," the captain said, turning into another corridor, and got thrown back to the wall behind him. Vicky was walking behind the captain, and soon moved away, pushing back Mia and Rachel too.

"What was that?" Mia asked. Vicky peeked around the corner, and turned towards Mia and Rachel.

"We're under attack by Daemon," Vicky said.

"Like 'The Daemon?" Mia asked.

"No some random guy dressed up like Daemon and who has powers like that too," Vicky said. Techno music started playing in the direction Daemon was. Daemon was Caiden, with a different wardrobe, but no one knew it.

"Oh my goodness. He's one of the best players. He literally plays techno music every time in a fight. They say the music kills players too," Mia said.

"Really not helping right now," Vicky said. She looked at the captain, who was lying on the ground. Vicky tried grab him, but Mia pulled Vicky back.

"Don't. You need to freeze time. We won't be able to get out of this without having an upper hand," Mia said.

"Are you sure about this" Rachel asked.

"Trust me. Freeze time, and then attack him, he won't know what hit him," Mia said.

Vicky followed Mia's intructions and froze time. Despite the time freeze, Vicky could still hear the music from Daemon. Vicky peeked around the corner, and threw her boomerang, and came out with her sword drawn.

Daemon was not frozen in time, and attacked Vicky's boomerang with his sword. The boomerang fell to the side. Daemon stretched out his hand, ready to use his power. His hands turned purple, and purple rays came at Vicky, throwing Vicky back. Vicky held her sword in front of her, which reduced the attack on Vicky. She was still being pushed back slowly. Daemon stopped his attack, and took out his blades again.

"'Freeze time… he won't see it coming,'" Vicky said imitating Mia's voice, and continued "Now I have to fight this guy… alone… for sixty seconds."

Vicky and Daemon started to dual. Daemon attacked Vicky, who blocked both Daemon's blades, with her sword. She was giving all her strength into defending herself. Without Vicky's realisation, the timer on her freeze time power had run out.

"Vicky, duck," Mia shouted, as she jumped into the fight from above Vicky, kicking Daemon in the face. Mia had hidden weapons, which meant her weapons were not visible while she did not require it. This time Mia was equipped herself with a war hammer.

Daemon kept blocking Mia's attacks with the war hammer, thus Mia retorted by hitting the hammer on the floor, which cause Vicky and Daemon to be thrown away. Vicky sprang to her feet, just in time to see Mia jump to smash the hammer on Daemon, but Daemon used his powers and threw Mia across the corridor.

The captain was starting to gain consciousness, when he saw the chaos unfolding in front of him. The captain got up, and charged with his super strength. Daemon used his power on the captain, but it wasn't working, because the captains power was countering it.

The trio stood facing Daemon in the corridor.

"Crystal, go high. Icicle, I need you to go low," the captain said, looking at Mia and Vicky who were on the two sides of him. Mia and Vicky both nodded their heads, and charged along with the captain. Vicky kicked Daemon's legs, which cause him to lose balance. Vicky's attack combined with Mia's kick to the head, cause Daemon to fall to the ground. Daemon sat up, but the captain used Mia's war hammer, and hit Daemon in the air, causing him to crash into the wall behind him. Daemon fell unconscious on the ground.

"That was fun," Mia said.

"Getting beaten up?" the captain asked looking at Mia.

"Now there's two of you," Mia exclaimed.

"That was awesome," Rachel said jumping out in excitement.

"Our mission isn't complete yet. We need to secure the armoury," the captain said. He walked towards the armoury.

"What about him?" Rachel asked, pointing at Daemon.

"He won't be waking up for a while," the captain said.

The team finally arrived outside the armoury. The door to the armoury was open, and the guards were dead.

"I think they've already been here," Mia said. The captain walked into the armoury, followed by the rest. The captain looked through the crates, to find that nothing was taken.

"Anything taken?" Vicky asked looking at the captain.

"Nothing… This is a diversion, we need to go," the captain said walking towards the door. The door to the armoury was a heavy metal door, with locks on the outside. As the captain walked near the door, someone from the outside shut the door, and locked them in.

"What was that?" Rachel asked looking at Mia and Vicky.

"Someone locked us in," the captain replied.

"We need to get out of here," Mia said walking towards the door, and hitting it.

"That's not going to work," the captain said looking at Mia. Mia ignored the captain, and kept hitting the door. Rachel stood next to Mia, not knowing what to do. Vicky scanned the room to find another way out. All the while, the captain slumped on the floor.