Chapter 23 - An Enchanted Weapon

While Vicky, and the team was going through their ordeal. Sarah, Colton, Miles and Kane were following orders, and heading towards the prison. The four of them were armed with guns, and kept a low profile, while searching for an infiltrator. They arrived at the prison, where nothing seemed out of the ordinary. They talked to the prison guards, and entered the area with the prison cells.

Most of the cells they passed through were empty, in the final cell, Alex sat on the bed staring at the wall.

"I didn't expect any visitors today," Alex said.

"Has anyone else visited you?" Miles asked.

"Who else is going to visit me, besides you guys?" Alex responded.

"Where's Dash?" Kane asked.

"Who's Dash?" Alex asked.

"He's a traitor, he's working for you guys," Miles said.

"The only traitor I know is Icicle," Alex replied. Sarah looked at Miles, and called him aside.

"I think he's telling the truth," Sarah said.

"Don't trust him. He might be lying, he might even have seen Dash around here," Miles said. Miles and Sarah went back, and stood in front of the cell. Kane and Colton were standing away from the cell.

Alex was seated on the bed once again.

"I didn't expect any visitors today," Alex said.

"Didn't he sat that before?" Sarah asked, looking at Miles.

"Who else is going to visit me, besides you guys?" Alex responded.

"Ok. Something is not right here," Miles said.

"Who's Dash?" Alex asked.

"Why is he repeating the same things he said earlier?" Sarah asked.

"I think it's a hologram," Miles said. He tapped on the panel, and took off the force field.

"Miles? What are you doing?" Kane asked. Colton and Kane walked towards them. Miles put his hand on Alex's shoulder, instead of touching Alex, his hand went through the hologram.

"I knew it," Colton said, looking at Miles.

"We need to find him," Miles said, and continued "I should probably tell this to Max too."

"Yeah," Kane said.

"Max. Alex has escaped," Miles said, holding his earpiece. There was no response from the captain.

"Why isn't he responding?" Colton asked.

"Max. Alex has escaped," Miles repeated, holding his earpiece. The captain still did not respond.

"Something's not right," Sarah said.

"Where did he say they were headed?" Miles asked.

"He didn't say anything about where they were headed," Kane replied.

"Most likely the armoury. It seems like a sensible place to secure in case of a break in," Colton said.

"We need to find Alex, and Max too. Colton, Kane, try to find Alex. If you do find him radio back. Sarah and I will try to find Max," Miles said. The four of them set out to find Alex and the captain.

Meanwhile, inside the armoury, Vicky, Rachel and Mia were still trying to find a way to escape. The captain was searching through the weapons in the armoury.

"Maybe your super strength can bust us out of here," Rachel said looking at the captain.

"That door? My super strength is not enough," the captain said.

"What are you doing?" Vicky asked. She looked at the captain, who was now searching through closed crates.

"I am searching for a special weapon… This," the captain exclaimed, pulling out a sword. The hilt of the sword was decorated with a lion, and more engraved designs. The sword was single-edged. There was a slight curve at the bottom.

"No way, that looks so cool," Rachel said. She was intrigued by the weapon.

"Where'd you get that from?" Vicky asked.

"The programmer who made the game. He said use it only when needed, because it's a very powerful weapon," the captain said.

"Do you know what the sword is called?" Vicky asked, walking towards the captain.

"I heard it's a traditional sword," the captain.

"It's a kastane. A tradition, and ceremonial sword in Sri Lanka," Vicky said.

"You seem to know more about the sword than I do," the captain said.

"I have Sri Lankan ancestry," Vicky said.

"Is the sword going to help us get out?" Mia asked.

"The swords power can only be harnessed by a few people. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them," the captain replied.

"So it can't help us out?" Rachel asked.

"No. Not with me at least," the captain replied.

The captain held the sword in his hand, with the scabbard. He sat down on the ground. Vicky, Mia and Rachel sat on the ground too. They had all lost hope of finding a way out. Almost as on cue, the armoury door made a sound of being unlocked.

"Wow! Couldn't have thought these kids would give up so soon," Miles said opening the armoury door.

"Trust me, it took them a long time give up," the captain said, walking towards Miles. They all got out of the armoury. The captain still had the kastane in his hands.

"What are you going to do with that?" Sarah asked looking at the kastane in the captain's hands.

"Find someone who's worthy to harness its power," the captain replied.

"What kind of power does it hold?" Mia asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's enchanted," the captain replied.

"Intriguing," Mia said.

"Look at that. Someone's learning big words," Vicky said without skipping a beat.

"Really? You never miss a chance to pick on me do you?" Mia asked. Vicky smirked.

"She does have a point. Never seen you use such big words," Rachel added, teaming up with Vicky.

"Oh my gosh," Mia exclaimed.

"Do you guys hear that?" Kane asked, making everyone quiet down. A faint sound of techno music could be heard. It was growing louder and louder.

"Daemon," Vicky said.