Chapter 24 - The Chosen One

Kane and Colton, calmly walked around the base, searching for Alex. Claire was searching for the captain, when she came across Kane and Colton.

"Where's Max?" Claire asked. She was clearly very angry.

"We don't know," Kane replied.

"How could you not know where he is?" Claire asked. She was fuming with anger.

"Are you okay?" Colton asked.

"I just found out that Caiden is Daemon. The captain was attacking him," Claire said.

"Max won't attack anyone, without them attacking him first," Kane said.

"You don't get it. Don't you see, maybe Max is the traitor. He even chose to go with Crystal, Icicle and Dia," Claire said.

"How do we know that you're not working for Manic?" Kane asked. Claire was taken back by the question.

"Why would I work with Manic? I've been working to take him down all this time… Oh my… I can't believe you have the audacity to ask me that," Claire shouted.

"Listen, go back to your office. I don't think it's safe for you to be out here," Kane said.

"I can fight too," Claire said.

"It's not that you can't fight. It's that we can't afford to lose you," Colton said. Claire stopped being rude and looked Colton.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes," Colton replied. Claire smiled at him, and headed towards her office.

"Let's keep searching for Alex," Kane said. They were walking through a corridor, when they heard a sound from one of the storage rooms. Kane made hand gestures to Colton, telling him to open the door.

They walked through the door, their weapons were ready to fire when necessary. The storage room consisted of most of the big jammers that were too large to fit in the armoury. Colton walked towards the HUD jammer, to find a few wires pulled out, and a part of the jammer missing.

"Kane. I think they've got the code for the HUD jammer. The code-box is gone," Colton said. He was facing the jammer, and then turned to Kane.

"That's not good. They could use it on anyone," Kane said.

"We need to report this to Max," Colton said.

Vicky, Mia, Rachel, Sarah, Miles and the captain were staring into the air in front of them. They had nowhere to go, since the armoury was at a dead-end.

"Captain? Any good ideas?" Vicky asked.

"There's nowhere we can go. Either we lock ourselves in the armoury, and hope we're found again, or we face Daemon," the captain replied.

"I say we deal with Daemon once and for all. We'll end this here," Rachel said. She armed herself with her pistols.

"I'm with my sister on this one," Mia said. She equipped herself with her war-hammer.

"We defeated him once, we can do this again," Vicky said, pulling out her sword.

"We need to keep the weapon safe," the captain said showing the kastane, and continued "We can't let Manic, or even Daemon to have it."

"We'll protect it," Vicky said.

"Okay then. You guys ready?" the captain said, securing the kastane on his hip.

"We're always ready," Sarah said. Miles, Sarah and the captain had their guns out.

"Wouldn't a plan be good?" Miles asked.

"Make sure he doesn't get out of here," Mia replied.

The music kept getting closer, and closer. Soon Daemon was in their sight. The captain stood up front using his super abilities. Everyone else got behind in a line. Daemon tried using his powers, but like earlier, the captain's powers were countering it.

The team charged at Daemon, who defended himself, by attacking one person at a time. Members of the team found themselves scattered on the floor.

"He's too strong," Mia said, standing up. Vicky was also on the ground, and sprang to her feet.

"We need to attack together," Vicky said. The two of them charged at Daemon, who used his powers on Vicky and Mia, and threw them back to the ground. The captain attacked Daemon, thinking he was distracted. Daemon turned towards the captain, and defended himself, by shoving the captain back. The captain crashed into the wall. The kastane caught Daemon's eye. He stepped forward to grab it, but the captain slid it to Vicky. Vicky grabbed the kastane in time, to avoid Daemon from getting it.

Vicky looked at the sword in her hand, as it started to glow gold.

"What are you doing?" Mia asked looking at Vicky.

"I… I don't know… I didn't do anything," Vicky said. Vicky took the sword out of its scabbard. The kastane kept glowing. Vicky used the kastane to attack Daemon. Daemon blocked the attack with his dual blades. Unaware of the power of the kastane, Vicky watched as it cut Daemon's blades.

"Whoa!" Rachel exclaimed.

Daemon looked terrified of what he saw. He tried to escape, but the team surrounded him. The captain held his hand out for everyone not to attack.

"Surrender," the captain said. Daemon looked at everyone, and used his power. He turned to attack everyone. The captain walked up to Daemon, and hit him with the back of his gun, causing Daemon to fall unconscious.

"You should never ask them to surrender. They never do," Mia said, staring at the captain.

The kastane was still in Vicky's hand, but it stopped glowing.

"What happened?" Rachel asked, and continued "That was so cool! I've never seen anything like that."

"Max, Miles," Kane's voice said on the earpiece.

"Kane," the captain replied.

"The code-box to the HUD jammer is gone," Kane said.

"You think they took it?" Miles asked looking at the captain.

"Anything else I should know?" the captain asked.

"Caiden is Daemon," Kane replied.

"Caiden?" the captain asked.

"Yes. Claire said she saw the fight. She thinks that you're the traitor," Kane said.

"You think they might have already got out?" the captain asked Vicky.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they had already escaped," Vicky replied.

"Everyone meet up in Claire's office," the captain said, walking away.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Vicky asked raising the kastane.

"Keep it," the captain replied.

"What about him?" Mia asked pointing at Daemon.

"Bring him," the captain responded.

"I am not dragging that guy," Mia said walking away.

The team walked into Claire's office. Kane and Colton were already inside. Claire was relaxing on her seat. Kane and Colton had not told her anything about Alex's escape.

"So what happened?" Claire asked looking at the captain.

"Alex escaped, and we lost the code-box of the HUD jammer," the captain said.

"How did Alex escape? And what's a code-box?" Claire asked.

"It's a small box that contains the code for most of the things in the game," Vicky replied.

"How did Alex escape?" Claire asked.

"We don't know. We're guessing Dash had something to do with it," the captain said.

"Why did you attack Caiden?" Claire asked.

"Caiden?" the captain asked.

"Caiden is Daemon," Claire replied.

"He attacked us first," Mia said.

"He wouldn't have attacked you without a reason," Claire said.

"Well he did," the captain said.

"Find me Alex, and bring him back here. I'll deal with Caiden," Claire said.

"My team needs a break," the captain said.

"Fine. Do whatever you want?" Claire screamed, and walked out the office.

"Wow! She's sure is crazy," Mia said.

"Everyone log out. You guys need to get some rest," the captain said.