Chapter 28 - The Garage

"Hurry up," Vicky said rushing down the stairs. Mia and Rachel were close to her. Clara was a bit further away, assisting the staff members. Claire was even farther away than Clara.

The soldiers outside the building had made a defensive circle. They were able to attack most of the zombies, but a few escaped through their circle them, and got into the building.

They safely got out of the building, with Vicky and Mia attacking any zombie that came near them.

"Where are we going to go?" Claire asked.

"We first need to get to our old safe house. There's a vehicle there that could help us," Vicky said.

"What vehicle?" Mia asked.

"It's one of Leo's old vehicles," Vicky replied.

"Leo had a zombie proof vehicle?" Rachel asked in astonishment.

"I'd be surprised if he didn't," Vicky replied, shooting a zombie with her pistol.

"How are we going to get out of here," Clara asked.

"We get to that bus. We need to help everyone we can to get out of here," Vicky replied, and continued "Follow me."

Vicky and Mia took point, the others followed after them. There were seven staff members that decided to stay with the group. Vicky defended the group from zombies that were charging towards them.

"Everyone on the bus," Mia said, as the doors to the bus opened. The staff members, Clara, Claire, Rachel, Mia and Vicky finally got on the bus. Mia was in the drivers seat.

"Hurry up Crystal, or we're going to be zombie meals," Vicky said, looking at the zombies running towards them. Mia started the bus, and drove away from the base.

"That was close," Rachel said, walking up to Vicky and Mia. Vicky was standing at the front of the bus, near the doors that were now closed.

"Have you tried to logout?" Vicky asked, looking at Rachel.

"No. I don't want to logout," Rachel said.

"Dia. Just pull up your HUD," Mia said. Rachel followed Mia's instructions, but the head-up display did not open.

"It's not opening," Rachel said. Vicky checked her gauntlet, it had not been affected by the HUD jammer.

"My gauntlets still working," Vicky said.

"Check your new powers," Rachel insisted.

"There's nothing new on this thing," Vicky said, poking around on her gauntlet.

"Check for something called upgrades," Clara said, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"There's nothing like that," Vicky said. Clara walked up to Vicky, and looked at her gauntlet. She too tried searching for the upgrades section.

"Interesting. There's no upgrades. How is that possible?" Clara asked turning to Claire. Claire gave out a sigh.

"Those upgrades are special. Not everyone gets them," Claire replied.

"What do you mean not everyone gets them?" Clara asked. Claire walked up to Clara.

"Sit down. We need to talk," Claire whispered to Clara.

"Why are you whispering?" Clara asked, and continued "I don't want to sit down."

"Stop making a scene," Claire whispered.

"Why am I always the one making the scene? Have you ever wondered if you're the cause for all the drama that goes around your life?" Clara asked.

"Okay. I'll tell you. It's fine right, you want everyone to hear this, so here goes. You think you're one of the best players in the game. The reason you came so far is because dad made sure to lower the ranks of the enemies, each time you go into a fight, there's a programmer that reduces the power of your enemies. You have more special abilities that anyone else in the game. So yeah. You are probably one of the worst players in the game," Claire said coldly. She walked back to her seat.

"You're lying," Clara said. She was angry and hurt by the words her sister had thrown at her.

"Why would I be lying? You just saw evidence on Vicky's gauntlet. She doesn't have any of the abilities that you have. You get upgrades frequently. You think other players get frequent updates too. If there's anything I've learnt about you, it's that you're really delusional," Claire said, and sat on her seat. Clara walked to Claire's seat and the two started arguing.

"Psst… What are we going to do about those two?" Mia asked, whispering to Vicky.

"I don't know. What do you guys do when you argue?" Vicky asked, whispering back to Mia.

"We usually stop talking and stay away from each other," Rachel replied, she too was whispering.

"Someone needs to teach these zombies road safety," Mia said loudly, knocking a zombie down.

"Could you drive faster?" Vicky asked.

"I could. If the bus went any faster," Mia replied.

Zombies kept falling from the sky, while the bus drove through the city. They finally arrived at their old safe house. Mia stopped the bus, right in front of the safe house.

"Rachel, Clara, stay here and protect the bus. Mia, you're with me," Vicky commanded. Vicky and Mia got out of the bus, and went into the garage.

"Are you sure that Blaze didn't steal the vehicle before the zombies started falling?" Mia asked.

"I doubt it," Vicky said. A low growl came from inside the garage. Vicky and Mia approached the source of the sound, in silence. The only light in the garage, was coming from the open gate, thus the two were walking into a dark spot.

Vicky picked up a torch from a nearby table, and switched it on. She pointed the torch towards the source of the sound. Vicky was taken back by what she saw. A large beast, that had eight legs placed like a dogs legs, and had a spiked tail like a porcupine, except the spikes were turned outwards. The beast was about half the size of Vicky, it had two horns on its head, the shape of it's face resembled that of a cat, it had two ears, which consisted of two points each.

The beast made eye contact with Vicky, and pounced on her. Mia charged the beast, with a warhammer, but the beast turned towards her, and threw her back with its paws. It gave a low, fierce growl, and stood in front of Vicky, almost as if defending her. Mia sprang to her feet, ready to attack. Vicky too got on her feet.

"Get away from my friend," Mia shouted, and ran towards the beast. The beast once again threw Mia back. Mia did not fall to the ground, and tried to counter it's attack, but the animal used its claws to scratch Mia.

"Mia!" Vicky said rushing towards her. The beast gave out a cold roar, and growled at Vicky.

"I'm fine," Mia said getting back on her feet. Vicky took out her sword, and pointed it towards the beast. The beast roared once again at Vicky, and charged towards her, Vicky stood defending herself with her sword. The beast leaped over Vicky, to attack zombies that were walking towards them.

"I don't think it's war is with us," Vicky said. The beast attacked all the zombies. Vicky and Mia were watching, as the fight was over in minutes. The beast walked back, towards Vicky and Mia, and roared. It turned around, facing the open gate, and lied down.

"So it doesn't want to kill us?" Mia asked.

"I don't think so. I mean if it wanted to, we'd be dead by now," Vicky said.

"Hmm… We should give it a name," Mia said.

"It's not a pet," Vicky said, walking towards another gate. She rolled the gate up revealing the vehicle she was telling everyone about.

"That's definitely going to turn the tables on the zombies," Mia said with a smirk.