Chapter 29 - Disintegrating Zombies

Vicky and Mia stood staring at the vehicle. It was a car, which was covered in metal. The front of the car had spikes fitted to it. All the shutters on the car were covered with metal, except for the windscreen, and a bit of the rear glass. There was a metal mesh put on the glass, to protect the passengers in the car.

"It looks awesome, doesn't it?" Vicky asked, as she opened the car door. The two of them got into the car, and Vicky started the engine. They drove out to the entrance of the garage. The beast was blocking their way out. It gave short growls.

"I think it wants to come with us," Mia said.

"You think its going to fit in here?" Vicky asked.

"Yes," Mia replied, she got out of the car, and opened the door to the rear passenger seat. The beast crept into the car. Vicky rolled her eyes, as Mia came back into the car.

"Where to now?" Rachel asked through the earpiece.

"Let's go out of the city, check if we can logout," Vicky said.

"Okay," Rachel replied.

Vicky and Mia were driving in front, while Rachel was driving the bus, and following them.

After driving for hours, the group arrived at one of the bases on the outskirts of town. The base was still under control by soldiers, and they let the group in. A soldier took them to the barracks. Claire and Clara were still angry with each other, and refused to even sit next to each other.

"We can pull up our HUD," Mia said, opening her head-up display. Vicky checked it out too, and she was able to open her head-up display as well.

"What are we going to do now?" Rachel asked.

"We should go back to the real world, and bring reinforcements," Mia insisted.

"I'm with Crystal," Claire said.

"Everyone okay with the plan?" Vicky asked. She looked at Rachel and Clara.

"No problem with me," Clara said.

"I think it's a good plan," Rachel replied.

The five of them opened up their head-up display. A soldier ran in just in time to give them a message.

"There's a large zombie outside. We need help," the soldier said, running towards them.

"Claire, Clara, logout and bring us reinforcements. You two with me," Vicky said, looking at Rachel and Mia.

"I want to stay and fight too," Clara said.

"Clara. We have to go now," Claire said. Clara unwillingly, opened her head-up display, and logged out with Claire. Vicky, Mia and Rachel headed out of the barracks. The beast was lying on the ground next to the group, it too got up, and followed after Vicky.

The large zombie was outside the base. This base had a forcefield on top of it too, protecting the base from the zombies that were falling from the sky.

"How did it get here?" Rachel asked.

"No clue," Mia replied.

"Maybe there's more than one of them," Vicky said.

"Great!" Mia exclaimed.

The three of them and the beast charged at the large zombie. The beast gave a large growl, and leaped into the air, grabbing onto the zombie's hand. Mia, and Rachel attacked the zombie's leg. Vicky threw her boomerang at the zombie's hand. The zombie dusted the hand the beast was holding onto. The beast dug it's teeth into the rotten flesh of the zombie, but the zombie threw it off.

The soldiers at the gate, were shooting at the zombie as well. The zombie started to carry vehicles, street-lamps, and anything it could find, to throw at the gate. The base was not only being attacked by the large zombie, but by human sized zombies too.

Vicky froze time, and attacked the human sized zombies. Once the timer on her power ran out, there were much less human sized zombies.

"Dia! Crystal! Keep these small guys at bay," Vicky ordered. Mia and Rachel followed Vicky's orders, and distanced themselves from the larger zombie, to attack the smaller ones. As they kept attacking smaller zombies, a car flung by them.

"Make sure the big guy doesn't throw stuff at us," Mia shouted.

"Working on it," Vicky shouted back. Despite them shouting, they could only hear each other through their earpiece.

After a while of fighting, the large zombie hit Vicky to the ground. She got back on her feet. The beast was also thrown back by the large zombie. Vicky looked at the beast. The beast looked at Vicky too, and gave a loud growl. It ran towards the zombie, as Vicky ran towards the beast. Vicky had her sword drawn, and as the beast leaped into the air, Vicky jumped on the beast, allowing her to get to the zombies head. Vicky swung her sword at the zombie's neck, decapitating it.

Even though the large zombie had been dealt with, the fight was not over yet. A large horde of zombies charged towards the base.

"Icicle. I don't think we can hold these guys for much longer," Rachel shouted. Vicky and the beast joined Mia and Rachel, to defeat the horde.

"Where's our reinforcements?" Mia asked, while fighting the zombies.

"How am I supposed to know? Do I look like I can see everything that's happening simultaneously?" Vicky asked, she too was attacking zombies.

"You act like it sometimes," Mia replied.

"It's hard to imagine you can't," Rachel added.

"Can we stop talking and concentrate on attacking these guys?" Vicky asked.

"Where's the fun in that?" Mia asked.

"Well I don't think getting eaten by a zombie in a virtual reality game is fun," Vicky replied. They were overwhelmed by the number of zombies.

"There's too many of them," Rachel said, as she was almost put down by two zombies attacking her.

"Retreat to the barricades," Vicky said, holding back the zombies, to aid Rachel and Mia. Vicky gradually retreated to the barricade.

"We could really use those reinforcements right now," Mia said, arming herself with a gun.

"Why are you telling us about reinforcements?" Rachel asked, taking out her pistols.

"Who else am I supposed to tell that we need reinforcements?" Mia asked.

"Keep it to yourself," Rachel replied, shooting at the zombies.

"Are you turning into a mini Icicle?" Mia asked.

"I think she's turning into a mini you," Vicky replied, shooting with her pistols. They were having their conversation while shooting at zombies. The noise was too loud, thus they were inaudible, and could only hear each other through their earpiece, despite being only few feet away from each other.

"Why can't she be turning into a mini you?" Mia asked.

"I'm not a mini anyone," Rachel ranted.

"I think she's a mini both of us," Vicky said.

"I'm going to have to agree with you on that," Mia said.

"I'm a mini me," Rachel screamed, shooting at the zombies.

Out of nowhere, the zombies started to disintegrate one by one.

"What's happening?" one of the soldiers asked, looking at the zombies.

"I think that's our reinforcements," Vicky said looking at Mia. The other soldiers were intrigued as well, and kept talking to each other.

All the zombies disintegrated, and disappeared into the air. The redness in the sky became back to normal. The sun was setting, as the trio had spent their whole day in the game. Cheers were heard from the soldiers, and inside the base.

"Looks like we can finally go home," Mia said.